Time: 12.11am
Weather: 6 deg
Vanue: Radisson Blu Hotel
Mood: Sleepy
Peak Agenda: Euro Disney and La Vallee Factory Outlet
We have an early flight to catch.. so cant stay long.. I hv to get up at 4am and i promise that i will update and write captions when i am settled in Barcelona.. enjoy the photos folks! Pictures were taken in
Deauville and in
Honfleur on the Normandie Coast...

Deauville (pronounced: [do.vil]) is a commune in the Calvados département in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France.
With its racecourse, harbour, international film festival, marinas, conference centre, villas, Grand Casino and sumptuous hotels, Deauville is regarded as the "queen of the Norman beaches" and one of the most prestigious seaside resorts in all of France. Closest seaside when coming from Paris, the city and the nearby region of the Côte Fleurie (Flowers Coast) has long been home to French high society's seaside houses and is often referred to as the Parisian riviera. Since the 19th century, the town of Deauville has been a fashionable holiday resort for the international upper class.[1] Deauville is also a desired wealthy family resort. In France, it is known perhaps above all for its role in Proust's In Search of Lost Time. - Wikipedia
What Dauville is famous for is their Casinos and also the Festival du Cinema Americain. This festival held since 1975 promotes American big budget and independent films. So every year you see like likes of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie etc turning up for some R&R during this event.
Interestingly too, many rich Jewish French seem to have made Dauville their second home outside of Paris for week-end getaways and also summer retreats. A lot of money is spent there and as such many high street brands have outlets here.

Promenade des Plances - these are beach closets (used in the 50s and 60s as change rooms by the rich) which have names of famous American actors and movie makers on them who have visited Dauville.

I remember so clearly that it was one of the coldest days that I hv ever encountered.. my ears were painful.. my brain felt as tho i got brain freeze.. yikes! Sonia on the other hand felt all good.. dont know why.. hmmmm

Very wide beach and really nice houses...

Part of the Casino on the right (the white building)... next to it the Hotel Normandy Barriere - one of the most expensive Hotel in Dauville (which allows dogs)... which I still don't understand. Why do Europeans travel with their animals on holidays and why do (many) hotels allow that?!

LV store - nope didnt get anything fm here - it was closed...

Hermes - nope .. cant afford to buy one hahaha BUT i finally bought myself a Venessa Bruno bag hehe

Front entrance of the Normandy Barriere

Sonia and kakak Solenn.. shes our official baby sitter in France ahaks

City Hall

Taking the coastal route from Dauville to Honfleur

Honfleur is one of the oldest Ports in France. First mention of it was in 1027. Many famous explorers came from Honfleur; Quebec (Canada) was founded by a Honfelurais (in 1608). It was an important port until Le Havre (across the Seine mouth) opened up. What you see above is the Vieux Bassin.

The beautiful old building - many made of wood - surrounding the Vieux Bassin

Mr and Mademoiselle Bachmann.... (thinking of doing something naughty to Mrs Bachmann eh...)

Again the Vieux Bassin with la Lieutenance (Building) in the background. It was the home of the former Governor of Honfleur and from 1684 to 1789 was the home of the Lieutenant of the King.

I think hubby bought this boat to sail around the world...

Vero took me to Metro - a wholesale center.. u hv to be a member to get into it and their store only has huge shopping carts which i think is a little over the top cos really how on earth are u gonna push around a huge cart .. anyway i managed to buy what i wanted.. my luggage is full of chocolate right now and nope i didnt get that huge nutella... we dont want hubs to gv me that look right?? :op

... a woman can only dream of this kinda house huhu

besar ny nutella..bole wt stok setahun nih..hehe..cpt habis kalu rajin wt marble nutella cake..hihi..memang dreaming jela umah cam tu..
terpesona tgk kecantikan tempat2 yang Rima n family lawat..
adoi rima...lagi i dok tgk all this pics, lagi i nak pi cari tix for me and haq to go there!
ohhh..love all the picas soooo much..tq rima :)
Urghhhhh beauuuuuttiiiffullllllllllllllllllllllll......
I love the house.. yeap.. we can only dream. iskkkk
ahhhh beautiful pics especially of Mademoiselle Sonia. Ooh la la those chocolates! I know what's in your luggage now....No wonder you brought Hairi with you eh, so you can have that extra luggage for chocs & more =) hehehehe.
Safe flight & can't wait for more,More, MORE updates & pics from you.
dear rima,
subhanallah! awesome pics ;o)im speechless
Waaahhh beautiful scenery lah Rima, can't wait for the
Disneyland photos....love it ;) but definitely too cold to be at the beach brrrrrr hehehez.
I pun nutella size kepala gajah tu hehehez. I reckon sampai tumbuh mold, cendawan, algae pun tak abis makan ahakssss >.<
wwaahhhhh....sonia escape from school........ha ha ha a...have a nice break kak rima...
Assalamualaikum Rima,
wah syoknya....kak Nur imagine yg kak Nur berada disana juga...kira2 syok sendiri aah!!! hehehe...apa kah yang penuh nanti dlm luggage mu nanti?? Excited and curious to know.
Rimaaaaaa..salam rindu...waaah jauhnya dirimu....holiday sakan eh... Akak suka tengok gambar2 Rima tuh...terasa2 diri berada di sana..(*verangaannn jek laaa..hehe). Aah kan, rumah tu cantiknya...betul2 english cottage yg menarik...putih bersih, i looiiiikkkeee.. ^__^ Have a great moments dear!
Beautiful & santai place babe! Tak semak samun like here. With those kinda buildings, I think I can get get myself lost soaking in the atmosphere there..and that giant nutella..haha..somebodi here sure can sensorang lick the jar clean, whatever the size :)
Asyiiiiknya, semua tempat tempat yang Kak Rima kunjungi indah semua. Hmmm hanya bisa kukunjungi dalam mimpi saja...hahaha
cantik2nya gambar kak rima..terpesona kejap ni..
kita boleh jenguk kat gambar jerla...hehehehe
oh baru baca pasal kamera tu.aduhai siannya...huhuhuhu..
kk rima.. girl dlm tu cantik la..macam nora danish mukenye..hehe
pic 6, silver car...uwaaa...makes me miss my old car alot!
Metro reminds me a lot of the old Makro in malaysia. I dulu masa kecikX2 selalu teman kan my mom shopping at Makro Shah Alam, now a Tesco. Instead of helping my mom pushing the huge cart, i actually sat on it! and my poor maid had to push it around! teruk betul i masa kecik dulu.
Ty for all the comments dearies.. tempat ni memang i hv never been to.. lucky all pics sempat ku transfer.. if not.. adehhh menyesal tak terhingga..
I wud love to go here again for several reason.. not just that.. u can shop here too cos its a little cheaper compare to other shopping area.. even their longchamp is cheaper then the factory outlet price.. unfortunately i didnt get any on that day cos i thought i cud get it in the factory outlet..
The nutella tu memang besar ketemak.. memang lah tak boleh beli cos punya lah berat.. ku very sensible.. i got one size smaller then the kepala gajah size hehe.. sensible tak?? muahahaha
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