I am so sorry for not updating sooner... it was a super long day yesterday and by the time we got home i was almost gone.. we were out basically the whole day but had dinner at home (simply bec hubs wanted to eat the fish head curry that i'd cooked) and went straight to bed.. so for the first time in a long time.. we had a straight 9hrs of sleep!
First of all.. My big thank you to all the bday wishes in my email, smses, personal FB and also in my Bisousatoi page n FB.. shes one lucky girl! Sonia had a super wonderful time celebrating her bday in school and cant stop talking abt it.. hubs took a day off to spend the whole day with her.. we wanted to take her to USS right after school but the weather was scorching hot that we thought maybe its best to take her to the new indoor playground that hubs once told me.. sadly Sonia got scared when she went into the mini golf area.. the room was dark with dinosaurs here and there and since their indoor playground is all abt the Amazon.. Sonia didnt like it.. she later told us that she wanted go to another indoor playground and thats where we took her.. we spent a good 2hrs there.. took her to do some artsy things and also took her to do her nails.. overall she had an enjoyable day.. she kept on blaberring abt her day even after we put her to bed.. she fell asleep right after we gave her good night kisses.
To my dear princess "Ariel" Sonia (well thats what she wants to be known now).. mama and papa wish u a Happy Birthday.. ur such a joy to our life and we hope that u will grow into a beautiful girl inside and out.. Insyallah...
Enjoy some of the pics below errr actually not some.. theres a lot of pics below hehehe

Princess in the making hehehe

'Ariel' Sonia .. She wanted a cake that has an edible image of Ariel on it but i came up with this one instead right bef i covered her cake with vanilla buttercream...

This is how she is every morning... not fussy... no probs waking up.. not moody and especially yesterday.. she woke up and told us that she wanted to dress like a princess.. ur wish is my command my dear ahaks

Goodie "bags" fm Sonia to her school mates.. teachers got a box of macs too!
Her Ariel Cake... top view .. first time doing the "under the sea" effect .. errr muahaha
Seaweeds .. cud be better ahakkss
Nope.. since i didnt plan for this cake to happen.. the Ariel wasnt made out of fondant... didnt hv difficulties finding Ariel in her room either cos she has tons of it :op

Happy moment.. They sang to her.. gave her four claps bef she blew out her candles and sliced her cake..

... Cutting cake session..

She volunteered to help out and distributed her cake......

Waiting... waiting... waiting...

... Dessert time!

.. little faces... what not to like abt them ey...

... gv me a smile darlin'.. oh common.. i am eating! hehe

Finger licking gooooodddd

... can i hv one more slice Sonia? :o)

... family photo..

At first she was all ok in the new indoor playground until she entered their mini golf room.. oh well.. bottom line is.. yesterday was all abt her.. it was her birthday .. nothing matters and she had a wonderful time...

As always, really gorgeous, from the macs to the ariel cake to the happy family photo and last but not least, the birthday Princess. She looks extremely happy in all the photos :-).
Hmmm....bila lah I nak dapat an ariel birthday cake and macs for my bday eh so I can be as happy as Sonia, hehehehe....
happy bday sonia, miss you rima, gilbert and sunshiny sonia!
Ty LG.. jgn nak kata u.. i dah lama tak dapat cake yg datang dari kedai.. ever since like forever.. huhu.. sekali sekala tu nak jugak surprise cake kan.. siap dgn princess baju hahaha
we miss u too.. nanti eh.. lagi dua minggu ajerrr.. make sure u freedom bila i kat sana :o)
Happy b'day princess... so sweet
Ty for the wish ..
Salam Rima...
Happy Birthday juga untuk Sonia, moga diberkati Allah swt sentiasa.....comel kek..cantik!!
Ty CM for the wish.. alah kek untuk budak kecik yg suka kan si ariel.. tahun depan tak tahu kek aper yg dia mintak :op
ouh wow .... Happy Sweet 4th Birthday Sonia ...
this mark the 3rd yr im following ur blog hee hee ...
Oh wow Ilah.. 3yrs berlalu dgn cepatnye.. her first bday.. i baked castle cake.. then rainbow mickey mouse cake, then carousel cake and this year ariel cake.. not a year gone ku order cake dikedai hehe.. alhamdullilah.. ty for the wish and ty for following me huhu.. terharu gitu
yes!!! the rainbow mickey mouse cake!!! ... so fast eh ... 3yrs ... from pakai pamper sampai da pi skolah ... Alhamdullilah ... May she is bless with good health and happiness
hehe if mama dia tak retire fm blogging n panjang umur.. sampai ke anak dara ahaks
Owwwh..everthin is so sweet....look so perfect..mama mmg very good bday planner..i wish i can do this to my kids...kek nya superb..can u share the recipe?..Kak Rima also so gojes orangnya!
Ya ampun.. gorgeous lah tu.. siap dgn eye bags hahaha... i used my to go chocolate cake fm hereand swiss meringue buttercream fm here..... filling is chocolate ganache of cos
happy birthday sonia....psstttt..aunty pon nak itu cake jugak....
Assalamualaikum Rima,
Selamat hari jadi buat Sonia yang comel tu....moga sentiasa dlm rahmatnya...sekejap erk masa berlalu Rima...dulu kak Nur tengok Sonia kecik aja skrg dh besar u!!! hehe.
pstt: smlm kak Nur tinggal comment tk keluar pulak?? Akak pun jadi biol sekejap.
I jeles arh dgn ur family photo...seriously jeles tahap gaban!!! Nak tau kenapa bukan setakat luvy dovey aja.....sbb hairan arh mana u all punya fats/calories pergi arh setalah makan all the desserts/cakes/cookies and all those sinful delicacies that u make?? Argghhh nak jugak ckp one more time jeles giler babe :ppp
Once again happy bday princess Ariel aka Sonia ;) Beautiful cake and beautiful dress, u r such a lucky girl ;)
Nice family photo, nice smile!
Aunty Jun nak cake aper.. cakap nanti mama beli kan haha
Ty KNur for the wish... memang cepat membesar.. if can tak yah jadi teenagers.. takut... hehe
Tak tahu lah.. if boring boring Rima tukar balik to normal comment box :o(
Alahhh anie.. yg benar kan dia lari gi kat rambut my hubs.. tak nampak.. semua hilang hahaha... as for me.. ade tu.. cuma kena tuck in sikit part ambik gambar.. tarikkk nafassss hehehe
Ty Fahlee.. thank goodness it came out alright.. hardly get the chance to take family photo..
mak budak tu lawa, tapi ramai orang lawa, cuma mak budak tu dalam lawanya terserlah kebaika
he he belum sempat type habis dia dah postkan my comments, now i''m not sure how much had gone...anyway (mungkin benda ni tak nak i puji banyak sangat kot).
tak habis juga....rima tolong unpublish la hok sebelum ni...i cakap u comey dan nampak baik..tahniah
Happy Birthday to Sonia.
Kak rima, this is yaya from KK, sabah.
Wonderful cake! love it.. :)
Wish can bake as good as you.. Take care!~ :)
Muahahaha tak per.. ku faham.. button tu sampai tak nak terima ahaks.. ty for the kind words.. ur too kind :op
Hi Yaya
someday.. somehow.. u will bake as good as anyone else out there.. am still learning.. lots and lots to learn ahaks
Ty for the wish dear..
Happy Birthday Princess 'Ariel' Sonia!!!!! Moga diberkati Allah selalu...
K. Rima, i really want to have a bite of your macaron... i've been trying to bake mine, but failed miserably.. but i'll try your swiss meringue macaron soon.
luv the birthday cake too!!!
Happy belated birthday beautiful Sonia.....the cake was so girl-ish this year...and it's look good too... i'm addicted baking rainbow cake which i follow the recipe for Sonia's 2nd birthday cake.... sgt sedap. i love u kak rima... ur hands was magical....everything nampak sangat2 sempurna and cantik je.. :)
Ty for the wish dear.. am so glad to hear that ur addicted to baking.. period hehe.. dah lama jugak tak buat that party cake by dorie greenspan.. asal nak buat .. tak jadi.. mata and hati asyik suruh buat chocolate cake ajer hehe
This year nothing special pun.. not complicated at all.. not like last year.. more like her idea.. nak ariel lah.. nak colour aper lah.. just like last year.. she pilih red and white for carousel cake this year dia nak blue, green ad purple and while icing her cake.. she was right next to me.. excited sampai tak take a nap pun .. ishhh
cha cha says happy birthday dear sonia!
happy birthday lil miss sonia!! tak sangka kita sama2 pisces...well, you know what they say about pisceans like us? we're warm and artistic, and kind and caring and...(ni dah macam masuk bakul angkat sendiri...hehehe) and sympathetic and we have a very very strong sense of imagination (i hope i'm not imagining any of those traits sonia...but...i've been a piscean all my life, so i know all those traits are true...hehehe) we are all that and so much more!! i hope know you enjoyed yourself on your birthday and may you blossom to be a wonderful person, insyaAllah, Amin. Happy birthday!!!
Ty kakak cha cha hehe
Ty Dottology for wish.. Yes Sonia memang pieces.. Belum baca pasal pieces but after baca what u wrote... Ahhhh hopefully she's gonna turn into one cuma right now her kesabaran ade kureng sikit.. She gets agitated over little things.. Haishh
happy birthday dear ariel sonia.. ;-)
suke gamabr family tu. akak masihh maintain muke pelakon kegemaran saya tuu.. hhehhe
I know of someone who is the peminat setia pelakon tu n since this new comment didn't gv me the name that I know.. Ku agak agak ni Izah kan hehehe... Ty dear for the wish.. A year older every year.. Tak lama lagi sure jadi lain muka akak ni.. Maklum kita bukan artist.. How to maintain kahkahkah
Awww.. so sweet looking that princess 'Ariel' Sonia! Happy birthday to you, lil princess!
Happy belated birthday pretty Sonia..be a good girl as always..xx
Love your cake kak Rima..especially the sea weed!! Btwn, it's always fun to deco girl's birthday cake kan..
err...hehehe...on the other...we have also been known to be a LITTLE (note the emphasis on the word LITTLE...little tauuu) impatient and sometimes short-tempered and we make the BEST drama queens BUT! it's because we're passionate. hahahaha!! insyaAllah, all will be fine. heheheh...mama jangan risau kayy...:-)))
Ty Aida.. She's a gem!
Ty for the wish.. Memang anak girl serba serbi pun buat kita terover .. Maklum.. Kita dulu kan tak dapat tu sebab semua pun kita nak buat kan.. Hehe
Ahhhh kan.. I don't hv to read anything hahaha?. A LITTLE eh haha
One drama queen indeed.. Temperamental macam macarons ahaks
How I wish I'm your dotter too Rima... Sangat disayangi....
Happy birthday Sonia....
Tell me abt it Anoi! Hehe
such a lucky girl!! happy birthday to the little princess.. gros bisous!
Terkejut mak tengok gambar aunty muka molat ni kat sini ahhahaha.. ty for the wish dear.. shes one lucky girl
happy belated birthday little princess.
rasa kejap sangat masa berlalu.
macam baru je lepas birthday dia yg ada carousel cake tu.
Ty anakcikbob for the wish.. memang kejap ajer dak sonia membesar.. now memang the best time lah kan cos she doesnt mind if mama dia hug and kiss dia hehe
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