My little princess is down with flu and a little feverish.. well when i picked her up fm school yesterday she was already a little cranky.. dont know where she got it fm but i am nursing her today.. so far its under control cos we had all her medication prepared bef we went to Europe.. She's still playing n talking n dancing and and and hehe
So that means no school and mama got her much needed sleep.. am feeling all high today.. its friday.. i am fully rested and i plan to do spring cleaning and also bake another round of macs later..

Ahhh talking abt macs.. i hv been baking macs for the past 2 days.. been trying out Lenotre recipe and also comparing it with the recipe that i hv always been using.. two different kinda textures.. while mine i call it 'fragile'.. Lenotre shell is much more stable.. both french method and i love it - this one in particular..
I followed everything that was taught.. all the tips that was given even down to the temp that was recommended.. alhamdulillah.. i managed to get it right and guess what.. not only did I manage to bake it using my mastrad mac sheets.. i also managed to bake it on a new brand of mac sheets that i am planning to bring into my store..

Can u see the tiny coffee grains? love it!
U see I received lots of emails asking me if i am able to find a smaller mac sheet to fit into smaller ovens... well mastrad only brings in a standard size.. while in Europe i found another brand that is smaller in size.. instead of 57 ridge per mac sheets.. this one has 48 ridge per mac sheets.. size is the same as ur typical silpat mat.. mat is slightly thicker than mastrad mac sheets and its brown in colour.. so yeah.. i will most probably try to bring this product in since i hv test run it yesterday..

Coffee macarons with coffee buttercream... remember what i said abt macs and buttercream fillings?? well well.. look whos been putting macs after macs in her mouth yesterday lol... Lenotre coffee buttercream is to die for... their recipe is totally different and i must say it goes really really well with their mac shells... makes it all worth ur time attending their class..

So ok.. Am gonna attempt their chocolate macs and also vanilla macs today.. now .. hmmm ... where did i put my vanilla bean that i got fm Barca...
Hv a great weekend everyone.. am returning this lovely camera back to the owner... hv to go and get myself one soon for its been fun playing around with Timo's gadget! cough cough hahaha

wow... tempted me :)
You have a pair of magic hands!
Gorgeous macs!! Loved the tiny coffee grains too. Cant wait for the other brand of mac sheet, so that it can fit in nicely in my oven..cepat arr babe :)
So u had fun meddling his gadget, huh? For that gadget, I would too! muahahahah!
haha.. sudah jatuh chenta dgn itu 7D ya... good hehehe
Ohhhh yummzzz a new mac recipe to try yeayness!!! My hb doesnt really quite like macs/cakes/icing, senang ckp any bakes that are pink and green in colour, nak try buat and see if he's gonna like these ones tak....menciii kan nak kena jaga 2 different tekak...hehehez. Yang si Jannah ni semua benda kalau boleh nak pink aja.
mmm..bila la nk cuba buat macs yg cantik mcm ni..:)
hi rima
oh really,bagus lah tu kalau ada macaroon yg bersize kecik sikit ..yg kelmarin yg akak beli tu akak terpaksa potong bagi dua hanya untok oven akak ni. kalau tak sygkan kalau dah beli tapi tak menggunakan.. kalau macam tu blah lah order lagi lagi pun senang nak buat macaron tak yah nak buat bulat2 untok asas macaron tu...btw dah hantar ke doctor ke sonia tu ..sekarang ramai budak2 kecil di jangkiti sakit mulut ,kaki dan tangan rima.
Oh wow Jane.. u hv tempted me to try ur pandan cheese chiffon! will find time to bake it.. tks for sharing :op
walaupun his gadget heavy.. i loikeee.. his lens.. panjang n berat weii kahkahkah
In all honestly if ur thinking abt buying it.. u hv to take count keberatan alat itew.. penat tangan ku handling it semalam.. tertongek tongek dgn gadget yg berat hahaha.. eh apa ni.. pi sholat zuhur lagi bagus hahaha
Will inform u ok.. tks and dah dapat belum.. i hv couriered it tadi.. will get to u by today..
Not only 7D body but sudah jatuh cinta dgn lens dia also huhu..
love the pics! and the macs of course dhl to me some!! nak pi blajarq @ lenotre lah!
actually dulu also i dah biasa buat coffee macs with coffee buttercream but rasa dia tak ngam tu sebab for all my coffee macs order.. i use espresso ganache for fillings.. this coffee buttercream memang lah enak.. memikat hati ku and suami ku yg sudah terang lagi disuluh kepickyness dia when it comes to dessert :op
insyallah.. u hv to keep on baking it.. kadang also nasib tak menyebelahi ku but now that i know how the texture shud be.. so far so good..
Every recipe diff cara and texture.. sampai ke baking dia..
Pi belajar.. nak ikut!!! kita boleh sama sama pi belajar .. if chef cakap bahasa prancis kita jotos sama dia hahaha.. that day he speaks in french 70% and 30% in english but again he will always ended up looking at me just to make sure i faham ape dia ajar.. ku biasa lah.. i asked him lots.. hes good tho..
Nak dhl?? lol wait i go there u take me to ur kitchen and we can bake together gether :o)
ohhhh so it can be cut??!! lahhh i was asked so many times if it can be cut to fit their oven.. rima still tak tahu lagi jawapan dia cos silpat mat tak leh dipotong.. ok tks for trying it out.. now i can advise those yg oven meka kecil dari mastrad mat
Semoga Sonia cepat sembuh ya Kak...
Macaronnya sangat menggoda, cantik seperti biasa.
Kak, aku ada award tuk Kak Rima sebagai wujud apresiasiku selama ini your such an inspiration. Please drop by and collect...
I think not la..coz ku tangan lemah arr..ku suka ringan2 sket takmo berat2 :-)
eh..lom dapat lagi arr..courier pi solat jumaat agaknya
my Bais semalam tak sekolah.. demam jugak. tapi hari ni dah ceria dah,.. queen of mac jatuh kepada... kak rimaaaa.. hehee
Ty Hesti.. i appreciated it.. nanti i will go and pick it up.. ty once again..
Weight memang play part lah.. baru seminggu pinjam tangan ku dah keluar muscle.. bertelur telur hehe
I hope Bais will recover fully.. sonia no fever.. cuma flu dia masih ade lah..
Eh jadi queen of mac tak shiok lah .. if jadi queen betul betul mak nak.. haishhh akan ku kerah orang kanan ku pi import laduree macarons every week haha
Salam kak! well, what else i can say? GOJESSSSSSSSS itu mac akak! kita lama cuti buat macaron ni kak, kita diet pun mcm akak jugak kalau nk makan kita makan jugak ahahaha... mcm manalh mac akak boleh jd ter ter sgt cantekneyr! ni ler rasa mcm nak tukor tgn jerrr :D
Gd morning Ijahhhh
Alahhh dont say like that lah.. semalam i did my chocolate macs dia terflat sikit pulak.. ta lah sampai macam flying saucer hahaha .. still looks pwetty lah but not the height that i want.. tu yg membuat ku frust sikit.. last last makan shells dia.. sedap cos chocolate kan hahaha.. so wheres the DIET? ahahaha
I hope sonia will recover soon, my daughter still recoveting frm hr fever since tues till now, worst hr bro also demam sighhh... D doc said since she in kinder mayb shld consider influenza jab, did sonia take hers? Sorry rima i knw this is a baking blog bt i jst need ur opinion tq
Wow!! I'm drooling just by looking at ur photos! lepas ni harus ku masuk dapur buat macs. err.. but in my dream only. so far, takde courage to buat mac lagi :D
Salam kak rima. This reminds me of the moulds u bought during ur trip the other day (not the recent one, i think). Just sharing :)
Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh macs yang cantik cute bangattt nih Rima! Should I or Najwa give it a try eh?? Hahahhaa...i makan je laaaa... Nampak sangat memikat, xda jerawatsss pun kuar eh.. nnt nak pgil Najwa tengok laaa...hehe (*pastu akak paksa dia buat...wahhahaa)
Irresistible pictures...ooops macaroons! I never tried making macarons/macaroons on my own. Malas tersangat..hehe...but love eating them.
Can I smell a Canon 7D on its way??? ;)
Wah, dah ada 2 jenis resepi.
Selamat membuat macs ;)
Kak Rimaaaaaaa...uwaaaaaaaaaaaa....nanges tgok macs org....alahai....when will I ever learn to try this.....mmmm, kene g dapur akak la one day.....erk.....bley 50% free class x....ekekekekeeke...:)
The macs and the grains ....gojes bangat ar kak rima......
I am sorry to hear abt ur kids.. Sonia took all jabs which are necessary and optional.. semua pun papa dia nak.. hopefully ur kids will get better soon.. budak kalau sakit... kita yg risau kann
once u dah try bake u sure akan bake and bake again.. apasal tau?? ahhh this is one thang yg akan buat u penasaran especially if kejadian dia tak secantik yg kita harap kan hehe
ah ah sehh.. the rolling pin tu sama dgn yg I saw kat Freiburg the other day.. macam menyesal pun ade cos tak beli yg itu huhu
Najwa buat kira dah ok lah kan.. nak kena practice lagi baru jerawat dia segan nak keluar hehe
if u like to munch on em lagi worth it if u bake it urself.. everywhere around the world pun memang not cheap
Oppssy love.. dont know yet.. depending very much on how much i will get fm insurance out of my lost camera.. if ade rezki akan ku beli 7d.. if not pun i will be happy with 60d
i hv a few but there are not many that serasi with me.. no harm trying out new recipe.. i loike! :o)
pi lah buat.. u will be addicted to it :oP
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