Last weekend was a little crazy for me.. sometimes u think that u can handle it but deep down u know there are times that u need a breather.. dont get me wrong.. i love what i am doing right now.. baking is part of me now and my store is like an icing on the cake.. at times there are just too many things going thru my head.. things that shouldnt be there in the first place..
You see.. Some ppl change for the better.. some ppl dont.. some ppl dont get it.. some ppl are just plain st***d.. honestly i think i kinda slowed down alot since i hit the big 4.. i dont like to talk too much.. not that i hv become the quiet one but i see myself as the middle person.. i am there to listen and keep the promises that i have made.. if i feel dissapointed.. i will keep that to myself.. dont like to argue and dont like to confront either.. to me its just a waste of time.. life is too short to worry abt stuff.. we all live in a world where we are taught abt family values.. am seeing more and more ppl behaving otherwise.. sigh.. such is life ey.. "Lust is all GET, Love is all GIVE"...
Anyway.. here are some photos that i managed to take of my orders bef they were whisked away..

Simple fondant cake with minimal decor for a one year old girl.. cake is TCCC..

Happy bday Imya Elvyra.. nice name!

... and thank you Renni for this order...

Second bday cake in the making... tripple chocolate cake with strawberry topping..

Mac was ordered by Haziqah who came all the way fm JB.. ty for the kind words.. am so happy to hear that everyone enjoyed it and also.. ty Renni for the apple crumble tart order...

While my apple crumble tart was baking away in my oven.. i decided to bake one more batch for the family... there is something abt apple crumble tart that we are crazy abt.. the aroma is just so so inviting!
... and of cos... this apple crumble tart is for moi... a baker who doesnt know how to keep still hehe..

Salams Kak Rima,
As usual... Ur bakings are like OH MY GOD..!!! need i say more?? And and and those macarons..!!! Nakk!!!
Hehe... Hope u still remember me..! Heeeeee...!! ;))
Salam my dearest Rima. Ur blog must see blog to me everyday...! Fantastic job. An the recipe wow! mesti jadi! thank so much for your sharing
Luv to see u someday....byeee qistcupcakes.blogspot
So true.. since i hit the big 4.. three years ago i dah macam kendur banyak.. macam dah tak kuasa pun ade.. but jgn sampai over board lah.. there is so much that i can take..
Alah babe.. round pun ok jugak.. lain kali ku travel i will bring back and sell it in my store.. i hv one round pan yg deep.. that one i got it fm jakarta.. the square ones tu memang lah paling i hot fav.. senang nak dibagi bagi kan.. senang nak store.. yg rect tu pun ok jugak cuma kadang tu nak store it in ur fridge u hv to slice it into two parts lah.. yg mini square tu i got it fm paris.. mahal sikit cos its heavy duty .. "industrial usage"
That's life babe..Like it or not after reaching the big 4, we'll notice some change in us..some subtle, some loud.well,,sometimes it's best to just go with the flow.
U make some gorgeous bakes there and that square pies..can make me weep..ishhh I only only 1 typical round tin..I think peninggalan my late grandma..tak taw la how come it can land at my I guess, one of this days, I'll bake a tart..bulat pun bulat la..
Salam qist
ty for coming by and ty for trying out some of the recipes here.. am happy to share.. happy to know that recipe menjadi.. :o)
Salam Dewi
of cos i remember u hehe.. so what did u bake last weekend? buat kuih tak? :op
Wow the chocolate cake! So tempting!
Rima, nanti bila hit the big 5, lagi best....dalam choc cake yang ada strawberry tu cake jenis apa ye?
Hehehe.. Kalau hit the big 5 Kira macam Hawaii five O lah kan... Am praying for good health n ketenangan .. Aminnn
It's triple chocolate cake with a splash of nespresso hehe
Simply love your blog...i must have chanced upon it 2 years ago and i kept coming back. Your pictures are drool worthy and i can just imaging how good yummy they are. Been a silent reader but just thought i'd drop a note.. :)
Yeah i guess any chocolate cake memang tempting hehe.. I used Valrhona chocolate for all my chocolate cakes
Hehehe.. Kalau hit the big 5 Kira macam Hawaii five O lah kan... Am praying for good health n ketenangan .. Aminnn
It's triple chocolate cake with a splash of nespresso hehe
Yeah i guess any chocolate cake memang tempting hehe.. I used Valrhona chocolate for all my chocolate cakes
Hi Sheren
U hv been with us for 2yrs now? Oh wow.. Ty for coming by n ty for leaving footprint.. Am so glad to hear that.. Happy Tuesday!
kak Rima...!! tegoda & telioq dgn choc cake you...!! esp. the topping.. yummeh!
Subhanallah....cantiiikknyaaa kejadian fondant kek Rima tuu....alahaaaiii terbeliak biji mata akak tengok taaauuu.... Penuh seni, halus buatan, cantik dipandang.... apa lg nak ku katakan.... Rasa nak terbang ke Spore jek cari dapur mu dik, hehehe... Macs tu pun, buat hakak jelesss tauuu..ntah bila nak buat semula.... Najwa pun nak balik dh this weekend....adeeeeiii
Woahh KUmmi .. dotter nak balik sure excited kan.. harus lah sedia kan yg best best... hmm kita ni mama memang gitu kan .. selalu nak hidang yg best best for anak kita.. besok lusa waktu dah terketar ketar.. harap harap anak kita sedia kan ita makan pulak :o)
Ty.. alahhh KUmmi.. cake fondant ku yg simple simple ajer.. suruh buat yg aneh aneh ku boleh fengsan hehe
Topping tu jng nak cakap tergoda.. ku memang selalu tergoda cos cake with ganache memang lah fav ku..
I totally agree wit u sis...sometimes silence and patience will give us more benefit then going berserk!! i can see you're a calm and peaceful person cause only that kind of person can produce such beautiful cake... really look up to you lah sis!!!
wow rima, im always impressed with your end product....very need ...kemas i wish :D anyway, im so flattered ingat lagi i si Rina yg jual congo bars itewww hahah...nnt bila2 buat trip ke Ktrg, bole drop by rmh i :D
Salam Kak Rima.. not sure what u're going thru.. tp biasanya umi mcm tu la, berdiam dan mengalah dr nak argue. sbb bila argue ni mmg 'meletihkan'.
Kak rima,
Sweet sangat2 kek bday tuh.. color dia sedap mata memandang.. Tapikan kak, i will still terkam to the dark one dulu. huhu... Dah la triple choc pulak tuh. I might not look kiri kanan. will hemtam sorang2 :)
Hmm... nie semua order2 nie tunggu turn nak order gak lah. teringin nak merasa.. tapi kena tunggu kak rima turun KL *hint suh inform nieh..huhu*
Bdw kak rima... i guess normal kot.. when i was in my early 20s... nak mengamuk jer kerjanya.. soon nak big3 nieh... kurang sikit lah... mcm kalau argue pun pendek2 jer.. lagi up insyaAllah kurang lagi but i see it as a very good thing sbb hidup makin tenang. Kan kak? :D
Human can never run away fm any disappointment... I think it's the tak kuasa part yg buat kita malas nak argue..
Of cos ingat! Hehe.. Insyallah.. If ade umur nak jugak gi sana lagi.. :))
Alamak sis I ni bukan lah balik sangat pun.. Kadang also darah boleh up if they go overboard.. Cuma eversince I hit the big 4.. Ade kurenngg sikit lah "ke berserk kan" ku haha
Of cos ingat! Hehe.. Insyallah.. If ade umur nak jugak gi sana lagi.. :))
Ur in ur early 30s ker?? woah at that stage kan i am still the lion queen hahaha.. dah tua ni kendur lah sikit..if tak kendur pun tak tahu aper nak kata..
Si hitam belegam tu memang lah hot fav kan... siapa tak suka akan chocolate sila angkat tangan haha.. nanti i will notify u once the date is cfm.. for now its gonna be on the 26th of march.. tks!
Belum lagi kak rima.. Next year baru hit big3 but I think I feel tua already sbb duduk rumah kot. U have smthg fun to do but I have non *org malas*
To be honest mmg singa pun but hubby cakap dah okay sikit. Lau tak laju jer mulutnya :p
Have to start thinking already what I want most so that easy to order nanti:) inform tau.. Thanks kak...
Tak per.. janji tak laju lagi ahaks
Dont feel old being a full time housewife.. do stuff so that ur mind will always bergerak.. alrighty i will let u know but u hv to email me yah or else i cant notify u .. tks!
Hello Rima,
Tried the Triple Choc recipe...thank you! it turn out lovely!!! :)))
Oh, would you mind sharing where you got the 'Happy Birthday' chocolate from in Bangkok? Any Baking store to recoment in BKK? Will be heading to BKK next week. Once again thanks for sharing Rima.
Mel Ng
Your silent reader and admirer..haha
Hi Mel
Glad it turned out good.. This is the adrs ok
Big Baker's centre
Unit no 236/16
Siam square Soi 2, Opposite Siam centre
Small shop. Downstairs selling cake ingredients and upstairs cake tins, accessories, etc
Sales staff cant speak english.
9am to 6pm daily Tel 0-2654-6334-5
So far i hv only been to this one cos its near to our hotel..
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