I am blessed to be able to see the world.. blessed to be able to taste some of the food fm other cultures BUT nothing compares to this side of my world.. Truely Asia ahaks
I missed eating seafood while in Europe.. well there is lots of stuff that i was missing nevertheless i got what i wanted this week... Black Pepper Crab! yumms!
Enjoy the pics!

Of cos to Nr "6 Corner Seafood" @ Senibong!

It was still a little early when we got there and we managed to got a sit outside...

Hehe.. hubs taking pics of their ever so friendly staff...

Credit shud be given to hubs for taking this pic!

.... and this one too ahaks..



Shes feeling all good now .. Alhamdullilah...

Mom and dad kept on telling us not to order lots.. i ordered lots simply bec both hubs and i were hungry and guess what... we managed to finish em all (with the "not hungry" folks eating at least half!).. burpppp hehe

.... again credit shud be given to hubs.. clap clap clap :op

One satisfied customer ("....Mami tak lapar lah..." hahahaha) ..

... yes again credit shud be given to hubs .. why?? cos his wifey was too busy dissecting her crabs hahaha

wah cantik nyer all the pic he tooks... mcm pro
eh kembang semerbak nanti dia hehe..
he ajar me lots too.. why? cos bini dia malas nak baca baca.. he baca and teach me.. free lesson ahaks
Wow sedapnya ketam... view dan gambar pun menarik sangat.. kat mana ni Kak Rima? buat umi teringatkan Penang aje lah.. rinduu..:)
Kat Senibong, JB.. if penang ku teringat akan nasi kandar huhu.. windu sehhh .. dah lama tak gi makan nasi kandar kat penang :o(
salam rima..wah ni kalau ke jb harus g carik tempat ni..tapi ketam masak pe ya..mcm x nampak atas meja atau i yang dah dikaburi gambar gambarcantik hub rima ambik...hehehe
Rima dah dapat camera baru? model apa?
Rima,mai penang harus pekena nasi kandaq beratur sebelah masjid kapitan keling
One of my friend took me there also when I was in sg last yr. I pegi dah malam and was surprised sbb udara dkt sana sejuk time malam2 brrrrr. Really enjoyed the seafood there even thou me and Jannah wasnt feeling 100% that day. Dah tu harga pun murah gilerr, our big table was filled with sotong, udang, crab, sayur, ikan, satay and many more and cost less than RM400 for 7 ppl ;)
Alhamdullilah, glad that Sonia is getting better :)
hi sis..as usual..picture is sooooo cantik bangat...meremang bulu roma tgk..heheh..jeles sey..hee.
and i pernah sampai kat senibong..but sampai dah malam..we cannot find any empty seat at no 6 corner.its full.ye la after read sis punya story abt eating at no 6 teringin nak rasa..at last we just dapat last corner..huhu..the food just ok la..not so yummy i guess mcm kat no 6 corner..huhu..i wish next time dapat gak rasa kat no 6..
Hehe lahhhh tu black pepper crab kat gambar no 8 .. Haishh tinggal gambar ajer ahaks
Dr H
Akan datang.. This camera I get to
use it as long as I want.. It's canon 7D
The last time I was there I blog abt this nasi kandar place .. Lupa which part of penang.. Beratur panjang.. Sodap..
Memanglah betul.. This place was intro to us by my sis n up to now if we nak makan seafood ku seberangi tambak.. Walau pun harus go by link 2 cos hubs hates gng thru link1
My hubs ni memanglah gd in taking photo yg macam gini.. Let him take food photo .. Hancai hahaha
Kesian lah..harus sampai sana ard 6:30 ish baru dapat seat yg shiok.. Tempat di memang pack..
wah gilbert all rounder!
Kak Rima...
Memang cantik n menarik betul all the pic taken...mcm memanggil tuk kesana la kan..suasana mkn yg really nyaman n sempoi..Senibong senibong nak kena cari jugak..
canon 7D...woaaah..memang cantik semua pics dia...gambo2 scenery tuh macam boleh buat postcard..hihi...gulp3x...never says no to seafood..i can eat a whole bunch of prawns...errk tak dek gambo udang ke??
Hi Kak rima. Boleh tak share on the route to get to this seemly wonderful seafood place? Thanks so much! -Naj
Rima, which part of JB is Senibong?
I nak try the seafood there...so tempting.
Rima, u get to use as long as you want, no need to buy la...dah cantik!
nak krabben...
wah mesti pergi senibong ni..
how to go there from JB?
mengancam la your new camera ni k. rima...;-)
Senibong? Kat mana ni? Camner nak pergi sana?
Wah! Seafood dia sedaap ke? Kekenyangan dad & mum. Alhamdulillah... ;)
Kak Rima dear....
Wa...5 stars to the MR Rima.....:)for the wonderful pictures.....mcm betol2 je kat screen ni...cantiiik!!!
And 5 stars + 1 to you...sbb gumbirakan one satisfied customer yg tak lapar tu...so sweet .....seronok kan jenjalan dgn parents......wish sgt2 they stay healthy and strong, be there for us forever kan? tetiba lak sedih sedu sedan....
Love my parents and in law too...
siang malam pagi petang.. all rounder.. nasib baik ade dia if not siapa nak kerja kan shipment ku :oP
u shud go there if u hv the chance.. worth ur money lah makanan dia..
si udang datang dulu so kena ngap siang siang.. we had udang nestum.. sedap banget buk! hehe
7D memang shiok but berat ..
u can refer to my older post regarding senibong.. i dah letak map gi sana..
I better gv the link..
Dr H
Muahaha harus lah nak kena beli.. tak kan nak tak advantage pulak :op
hehe harusss.. u refer to my link abv ok..
selagi ade rezki and ade tenaga.. i will always try to take them along with me.. i am the eldest after all..
Dont sedih sedih ok.. kita doa kan mereka diberi kesihantan dah dipanjang umur.. :o)
Yes i hv to gv it to hubs.. he takes good photo.. free lesson for me :o)
Alhamdullilah.. yg penting semua happy and kenyang hehe..
Salam malam2 yg sgt malam :D waaaaaaaahhh! lauk2 tu sume mmg tak yah ckp, klu akak offer perut kita tgh kenyang pun kita jalan jerrrr ahahaha... waaaaaauuuuuu!!! gmbr2 kat bwh tu santek2! once again credit shud be given to kakaknyer hb jgn perasan buat isterinyer yg tgh melantak wakakaka... pssst... mcm pernah dgr lerr bunyi truly asia tuuu :P
Salam pagi buta hahaha
eh why u no sleep like me ahhh.. go tido esok nak bangun awal.. nak settle anak anak.. nak settle laki.. nak settle jogging lagi ahaks.. jadi macam akak .. tak yah jogging.. chill minum latte biar lemak susu semua mendak kat kat kat.. mana agak nye hahaha
Dia faham isteri mithali dia ni tengah shiok makan tu yg dia beralah .. tolong take photos ahaks
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