I heard fm a tweety bird that LISA magazine has featured four more recipes fm my blog in their Feb 1 publication.. bef it gets out of hand.. like bef.. lemme clarify something that only the photos belong to me.. recipes are not mine of cos.. i get them fm several sources and credits have been given in the respective posts in my blog.. I will gv my thanks again once i get the pdf attachment fm LISA magazine yah... ty Atiqah for giving Bisousatoi another slot in this month's magazine!
Oh...and I hv read a very interesting article in regards to recipe copying from David Lebowitz...

So ok.. hows the week so far?? wkend is near and i cant wait for it.. to be honest.. I am exhausted and i need my beauty sleep at night... am just glad that Sonia is back on track..
Talking abt Sonia.. she got her first bday invitation fm her classmate hehe.. this year i dont feel like giving her a bday bash.. dont ask me why tho.. my mind cant even work properly right now.. Hairi on the other hand got his result slip and he passed all subjects eventho he complained to us that his Physics paper was super difficult.. anyway Alhamdullilah.. Congrats dear son... i know u will pull thru!

Anyway lets talk abt this super duper moist pound cake..when Shirley mentioned that Tish Boyle claims that this cake is a 'sure fire bake sale hit' .. i had to bake it too ... ohhhhh i love pound cake so so much.. this one is so much more moist then Tish Boyle's perfectly pound cake that i had baked bef our Europe trip.. i guess any cake that has buttermilk as ingredient will naturally produce a moist cake.. the cinnamon streusel adds another twist to this cake.. yummeh!!
Cinnamon Swirl Buttermilk Pound Cake
Recipe : (From Tish Boyle's The Cake Book)
Cinnamon Streusel Swirl
1/2 cup (60g) All purpose flour
1/3 cup (72g) Firmly packed light brown sugar
1/4 tsp Ground Cinnamon
Pinch of salt
3 tbsp(42g)Unsalted butter - melted
Buttermilk Pound Cake
2 cups (242g) All purpose flour
1/2 cup (57g) Cake flour
1 tsp Baking powder
1/4 tsp Baking soda
1/4 tsp Salt
1/8 tsp Ground cardamom - didnt add
1cup (227g) Unsalted butter, softened
2 cups (400g) Castor sugar (I used 380g)
3 large Eggs
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tsp Finely grated orange zest
1cup (240ml) Butter Milk
Method :
1. Preheat oven to 170C / 325F. If using a bundt pan, grease the inside of a 10inch bundt pan with butter and dust it with flour. I used a loaf pan and lined it with baking paper and two mini bundt pans
2. In a small bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients of the Cinnamon swirl. Add the melted butter and stir until blended and crumbly.
3. Sift together the flours, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cardamom into a medium bowl. Whisk to combine and set aside.
4. Using a paddle attachment, cream butter for 2 mins at medium speed in a mixer until very creamy. (2mins) Gradually add in the sugar and continue beating at medium high speed until pale and light. (4mins)
5. At medium speed, add in eggs one at a time and mix to incorporate eggs well.
6. Add vanilla extract and orange zest. Add in the flour in 3 portions, alternating it with milk (2 additions). Mix until just combined.
7. Scrape half of the batter into the prepared pan and smooth it into an even layer. Sprinkle the streusel mixture evenly over the batter. Scrape the remaining batter on top and smooth it into an even layer.
8. Bake the cake for 65 to 75mins, until the cake tester inserted into the center comes out clean.
9. Cool the cake for 15 mins before turing out the cake to cool completely.
Ok peeps..I am gonna order my Caramel Latte now.. ty again to Shirley for sharing this wonderful recipe.. cheerios!

I saw this recipe at Shirley's blog too..wanna bake one but my list of to bake stuff has grown longer by the second..ahakss..but I will try to find time soon I hope.
Abt that LISA mag, I will look thru the mag tonight..my colleague skrg akan kirim pd I every issue provided she got a copy la..nanti I tengok ek..
Have a great day babe..I too cant wait for Friday, the start of my weekend...yeabedahbedooooooooo!
This pound cake looks good Rima. Alhamdulillah, my butter milk masih ada sikit, boleh lah cuba buat ni nanti. That day I used buttermilk too for my marble cake & it turned out super nice & moist.
Cheers, Cik Ana
i've pinned this recipe!! and seeing you made it & turn out beautifully.. lagi membuak2 rasa tak sabar nak buat.. i wanna run home and bake now!!!!!
Masa dia tayang kat blog dia I was like.. Geeshh she got to be kidding me haha.. Knew I will bake it right away.. Tak leh angs ah dgn pound cake.. Simple n satisfying .. Bake ok n simpan satu malam.. Moist giler cake ni
It's out.. My sis beli kan I last sat.. Valentine issue..
salam rima...mengancamm betul resipi, hmm, pstt.. bekas yg rima letak gula aising tu tea strainer ke?...lawa sangat...tergodaa...^__*
Cik Ana
Usually like that one.. if ade balance of any kinda milky base.. U sure akan tercari cari other recipe to try.. I usually do my own buttermilk.. 250ml milk + 1tbsp vinegar or lemon juice= buttermilk..
Bake it ok.. Sure u suka one
Begitu lah perasaan ku on the day she posted it in her blog.. Memanglah mengoda jiwa n raga
Salam cik mat
Yes it is.. U can use it to sieve icing sugar also.. Kira two in one hehe.. Sebab tergoda ku beli ahaks
hi rima
how r u? laaama tk singgah sini, been bz w this n that ehehe
about ths pound cake...jap lg i nk buat jugak ah..really tkleh tahan ngan pound cake
sold! hehehehe...i am SO trying this out in a bit! hehehe...thanks for sharing the recipe.
Been well Duma sleepy n tired n n n n hehehe..
Ah dah keluar kan butter belum.. Use gd butter baru kick.. The other day I did sort of healthy dessert.. Now.. Hehe tu sebab I said.. Yo yo oh healthy dessert konon hahaha
Happy baking n don't blame me if u eat lots lol.. If u can tahan.. Keep it overnight then u ngap the next day for breakfast.. if not just slice em hehe
ahah...yang ini saya SUKA work of art...haha ...wink wink budak jahat!
Yani aka geng jahat69 haha
Ah kan.. Ni photo i shot ard 6:15pm.. Nak cari matahari punya lah payah.. Dak Sonia refused to help me hahaha.. Child labour kahkahkah
yummy yummy....paling sukalah makan kue pon pon..apalgi ditemani sama segelas kopi..wenak....
suke tengok ambar yang budak kecik pegang tu. haha geram kat apa tau, i geram kat tangan dia tu. geram nak ggit je. hahaa
tu model kena paksa ke kak? ke dengan relanya? haha
I know this recipe would be a keeper.... just like that "Plainly Perfect Pound Cake". So delicious, isn't it?
Oh, you didn't add in 1/8 tsp ground cardammon so it won't make any difference?
Ahhh kannn .. Memanglah lah pon pon cake ni.. Menjadi kegemaran ramai.. Setelah dibagi bagi ku ade 2 more slices left.. Simpan for coffee break bila Sonia napping..
Muahahaha tu model kena paksa.. Part suruh hold props dia suka.. If suruh hold my reflector dia gv all sort of reasons.. Reason paling kelakar.. "but I am tired.. I put it down ok mama.. I want to exercise my hand" hahaha
Hv u baked it? It's a keeper indeed! Yes I didn't add simply bec I don't hv it in stock n too lazy to drive to bakery supply store
Salam kak rimaaa!!! yuhuuuuuuuu ya bedabeduuuuuuuu!!!! dtg2 jer nk buat bising ya? akak sekeh sikit kasi sedor sikit yg buat2 bising tuu ahahaha.... winduuuuuuuuu lerrrrr!!!! akak sihat? budak kecik yg dah nk besar tu sihat? bila nk dtg bangkok lagi ni kak? klu dtg habaq2 sikit sblm kita nk angkat kaki balik japan nanti tau! :D
nampak sedapnya...mesti sedapkan...kak cek amik resepi dulu...tak sabo nak mencuba...emmmm...tetiba exited lak..he he..:)
Busy2 u pun masih ada chance to bake. I luv pound cake too...more on the berries side rather than citrusy one hehehez :D My hb luvs cinnamon tgk lah nanti bila dtg semangat to bake I will try and bake this for him. Member dah lama hinting bila I nak bake some treats for him. Haiiizzz semangat2 tah mana dah menghilang hehehez.
Congrats btw....dpt featured in LISA mag again. Good on ya Rima ;)
Wow, Rima, you are really fast! I can see you really like pound cakes :) ... but so do I! Thanks for the mention!
Nice cake.
Congratulations kerana dapat masuk mag ;)
huh? u want to go back to japan? for good ker?? lahhh apasal tak habag siang siang.. tak tahu lah bila will go to bkk again.. i hope soon.. will let u know ok
Kasi satu sekeh sama Ijah! ahh dah diam kan?? hehe
Take lah and bake it if u hv the time.. sedap benda ni.. i got one more slice for today.. catu weii hehe
Ty ty.. eh why u no mood to bake.. must bake or else nak start engine memanglah malas.. i hv to bake something cos my hubs ni jenis suka makan manis manis after dinner and ok lah i admit.. i also the same.. this pound cake memang lah moist.. last night i ate a slice and lagi shiok rasa dia..
hahaha i told ya that i will bake it... no worries.. ty for sharing this wonderful recipe... its a keeper indeed!
Ty ty n do bake this cake.. its yummeh
Hi Rima,
I got the Lisa magazine, just to look at your cake photos :) it was around RM3.90. But didn't really like reading it cos the other contents were not so interesting.
How abt you publish your own magazine on living and baking :) :) it will definitely be a hit.
u got it?? i saw it last weekend when my sis went to jb.. not read it tho but again i am not a big fan of magazine err except magazine that got to do with baking hehe
My own magazine?? woahhhh wish wish upon a star :op
Yes Rima, I got it just to look at your cake photos n recipe there although I can still see the same version on your web which is much clearer :)
If you cant get them in sgp and need some copies for yourself, let me know and I can get it for you. Its sold all over JB,not just at shopping mall bookstores, but also at those roadside mamak bookstalls
Nothing is impossible Rima, especially since you are so talented.
Hope you enjoy ur weekend.
Ty for the offer Sally.. will keep that in mind..
Hv a wonderful wkend ok..
Hi Rima,
I've recently found your blog and i'm so glad i did it, great recipes and photos! You definitely have the touch of baking and taking pics!!!
I want to make this pound cake but i have a question, the recipe calls for "cake flour" where i live (England) i find plain flour, self-raising flour and strong flour, so i guess the "all purpose flour" is the plain one but the cake flour? what kind of flour is that?
Thank you so much for your help
Have a great Sunday!
Hi Anahi
Ty .. ty .. i hope ur here to stay.. regarding ur question if u cant find cake flour in England.. u can use all purpose flour.. say if the recipe calls for a cup.. u measure a cup of flour minus 2 tbsp of flour.. add in 2tbsp of cornflour to ur all purpose flour .. sieve and u got urself a cake flour..
Lemme know the outcome of ur cake yah..
Hi Rima,
Thank you so much for your help! very appreciate. I got all the ingredients, so tomorrow hopefully i'll let you know how the cake came out :D
well, im in lav with ur tapis @ sifter (eerrkkk betulkan??) its look classic tu....
Hello Rima,
At last! yesterday evening i found time to do this cake, so i just would like to let you know how it came out... Silly me forgot to add the flour to the streusel, so the mix all went to the bottom of the cake, and i did't have orange so i used tangerine. The cake it self is very moist and with intense flavour. Would i do it again? Definitely! but with few changes, i would put less sugar and less cardamom and next time with orange zest.
Thank you very much for sharing.
Hope you are having a great Sunday with your lovely family!
Take care
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