This morning I woke up earlier than usual and decided to take my kids for a walk near our apartment because the weather was so beautiful.. grabbed my phone and took a picture to capture that beautiful feeling. I am missing my SLR camera, but what to do ey.. i used to think it isn’t always practical to carry it around with me but i realised today that the only way for me to hv that feeling is to hv my SLR with me.. its so perfect for capturing those moments when you just have to photograph something! alas.. I am missing my fav SLR and lens... I am such a whiner!

Morning Rima
KL dah pagi ni..hehehe. cantik pic2 yang you ambil ni, walaupun guna hp jer,tapi mengalahkan DSLR k.ct jer ..hehehe
pic awal tu nampak sangat klasik. begitu juga pic2 yang lain.Dan semestinya Sonia tetap comel suka sangat2 :)
tak der lah secantik mana.. asal nak take pic macam malas gitu.. even hairi tak nak me take pic of him lol..
First pic tu anak bujang ku bergaya dgn baju baru hahaha
I understand how u feel ;) It took me ages to save up for my 600d. Bila dah cukup duit mcm sayang nak part with ahakkksss and sangat takut nak kasi org lain pegang just in case that person drops it. Kalau lah hilang...confirm my hb will nag at me for a yr. Korek punya korek duit tabung pun tak akan dpt replace it huhuhu.
Walau bagaimana pun (cheh cheh...mcm karangan melayu seh :D) gambar2 yg diambil di atas, sangat lah cantik dan menawan ;) Kalau ada models yg cantik & handsome and scenery yg cantik....tak payah dslr pun boleh *winks*
balik nak korek tabung.. dah ter over shopping budak budak ni.. mama dia need new camera hehe
Tak take pic guilty.. take pic macam tak shiok.. i think u get the drift kan... hubs on his way to Milan now.. he just found out he cannot hire a car in italy with sg driving licence.. weird but we drove around italy using hire car bef.. kesian dia.. tiba tiba macam boring gitu w/o him.. cheeeehhhh
Waaaaaaw...indah sekali pemandangannya Kak, walaupun tanpa kamera dengan HPpun cantik...apalagi si cute Sonia *gemes*
I won't say those pics are from a handphone...hehe! Really better looking that what I take from my dslr la sis..seriously!
Ur gal is looking really adorable as always :)
hehe ty.. if macam gini esok akan ku take more pics ok :op
Sonia kalau tak di suruh pun memang suka diambil gambar nya
Ty love... actually these pics were taken using my newly bought iphone4S.. it has 8 megapixels.. its better then nothing ...
even without the DSLR, those pics are beautiful enough..really..
If u dah beli bila balik in SG, then let me know that ku pulak boleh korek tabung & buy one..kihkihkih!
Have a great day, babe! Cheers..
Handsome nyer Hairi.... tenang jer wajah dia.
Cik Ana
to invest in one memang lah berbaloi.. it took me to where i am right now.. so addicted to taking photos.. u shud korek tabung mu but kan at least u hv an envelope to look forward to.. me?? huhu
Cik Ana
hehe shhh nanti dia kembang ..
Tenang dinegeri orang.. gulp
These photos you capture here are still so lovely and beautiful even without your SLR camera! Sonia is ever looking so sweet and adorable.
barang lama jgn dikenang...sat gi cik abang ganti yang baru. this photos are great even though frm your phone, kan! rasa mcm dah luma tak jumpa you!
I bet yr DSLR is missing you too.
Keep on taking photos with yr iPhone. I know it's not gonna be the same as Mr Canon but it's pretty & definitely better than nothing.
salam sis..waaa cantiknya all the pictures ..tak macam pakai hp..huhu..tak kira pakai apa pun masih cantik kalau kena technic yg pro like you did sis..good like like..
salam k.rima,
don't stop taking photos even without your SLR... your iphone photos pun gorgeous jgak... i wish i pandai ambik gambar macam u...
p/s: sonia's boots so nice... i loike!!!!
jejaka idaman melayu tengah merenung jauh...hensem anak mak!!hehehe...Sonia tu sentiasa bergaya habis...alahai anak2 Rima penyejuk hati gitu...kan kan kan!!
Salam Rima,memanglah rindu sangat2 kat barang kesayangan....sabar ya...nanti beli yg lain pun pasti rindu gak...take it as part of rempah-ratus kehidupan..
Enjoy the precious moments with your lovely kids and cepat balik sini,knur dah rindu your bakings...hehe
Take care..
really??..frm hp je?..cantiknya pic very the 3rd pic...mcm mannequin je tgh berdiri kat verandah...;-)
hi sonia dear!
kak rima nak chop dia kak! tapi baby kita baru nak masuk 2 tahun. haha.
Alaaa Babe..
envelope Mr Babe adalah envelope mu jua!! worries..balik kang u shall get it k.. ;)
amik pakai iphone kan? try download some editing apps, snapseed, instagram ke... cun jadiknyer gambar.. sama jek.. rima, masukla instagram... bess tau situ... instant photo sharing.. eh ke u dah ade just i je yg tak follo u? jap nak carik.
yes lah.. cud be better tho ahaks
Rindu kannn.. nanti i let u know if hubs ade meeting ke tidak kat kl.. if got .. we can sembang sembang again.. shop tu macam mana?
i still will lah... kadang dah jadi habit.. harus snap pic where ever i go...
awwww ty for the kind words.. macam terharu gitu and memberi kan ku semangat nak take pics... insyallah i will ...
Sonia boots is made for walking hehe.. its fm Timberland and its so comfy..
Insyallah.. i still hv a few days here.. will take more...
anak anak if disamping kita memang lah shiok.. usually i will be so worried abt hairi bila i hv to go somewhere but this time round .. tak risau lah.. if dia turun bawah jln jln sendiri i will always remind him to take along map.. wants him to explore more.. wants him to see the world if possible.. insyallah..
If got anak girl memang gitu kan.. bergaya selalu hehe
I also rindu dgn encik KA kita.. dah lama tak membaking.. macam macam nak buat hehe
Memang pun.. no longer cursing that pencuri more abt menyesal pun ade..
yep fm handphone.. if pakai my slr can zoom lagi hahaha.. yes memang patung pun.. that building tu macam opis tau..
hehehe jgn tak tahu.. zaman sekarang tak kira umur.. me and my hubs.. 10yrs.. he masih hinggus ku dah curi hahaha
envelope mu cfm thingy.. envelope suami ku ikut profit sharing so if nasib baik timbul if not tenggelam hahaha
Eh babe.. i remember last year u got ur KA.. hopefully this year u can get camera pulak..
Instangram.. hubs ade.. i dont think i hv.. nanti i suruh dia download it for me..
Assalam Rima,
waduh, walaupun gamabr2 yang diambil menggunakan hp...kalau u tak cakap memang mati2 kita ingat u using ur dslr..
oh you duduk kat apartment eh kat sana..where you can cook & sebagainya..that is really nicelah..kalau ikut tour mana ada semua nikan...then pergi pasar wah bestnya....actually i prefer pergi holidays macam & easy on time on target kan..but of cos, before that kena buat research lah mana tempat2 yang nak pergi..any advice? hubby is asking me to look out for those bugdet airlines yang mana we can fly to certain country and we explore ourselves at our own time..kalau ikut tour macam very tightlah gitu & a bit more expensive i guessed...
Tak apa, tangkap dgn hp pun cantik2 gambarnya jugak kan.
hi rima
welldone walau pakai phone rima...cantik .
biasa lah rima, kalau dah biasa dgn satu camera yg biasa kite gunakan kalau tak gunakannya macam terasa kosong gitukan rima...terasa satu kehilangan gitu.tak per lama2 biasa lah tuuuu .
rima u still have macaroon sheet lagi ke?ingatkan nak beli lah..kelmarin time u offer tu kite bz lah nak pi your store.
Rima, bace ur post i pun teringin nk korek tabungku tapi apakan daya pasti tidak mencukupi uwaaaa... Nafsu nafsi nya banyak 'ngyotro' nye kureng. Mmg potong stimmm sigh... Anyway ur pixs still look menariksss esp gambar ank bujang mu hihiks
Rima, ada masa jengok kat sini:
i dressed up your cotton cheesecake. thank u.
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