Time: 9:10pm
Weather: Warm and breezy...
Venue: Padma Resort, Bali
Mood: Awesome!
Peak Agenda: What can i say.. this is what happens when ur having fun and facebook.. its so much more easy to load pics and say a few words in fb than blogging but again no matter what.. my blog is my first love.. err besides baking and family of cos hehe
We got here safely yesterday right after zohor.. got ourselves checked into Padma Resort (where hubs' conference is) and since yesterday both Sonia and I hv been sort of "busy" hehe.. I ate too much passion-fruit and in the end i had a bad tummy ache yikes! thank goodness hubs took along pochai pills.. took a bottle and the urge to go to the loo went away like magic.. i guess u dont call pochai, "magic pills" for no reason ey hehehe
So far i've gone out of this resort once.. dont know if i will explore it on my own again.. see how.. probably i will since i found a very nice Nasi Padang restaurant near our resort.. Sonia is having a blast here.. this resort has a kids club with full day activities and each time i wanna take her out of there she will gv me all sort of reasons not to.. honestly?? i dont mind.. they keep the kids occupied.. they had a feed the squirrels session.. feed the fish session.. nail painting.. tshirt painting.. flower picking.. etc etc etc.. (will show pics in my next entry ok)
Sonia waiting to board the plane...
Big smile fm hubs..
The Spa area.. ula la la.. will story later ok!
Resort is huge... i hv been walking around and taking pics!
I really love this kinda doorway! oh this door leads to the Club lounge where i spend my time sipping on cuppa ahaks
You know ur in Bali when u see these sort of statues.. (opp our room)
One more shot!
Our room with garden view..
Both Sonia and me hv this habit of checking out hotel toilets bef everything else lol
Sonia was scared of this... we managed to make a joke out of this and she seems ok...
Ohhhhh we loved this thang.. last night we were invited by by Pak Soejoedi and family for dinner... they took us to Jimbaran for seafood dinner... the last time i had seafood by the beach was when i was in Phuket.. back then i was with my boyfriend (now hubby) and Hairi... that was 9 years ago!...
The corn was grilled and later splashed with some sort of chilli.. was spicy and at the same time delish!
Hehehe... need i say more?? it was a full on dinner... i was hungry and ate quite a bit.. OK OK not a bit but lots .. everything was grilled... loved it!!
Sonia and her toy... this girl ate rice with telur mata sapi and kicap ABC hehe... and she's happy... what an easy girl to please...
Ahhhh seee.. evidence... lucky hubs took this pic with different camera setting hahaha
Sonia's baby sitter ;) .. thank you Ivan!

bestttttt nyerrrrrr k. Rima!!!!!! Bali i am coming!
Come come!! if ade anak.. kira ditanggung beres.. can go shopping and spa anytime hehe
Rima..cantek sangat gambar2 tu..suke tengok..ada lagi tak..hehe..
U sure are having a blast babe! beautiful pics except...that one pic arr..jgn kata Sonia, ai pong terperanjat beruk sket..quick tell me that joke..hahahaha!
Ohhh heaven!!....wait!, Tu pic no 2 = Napoleon Bonaparte ke?...hehe..
hohoho..patutla xde entry baru..pegi bercuti rupanya..happy holiday kak rima!
shiok ny kak..tibe2 rindu lak nk makan nasi padang.nyum2...mesti gambo tu mangap ny gede..i stil can see your mouth..muahahaha..
gi bali.....
geramm tengok gambar sonia tu..comeiiiiii
Kak Rima,
Try dah nasi padang at warong sederhana? Kalau belum, dia tak jauh from harley davidson and FOS Billabong ngan apa ntah kat Kuta tu..
too many .. will try to do it by today .. tmrw afternoon we fly to Jakarta
hahaha actually us too! benda tu aleh aleh was there.. mana sonia tak terkejut berok.. we said nothing lah.. and this thing is playing guitar and quickly tell her another story morey..
U shud come here and chill lah babe... take the spa thingy.. relax ur mind for 2 and half hrs
muahahaha oh heaven!!! i will let him know once hes done with his conference hehe
i work hard.. i play hard hehehe.. ty and will do!
actually kan gi mana pun .. i loike.. cos tak payah masak and kemas rumah hahaha
i dont know what is the name of the nasi padang place that we ate.. nanti tengahari when i go there again to buy my nasi i will take note of it but last wkend while kat dalam kereta i saw that harley davidson thingy.. jauh jugak wei nak pi sana.. kena naik teksi lerrr
muahahha shhhh... tak peduli lah.. tak toleh kiri kanan.. perut lapau haha
That checking of the toilet ritual... my family does that too! Ingat kita aje yang jakun..lol! Have a good time!
hehehe bukan jakun lah.. kita kan telaten .. toilet harus big and spacious.. boleh main lari lari..
happy holiday k.rima
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....ketinggalan kapalterbang sudaaahh akak ni...xdan nak ikut....bestnyaaaaaaaaa gi Bali pulak daaahh....really love your wonderful pics Rima, rasa mcm ada kat Bali la jugaakkk...hahahhaa, ok la tu kaann.. ^___^
*Rima, habit mula2 masuk bilik check on toilet first tu mcm akak jugak laaaa....hehe
Rima, love your pics!! Seronoknya gi Bali, belum berjaya kecek hubby ke sana!
OMG! jagung jimbaran w chilli flavour! the best!!! heard padma's REALLY good! love the pics..rindut!!!! :p
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