Bonjour! I figured I better update my blog bef we drive to Marne La Vallee (home of Disneyland Paris).
Its sunny and today's weather looks promising.. lets hope it will stay this way till we get there.. soooooo bef we flew to Europe.. hubs had surprised me with a piece of paper that he had printed out.. a paper that stated that he had booked me into a Macaron class at LENOTRE.. I was ecstatic of cos... never in my life wud I have imagined attending a baking class in Paris.. I hv never attended any baking classes before and to hv my first ever baking lesson in Paris was just awesome... the class was in English and French but it didnt deter me fm learning .. i understood Chef Gilles Maisonneueve anyway..
It was a 3 hrs lesson.. nothing new to me but to see diff techniques.. diff ways and to learn a few tips fm the Chef was priceless..

Pavillion Elysee Lenotre on the Champs-Elysees (what a location!) - the main restaurant cum a cooking academy next to it..

Macarons... whats with this tiny winy dessert that attracts ppl fm all over the world? the cuteness? the taste? the difficulty to bake em perhaps?? to those that hv baked it.. u shud know the feeling when ur first batch came out perfect.. the feeling is just so so magical and when u finally get to say "YES!!" and see urself jumping up and down in ur kitchen... u know u hv hit the jackpot lol

Our Pastry teacher .. Chef Gilles... hes funny and will answer to just abt any question that u ask...

The students.. there were seven of us ... most were Parisians.. err well except me and this lady in black.. shes Swiss..

The class started almost immediately and bef i knew it i was deep into it... to be able to see it hands on is priceless!
The Chef passed me the piping bag after he did a few and suddenly commented: "I think u have done this before... how about I pay u and u help me conduct the classes in future - excellent!"... (RED FACE)..... :P

Fresh out of the oven..

Drying process...

He taught us to do three types of fillings.. chocolate ganache, coffee buttercream, vanilla buttercream and also salted caramel.

Explaining a couple of things bef we got to do our own macarons.. we got to whip the egg white.. we got to do the macaronage ... we got to pipe em and we got to bake em ourselves...

Piping fillings...

.... and munching on em hehehe
Oh my! I'm so happy for you and reading your experience in attending the class, in Paris! :) Have a great holiday Kak Rima!
Aim Aris
Ty dear.. am ecstatic and am glad hubs booked it for me.. its one in a million and am happy for this opportunity...
I pulak yg terasa over the moon
'boleh gitu'? Syoknye especially when the Chef said like that kembang-kuncup hidung u... dpn2 dia org tu semua hihihi... Way to go Rima...
bestnyer kak Rima...sambil holiday sambil join class baking macaroon lagi.
u r so lucky n blessed rima... actions speaks louder than words n tat what ur hubs did, its soooo romantic loh.. :))
what an awesome place to learn the art of macs..orang yg tangan keras cam ai pun buleh terer buat macs after masuk that kind of place to learn :) sgtlah conducive.
asal u tak bilang that chef (with that funny smile that suddenly made me laugh, ahakss!) that u r a tokey macs?? pasti dia terkedu..bilang la.."Encik chef, my mac filling lagi 'atas' dari ni taw..ganache? alaa..poohhhh!" hahahaha..nasib I tak kat situ, ada I yg kena lontar with rolling pin.
Xcellent, indeed! errr... u ada tak dapat jelingan jeles dari the rest of yr classmate? gerenti kan, ada yg jeling sampai juling2 kat u kan..kan..muahhahaha..
Wow!Nice Macarons.
Congratulations on your success ;)
Wow!Nice Macarons.
Congratulations on your success ;)
Rima, was it the camera or the camera woman yang gambar cantik2 sangat ni...and I don't want "both" as the answer!
I dah buat kek lapis prune semalam, badan tak sihat so buat 5 lapis sahaja tapi letak 320g prunes!
-big hit with my visitors just now..thanks.
oh by the way, chi u cuba buat macaroon guna pumpkin seeds instead of almond, sedap!
Lucky you Rima! Darn Lucky to have the experience of baking macarons Paris!!!
And you are Darn Lucky to have a hubby who supports and cherish your baking skills!!!!
Enjoy your holidays.
Now that's what you call a great surprise from a great husband. Awesome! U did very well Mr. Rima. =)
U know that Chef is a pro coz he recognized the talent in front of him (YOU!). this class is like the cherry on a cake. Happy banget for you mbak...MAJU TAK GENTAR!! =)
wahh mesti rima seronok giler kan.. lucky u rima! k.nor yg baca ni pun dah tumpang seronok, rima lagi la kan :)
cantik betul mac dihasilkan tu :)
Rima!! Syoknya dapat belajar buat macarons kat paris. I am green with envy.. And i miss u a lot! :)
Kak Rima,
If only the Chef knew that you're the macarons goddess, eh?
The Eiffel tower pics are... amazing! Have fun!
Dear Rima,congratulations...wah seronoknya dpt attend that macaron Paris lagi...menggigil tak?
From: KNur-Trg
hehe it was a malu moment .. he gave me the chance to pipe and suddenly stepped back.. lepas tu he asked me.. u did this bef right?? hehe.. i was smiling lah of cos and he said.. how abt u help me to ajar and i pay u 200 euros for every lesson.. in my heart.. boleh jugak.. i can learn lots for free if like that hehe
yes .. the feeling tu macam over the moon gitu.. didnt know how to react when hubs told me abt it but bila he sent me there and i hv to go in myself.. rasa takut pun ader but after that tak rasa takut pulak cos the chef and the rest of the students buat kita feel at home..
hes like that.. not the most easy person to live with but alhamdullilah he takes good care of his family...
muahahha u wanna know which one yg ade attitude dgn i?? tu si gendud yg pakai apron.. he gave me that B**** look and terus he came to me and said.. "I want to try and pipe" .. puiiiii !! dah tu bila pipe batter dia keluar macam cacing hahahaha
I didnt want to say anything lah.. i am there to learn so better not say anything.. i did asked him lots and am glad hes willing to share.. it was indeed an experience...
it was indeed a good way to end my day in paris city.. awesome experience..
Dr H
its the camera lah.. cuba pi beli itew Canon ok .. sure ur gambar jadi cantik cantik hehe
U did?? five layer ke.. 10 layers ker.. 25 layers ker.. janji its a big hit and habis dimakan oleh everyone..
Thrifty corner
am blessed to hv a hubs who understand my passion ..
yes.. like the cherry on a cake.. am blessed!
seronok tak terhingga.. its priceless and 3hrs of ilmu is simply awesome..
Macs semua turned out perfect .. was a good day eventho hari tu hujan turun dgn lebat nye..
I miss u too gf!! nanti i go KL we gather gather ok.. lots to talk talk lah..
Eat well and no more loosing weight ok.. hv to take care of urself!
alamak compare to the pro.. i am still a beginner.. i learn lots out of this class.. :o)
hehe of cos .. bila chef pass itew sudip for me to do macaronage ku macam mengigil sikit.. he said.. relax then ku terus baca bismillah and the rest is history.. am glad i attended it.. u shud ok bila u balik Paris.. jeles!
Rima, sekali lagi bagi spec betul2 camera yang u guna, i guess it is more user friendly compared to Nikon, i think i pernah baca ada one fb friend kata dia thought so...dia kata bagi orang yang tak suka susah2 teknik, baik canon...
lagi pon, dalam buku i, gambar yang di ambil dengan nikon pro dengan camera phone 12mpx nampak macam serupa jer bila dah keluar published.
lagi satu, i dok fikir, kalau layer cake tu kita guna resipi baulu biasa mungkin sedap juga, tak lah rich sangat. nak cuba try dah...oven i macam dapat semangat baru ha ha ha, thanks to u
Seruuu dan asyiiik banget Kak Rima...menyempatkan waktu belajar macaron selagi di French. Sudah hebat masih belajar lagi...semoga ilmunya tambah oke ya Kak...kita kita cuma bisa kursus dalam mimpi saja...hahaha
bestnya k rima .. lagik best bila dapat surprise from hubby .. hehe ..i bila la nak start buat macaroon .. tgk recipe dah berkali kali ..nak start buat ..err .. terasa mcm sure x jadi .. baik x yah buat ..akekekke
ya ampunnn!! bestnye kak rima...i pulak yg rasa mcm nak dancing n jumping up and down LOL!
so happy!! it is priceless...
tokei macaron belajar buat macaron.result=super duper terer.
lepas ni emamng akak power gila la buat macaron. maybe boleh buat class jugak. *wink2*
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