
My kids... My life....

... Continuation fm my first post... Here are some pics taken earlier today... enjoy!

Little Sonia making funny faces...

Lots and lots of bicycle...

We walked and we walked till Sonia decided that she had enough of walking lol.. poor girl..

My first born... he was sick bef we flew here.. hes better now except he still looks tired..

Lots of small lanes... small shops... loved it!

Then we bumped into this small cafe....

Guess which one i chose? hehe

Had our lunch at Nordsee.. where u can eat all kinda seafood.. their tartar sauce was my kids all time fav!

... got to love that smile ey... a full tummy girl :o)

Hb got back fm his meeting around 6 ish... we had a quick dinner and then he drove us into the black forest as he had heard that there was snow there. He drove to one village called Feldberg but everything was dark - so after driving around we saw a very brightly lit ski slope and went to look-see. Sonia and Hairi both enjoyed throwing snowballs at each other and the village there was Winter-Picture-Perfect!

So ok folks.. my eyes are shutting... i hv been awake for almost 21hrs and i really need my beauty sleep.. we are off to Paris early as we want to make the most of Paris since hb will be busy with his meeting the next day... see u guys in Paris!


CTZee said...

Oh! How I love reading your updates & 2x in 1 day is awesome.

Have a great trip to all of you. Can't wait for more photos. Living vicariously through you right now.

Yat Maria said...

so beautiful babe...the pics! beautiful village, indeed!

err...I nak teka which dessert you choose..agak2 kalo betul dapat tu sudip kayu panjang se-meter tak? yg dijual oleh minah salah menyamar itew?? kahkahkah...

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage and bon appetit à Paris Rima and Family!!!!

Travel safe too...


juliana said...

Tq..Sis Rima u make my day just by seeing ur beautiful photo.... enjoy ur holidayyyy....

susumanis said...

awesome, beautiful darling..... looking for yr parisss :))

fatimah said...

Hi Rima...
Having lunch at Nordsee.....i miss that place sooo much...
Comel nya Lil Sonia...
More photos please... :-))
-- fatimah

Mel said...

Beautiful photos!

anakcikbob said...

hi kak Rima..
lama sangat tak singgah sini.
have fun n take care.

::Azura Rahman:: said...

which one u choose, Rima?.. hihihi..

btw, rambut Sonia dh pjg kan?.. sweet gurl la dia tu.. geram.. :):):)

Zai said...


Hi Rima
I really enjoying looking at all your photos. Hairi really look tired whereas Sonia seem very active,fresh and very very lovely.
Enjoy babe!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! So gorgeous the pictures.Blh pengsan.Hahaha.So very the jealous.

Anonymous said...

Rima, nice pictures. Hope you enjoy your trip.

Sonia looking more beautiful as she grows up


umiyumi said...

Salam Kak Rima.. bestnyaa tengok gambar2 tu.. tak pernah experience snow lagi. food pun nampak yummy sgt. bila Akak nak dtg Perth pulak..mkn angin kat sini :) Sonia pun dah besar skrg comelnya dia

Rima said...

i figure i better update bef we drive to paris or else tak terbuat.. the thing abt blogging as u go along while travelling.. u hv to hv discipline if not bila dah balik nanti.. u sure tak kuasa nak update one hehe

Ty for reading dear.. much appreciated :o)

Rima said...

muahahah if tekaan mu tepat akan ku kasi si minah salleh so that senang u nak mintak ape yg u nak kahkahkah

Yes it is indeed a pwetty village.. i love village yg kecil kecil and tak sibuk.. its like its always nice to try to blend walau pun hanya menguna sign language hehehe

Rima said...

Merci! and Insyallah..

Rima said...

U make my day too by reading em'.. ty

Rima said...

Hope for better weather there.. see u in Paris!

Rima said...

Memang Nordsee lah tempat kita if kita nak makan seafood.. love their fish fillet champignon.. hairi ate twice and the potatoes with parsley.. yums.. drooling yet?? hehe

Rima said...

Ty Mel...

Rima said...

dah lama tak datang.. sibuk ker?? welcome back dear.. stay tune ok and tks!

Ribbon and Circus said...

K rima,

Small lanes and small shops.. I'm loving it too.. Btw, I bet u chose that lemon tart with meringue.. Hehe right?

Rima said...

another hint.. yg fruity?? hehe all pun fruity :op

Yep.. the other time dah gunting and now dah panjang balik.. rambut dia halus mulus ..belum tebal lagi

Rima said...

Bef we flew tu hes been having fever for a couple of days.. gi doc kena injection.. after that i monitor his fever... that night his fever dah reda and alhamdullilah kat plane tak buat ragam demam malam.. sampai sini dah ok.. still he looks tired..

Sonia tok sah cakap.. macam pakai rechargable battery lol.. nak nampak senyap.. time dia tido..

Rima said...

eh dont pingsan.. siapa nak angkat karang hehehe.. enjoy the pics ok and tks!

Rima said...

Will do.. its bonding time for me and my kiddoes... tks!

Rima said...

W'salam Ummiyumi
I hv been to Perth once when sonia masih merangkak lagi.. liked it and was thinking abt it the other day.. hopefully can jejak kaki kat sana lagi Insyallah.. been awhile..

Rima said...

Pemenangnye adalah... RC!! ahaks.. yes i did bought lemon meringue tart.. blueberry tart too .. not forgetting their sacher cake and another chocolate cake ahaks.. ambik kau.. sekali beli tiga types hahaha

Ayu said...

Assalam Rima,
sorry ya u dah selamat sampai ke Germany, barulah I sempat nak reply all the comments ..heheh kalau orang nak beranak dah beranak, looking at the pictures, semua ni..rasa macam kita pun ada kat situ tau..heheh masih terbayang lagi kesejukkan kat korea hari tu..urs is -4c degrees eh..ours was -14c..huhu..sejuk sangat2....

tengok tarts tu eh2 mesti sedap nikan..tengok strawberries, blueberries yang fresh tu..aduiiihai..telan air liur aje ler..
so your kids on break lah sekarang ya...enjoy your holidays there ya..take more pictures for us to drool ok..hehe..

Rima said...

hehehe cakap word beranak ni kan.. uishh rasa macam dah tua gitu hahaha

Yep its either -4 or -7 here.. semalam kat snow tu tak tahu lah temp dia berapa.. the weather is bearable lah unlike macam our last trip to Germany and France.. tu lagi snow tak renti renti.. even waktu kita kat euro disney

Hehe dah jadi baja.. sedap banget buk!

umiyumi said...

Kak Rima kalau nak dtg sini bgtau la nak order macaroons. boleh ke :)

Rima said...

Insyallah.. i will notify u ok.. stock condense milk toothbrush ku hampir habis... tinggal satu kotak ajer hehehe

CT Delima said...

As'salam Rima

so excited tengok pic2 you ni. kalau boleh terbang sekejap dah samapi dah lama nak terbang kesana..hahaha

k.ct rasa mesti you akan pilih tarts strawberry or blueberry ..apa2lah janji you kenyang..hihihi

suka tengok Sonia comel sangat2 geram pun ada..kalau nak suh k.ct jaga pun I sanggup..hehehe

Anonymous said...

Hi Rima, sorry we can't meet up. I hope u have a great time in Paris n Spain. Hope the weather is nice the pics u posted.


Unknown said...

Rima, nanti, I tak nak order kuih drp u, tapi i nak order gambar untuk buku i boleh? lagi senang kan? tak payah susah2 bongkok2 kat oven panas! kalau kek tu i tiru your recipe aje...he he your zibra cotton cake recipe tu, buat sambil lewa pun jadi...tapi untuk kesedapan yang teramat sangat ialah dengan masukkan dalam peti ais, baru lah dia dense sikit, sedap..balik kerja terkan itu time i think i am going to swivel some blueberries kat atas...okay have fun in negeri journey home..thanks.

Rima said...

Alamak.. janji eh.. if i nak babysitter i will look for u ok.. hehehe

Part terbang tu yg tak shiok but sonia loves it.. dia part terbang or car ride or train ride.. she memang the best... she can adapt to it and will behave.. semalam our 7hrs car ride to paris went smoothly.. she tak rewel .. alhamdullilah..

I choose the blueberry and lemon tart.. sodap hehe

Rima said...

hehe senang lah kan macam gitu but kan i like baking so much that bertagak depan oven pun ku sanggup hehe

Yes that cheesecake memang harus diletak kat fridge all the time.. my son suka makan sejuk sejuk and bila ngap dia dense .. my hb also likes it like that.. glad u enjoyed baking it :o)

Anie said...


OMGoshhhh those pastries....droolsss at them :D

Unknown said...

;-) u ni amazing betul, buat la buku resipi, sure cantik mantik.

Shasha Mohamed said...

I love those bicycles, bicycles....

K.Nor said...

sibuk sket la cuti sekolah ni rima, dgn 4 kids yg kat rumah, peluang nak guna pc pun terhad.. baru jer berkesempatan tengok 2nd episode ni.. hehe agaknya rima pilih yg lemon pie tu kut :)

** sonia makin comel dan nampak chubby jer tu :)

About Me

My photo
Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..