
Blueberry Oreo Chiffon Cake

My first bake since we got home fm Jakarta.. I bought a couple of recipe books while in Titan and have been itching to try out some of the recipes.. now.. buying a baking book can be pretty tricky.. i usually will follow my heart.. pick up any book that i think i wud bake most.. place it in my basket and thats it.. i will for sure flip once just to see if the recipe book has lots of pics.. no pics .. no game hehehe

Anyway i think by now u girls wud hv noticed that i hv tried most of the recipes fm Natural Cooking Club .. i decided to email Yeni (shes one of the 7 moderators in NCC) and let her know of my interest of getting a few books that were published under NCC to be sold in my store.. after exchanging emails.. we finally set a date for the books to be delivered to Mulia hotel and oh boy was i into a surprise.. Yeni delivered the books herself and for a change i was star struck :) ... she was super friendly and thru that i got to know more abt the NCC group.. ty mbak Yeni for coming all the way to meet me.. Insyallah we shall meet again..

So back to this recipe.. one of the recipe books that i bought was Chiffon Cake Mini.. thought its worth the buy since both Hairi and Sonia are chiffon cake lovers and guess what.. to date.. my son has eaten 7 slices of this blueberry oreo chiffon cake.. Sonia ate 2 slices in one sitting and hubs loves it to bits.. the cake is moist and super light.. i think the blueberry yogurt adds a huge different in this chiffon cake.. awesome recipe!

6 egg yolks
100g blueberry yogurt
150g flour - i used cake flour
4g baking powder
100g caster sugar
3g salt
100g vegetable oil - i used canola oil

6 egg whites
1g cream of tar tar
100g sugar
50g of blueberry oreo - cut into tiny bits
enough blueberry paste or purple colour

- Preheat oven 150C
- Whisk egg yolks with sugar till pale in colour.. add in yogurt and also oil.. add in ur sifted flour, baking powder and also salt.. lastly add in purple colour (i used wilton gel) - set aside
- In another bowl.. whisk egg white with cream of tar tar till foamy.. slowly add in sugar a little at a time and whisk till soft peak.
- Scoop 1/3 egg white meringue and add to egg yolk mixture.. fold in gently. once combined.. pour ur egg yolk mixture into meringue and continue to fold in gently and lightly.. once mixed pour half of ur mixture into a 22cm tube pan.. sprinkle half of ur oreo blueberry.. pour the rest of ur mixture and lastly throw in the rest of ur oreo bluberry..
Bake it for 50mins.. once baked.. turn ur chiffon pan and once its cool.. take it out of ur pan..

Tomorrow am planning to bake another type of chiffon cake and also if time permits i wud love to try out one of the cookie recipes fm Sedap recipe book.. i hv this feeling that i will be baking daily since hubs will not be around fm wed onwards.. yikes! till then.. hv a good rest and happy baking!

For those that hv ordered.. the mac sheets have arrived and i will be sending them out end of this week...For those waiting to pre-order the mac sheets... i will reopen stock once the current shipment has been sent out...

Source: Chiffon Cake Mini by Dapur Aliza


Anonymous said...

I love the color... Thanks for sharing the recipe:) hope to try this out soon...


Rima said...

No worries.. Lemme know how it turn out yah.. good luck and happy baking!

Fatimah said...

Rima, I have read somewhere but vaguely remember that kalau nak bake chiffon, mesti nak guna bukan non-stick pan becoz that will help the cake to rise better. Is that so ? Do we need to grease the pan before pouring the batter in?
Pernah dulu-dulu try bake chiffon but turned out bantat....huhuhu
Any tips ?
TQ - fatimah

atie @ ejay said...

salam kak rima
hihi saya pun suuuka tengok color kek tu.. tp yg penting rasanya.. mesti laaaaagi best:)

Rima said...

yes correct.. u use chiffon mould and dont grease ur mould.. jgn beli yg non stick tu ok.. beli yg old timer style hehe...

Rima said...

memang sedap.. bila tengok si hairi dok ulang alik dapur.. in my heart berkata kata.. sure sedap tu sebab budak ni makan laju ajer.. i get to rasa after berbuka tadi.. alhamdullilah.. sedap banget buk!

Dewi said...

Salams Kak Rima,

Weeeee... Purple colour i like..!! Hahah.. I love to eat chiffon cake and i always end up buying coz ive never tried baking chiffons... Mcm segan silu la... Hahah...

What size chiffon pan u use ehk? Mane tau tgh jln2 i leh g beli tapi buat nye ntah bila... Heeeee... :))


Rima said...

yep yep.. sonia's and me fav colour too! beli tak shiok lah dewi.. boleh tercekek tekak bila makan.. bake it urself lah.. u can hv any kinda chiffon cake yg u suka bila u bake it urself..

I hv two chiffon pan.. 22cm and also 28cm.. usually if i am using 6 eggs recipe i will use 22cm chiffon pan.. i like my chiffon cake tinggi :op

Ribbon and Circus said...

Kak Rima,

Semalam including you, all 5 bloggers yg I follow baked chiffon cakes. Macam National Chiffon Day pulak. He he

Cantik kaler going to get myself a chiffon mould today! :p

dapurCikWan said...

sedap tu..kalau dah cukup bahan2 nanti boleh cuba buat.. =)

dapurCikWan said...

love purple!

K.Nor said...

kek chiffon pun my fev. too..dah lama aim nak buat satu resipi kek chiffon ni tp asyik delay jer.. sebelum ni nor pernah gak buat kek chiffon dan letak yogurt, mmg moist tp sebab masa tu guna silicon mould, kek ku drop dan lepek.. hehe.. so kesian dia tak leh nak glamer dlm secubitgaram :)

HaSue said...

wow..menariknya kak rima..rasanya bluebry yogurt tu yg bg tekstur moist kn..
Apa2 pun setuju sgt no pic no game..haha.tgk pic baru smngt sket nk cube kn.. :-)

Slmt bcuti kak. .!

MamaFaMi said...

Just made a chocolate chiffon cake, my aunt's antique recipe. Belum habis pun lagi kek tu. Ni pulak, bila baca Rima punya comment pasal chiffon blueberry ni... ish macam tak tahan nak try... adoi yai, saperlah nak tolong makan ni.... huwaaa.....

Rima said...

oh ye ker?? lahhhhh tak tahu menahu.. dah lama tak dapat duk diam diam and blog walking.. hopefully tmrw i will hv more time.. no hubs = no one nagging suruh i tido awal hehe

nonierahman said...

sedapnya kak rima,nanti nak cubalah,sebelum nie try resepi oreo brownies.mmg best!

Rima said...

Cik Wan
me too! bake it ok.. memang to us this cake is sedap..

Rima said...

when i first saw it i thought to myself.. cake ni sure sedap cos ade rasa blueberry.. ade letak oreo yg ade blueberry filling..

Actually this chiffon cake method dia different .. cara dia dibakar also diff.. this cake is bake bertahap.. Rima ikut my way for the method.. kira ku pandai pandai modified the method and cara it was baked hehe.. nasib menjadi!

Rima said...

ah ah.. cuba kita beli buku yg tak de pic.. mau buku tu collect abuk hahaha

Any cake yg pakai yogurt sure comes out moist :op

Ty for the invite HaSue in kongsi resepi

Rima said...

eh tak de orang nak habis kan ker?? hehe jadi macam Rima.. bake.. slice.. put aside a few for my family and the rest ku pack and gv it away.. tak leh lama lama kat dapur... merbahaya plus my hubs kata.. u can bake everyday as long as tak membazir.. tu yg ku laju ajer mengepack hahaha

Chiffon chocolate memang sedap.. i loike.. there are a few recipes in this new book which i wud love to try out especially cappuccino chiffon.. nampak sedap gitu

Rima said...

Try and bake it .. the oreo with blueberry filling tu adds more taste in this cake .. memang sedap and lembut ajer cake ni.. kira TERmakan berkeping keping pun tak rasa guilty hahaha

Anonymous said...

Rima, I really want ur mac sheet. Dah beberapa kali terlepas ni. Already put the notification notice kat ur store. Kalau boleh ada alternative payment mode ye sebab i takde cc. My email add :

Mel said...

Hello Rima,
This chiffon cake looks so beautiful in this 'purple' colour. I am going to bookmark this as I loves blueberries. You are an amazing baker!

Yati-M said...

any tips not to deflate the chiffon? i dah buat yg ni.. tapi bila keluar dari pan.. dia kecut kat side tu dgn bottom hahaha... any tips to get perfect chiffon shape, out from cake pan mcm urs truly?

Anie said...


Me too....I luv chiffon ;) I kalau nak buat nak kena reduce the ingredients for this recipe, really would luv to try this...nampak so sedap yum yumzzz. My chiffon pan yg not so antique tak rasa muat 6 eggs, cuma muat yg 4 eggs je rasanya.

Rima said...

I am assuming ur name is Iezan? am sorry.. there is no other way for payment except cc or paypal.. are u in sg?

Rima said...

Hi Mel.. ty .. i am pretty sure u are a great baker too.. bake it ok :o}

Rima said...

Yati M
most important not to deflate ur egg batter.. waktu u pour 1/3 egg white to ur egg yolk batter u can fold it till it is well combined.. no issue but bila u pour that batter into the 2/3 egg white batter.. u harus hati hati bila u do the folding in.. u cannot do it kasar kasar ... err confused tak?? alamak my malay hancus lahhh hahaha

Folding in 1/3 egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture .. no issue to fold in kasar kasar

Folding in egg yolk into the 2/3 egg white u hv to hati hati.. fold in pelan pelan.. tak leh kasar kasar.. batter harus macam clouds gitu hehe

Rima said...

maybe u can use half recipe since ur chiffon pan is small.. try and bake it ok.. i guarantee ur dotter tak akan panggil this one nasi busuk.. ehh jgn pulak dia bau yogurt lain pulak dia panggil ur chiffon cake nanti hahaha

ijayuji said...

Salam kak! aarghhhhhh! bestnyer kalau dpt sepotong, eh mana cukup sepotong kek ni tak kenyang kalau mkn sepotong jerr ahahaha... loyang tu takde kat sini, masa balik mesia pun tak sempat carik, kat mystore akak ada jual tak? kalau ada nak beli!! kikiki...

Rima said...

Alamak Ijahh.. kenapa tak cakap siang siang.. tadi i went to bakery shop.. if u let me know awal.. akan ku beli kan and will suruh kuda putih ku bawak kan..

Memang betul.. kek chiffon ni if makan satu memang tak kenyang cos tak muak dimakan.. lagi pun its not fattening pun ahaks

Nadia said...

Yummy :) Must try! Dear kak Rima,thanks for sharing the recipe :)

Yummy Bakes said...

Very nice purple color. Unfortunately, I still trying to improve my chiffon cake skills!

CT Delima said...

As'salam Rima

you make me cry babe! awesome recipe! Rima k.ct suka dengan chiffon cake. samalah kalau buat ciffon cake masing2 bukan cukup sekeping dua mahu2 sorang 3-4 keping sekali ngadap..hehehe

nice colour but i like red n pink colour..hehehe


wowwww...cantik warnanya Rima...

Maizatul said...

K.Rima, I baked this yesterday, sbb dah tak tahan tgk colour and terbau2 blueberry tu. But I modified a bit sbb semlm hujan lebat, with kids in the car, I have no choice but to grab what ever available at the store, substitute the blueberry yogurt with some mixed berry yogurt (told myself, as long as it's yogurt) and classic oreo, no blueberry coz that was what available in my pantry. sangat sedap. tapi nak tanya sikit, mmg kek ni a bit moist compared to other chiffon cake especially yg jual tu ke?coz, after 40-45 mins gitu, i inserted the cake tester,and it came out clean, so i tak nak kek ni over bake, tak nak dry so i took it out, but I found it a bit moist, mmg macam tu ke texture dia, mcm ada body sikit, tak kosong sangat, errr faham ke apa saya cakap ni:).
2nd question, masa folding the first 1/3 meringue tu kan, kena fold sampai semua sebati ke? coz i'm worried i might have overfolding it. then, when folding into the 2/3 egg white tu, pun kena sebati or kalau masih ada putih2 tu takpe, nanti bila masak sebati ke? my hubby loves it, syok cari2 pieces2 of oreo tu. will definitely bake it again.but need to add more oreo, 506 seems not enough for them.probably need to add 3-4 pieces extra.....heheheh...Thanks for sharing the recipe.-Maizatul

ogyep yummy mellow said...

Welcome back.. love d color... gebussssss bangat....

luvmum said...

menarik...warna pun buat ati tertawan..

Faeez said...

This is truly an awesome recipe.... I overbeat my meringue, but the cake still turned out great! Thanks for sharing. :)

Ribbon and Circus said...

K Rima..I dah buat kek ni tadi.. it turned out great eventhough I terlupa masuk oreo haha.. :P dah masuk oven baru teringat.. sib baik sempat masuk.. :P

Ting tong betul hari ni.. :P.

About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..