Clap clap clap.. not one but two.. oh yeahhhhh... now lets see how much insurance is gonna cover bef i decide which body to get wooohoooooooooo chicken dance!! i feel sooooo alive!!
Oh how i miss these kinda shots!
She took one bite and thats it... papa had to finish em up errr.. shes super selective when it comes to dessert! - I see the similarity to hubs...
Can u see Sentosa island?? hahaha.. lap u long time!
I am on a diet.. muahahha sureeee!
She grows up too fast!! can u believe that my little girl has grown up in front of so many sisters and aunties - and also uncle (who sleeps in the kitchen while tumbuk sambal belacan hahaha) - thru this blog??

Was one tiring day for her... took her to her fav indoor playground and she came out of there looking like this.. all sweaty and tired...
... still no matter how tired she is... she never failed to say "Oh thank you mama.. i like it".. awwww
Have a good weekend everyone and happy baking!

Rima ,luvvv d photos !! New camera ya ?Enjoyyyyyy
Great! Now boleh savour your delicious looking Picca hari2 hehe
gerammm sangat tengok sonia tu...
happy weekend to u too... dah muda remaja dah anak dara u ni rima..hehe m sure ramai dh line up nk masuk minang hahaha :D
How time flies, kan kan kan lepas ni sure sonia lg tinggi dr akak bila duk kat sebelah :D kuda putih akak nmpk still the same until now, oooppsss.. Akak pun sama jugak cuma chubby sikit ahaks! Nice pics! N yg paling suke gmbr sonia yg tgh berpeluh n kepenatan she looks hotter! Aaawwww!
hubs got me 2 lens that i can play around with my sister camera.. will get the body once my insurance dah settled.. if dapat byk it will be 7D if sikit.. harus lah downgrade sikit angan angan ku but dah dapat lens pujaan ku semalam.. dah happy sangat!
hahaha hari hari?? walau pun dah beli lens if masa tetap sama.. tetap tak leh take pic hari hari cos tak boleh bake hari hari huhu
cepat membesar kan.. nanti bila dah anak dara.. agaknye suruh ambik gambar pun tak nak
haha papa dia kata.. dia nak beli senapang gajah bila dia masuk teenagers ahaks
uaahhhh dah chubby banyak!! harus kah ku stop membaking pound cake cos dalam byk byk cake.. pound cake lah satu satu nye yg membuat ku makan dan makan .. tak kira siang and malam huhu
Kuda putih ku proudly say.. eh i look good now that i am chubbier.. err ya lah.. better dari dulu.. kudut hehehe
"who sleeps in the kithen while tumbuk sambal belacan".....hahahaha macam pakcik Mat Gebu jeee tu...hahahaha....tapi 1st time masuk blog Rima, terus CM fall in love oredi lahh... ^__*
lovely lovely sonia n all :)
Salam Rima,
Lovely pics. Sonia memang photogenic. You must be so proud of her (and protective too). Daddy pun tampam (mesti puji nanti merajuk pula, macam suami saya, kalau puji2 baby, dia mesti tagih compliment untuk dia, vain lah tu!) Love your blog and your cakes. You are blessed!
Happy Sunday Kak Rima..!!!
Wahhhhhh...!!!! Ade lens baru!!! So professional looking pics..!!! I loike many many.... I minta my fiancè camera 7D jugak instead of bag for hantaran... Haha.. He said crazy... Sebab berat... Hahahahah..... Tapi takpe.... Itew surat PB sudah mari... Muahha.... Kaya kejap je pastu kayap...
Oh Sonia, da 2 kali jumpa kak rima tapi tak jumpa si Gorgeous nie plak... Dapat dgr her voice je that time... And oh my oh my... Her cheeks ... So rosy.... Hehe..
Happy weekend...!!!
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