Time: 10:33pm
Weather: No rain (10 - 12 deg)
Vanue: Paris
Mood: Tired... were at the beach earlier today.. had a long day..
Peak Agenda: Oh gosh too many things to write that i dont even hv any peak agenda anymore...
First thing first.. Gong Xi Fa Cai! to all my fellow readers celebrating Chinese New Year...
Forgive me for my long absence .. didnt mean to ... its just that time wasnt on my side and when i did hv a little time.. i ended up sleeping.. grrrr.. i hv far too many pics to share... i hv far too many stories to tell... but...
After 6hrs of drive fm Freiburg we got safely into Paris.. the apartment that we stayed in was superb.. location wise was good (near the Centre Pompidou) and we wud probably be staying in the same apartment if we do go to Paris again.. i specifically told hubs that probably its best to stay in an apartment instead since its easier for me to cook for my kiddoes.. anyway while hubs was busy during the day.. we were busy exploring.. I met KNur who lives in Terengganu (shes one of my silent readers and we hv actually been emailing one another for almost 2yrs now), and her lovely daughter Lily last Thursday.. we didnt get to spend the whole afternoon but we managed to go to E. Dehillerin with the intention of contributing our part as tourists to the Franch economy :op
I managed to buy what i needed there and most of all i managed to find the shop that was recommended by KNur that sells mainly Mastrad products.. anyway long story short after 3 days in the city of love... we drove to hubs family friends' place and hv been here since Friday... enjoy the first few pics below and hopefully i am able to upload more pics of what memorable things I did while in Paris..

The apartment that we stayed in for 3 days... Sonia loved her bed so much that she spent most of her time in her bed lol

First home cooked food... the day we arrived .. i cooked thai fried rice and ended our stay with Nasi Lemak hehe

Yep this is it... the place that i had planned to go for the longest time.. it was a huge warehouse and the sales people there were mainly guys .. they are very helpful and we got what we wanted...

The place can be a little messy but we make do... this is what u call... "where theres a will.. theres a way" - right KNur?? hehe

... a visit to Paris will not be complete without going to Laduree..

Had our little tea aka coffee there... to be honest.. i was dissapointed with their coffee especially after i saw that the coffee machine that they use is the same coffee machine that Burger King uses .. blahhhh.. nevertheless their cakes were to die for... their macarons .. oh la la... so overall it was worth the experience...

Hairi and his danish and the pic on the right was MINE hehehe

Eiffel Tower.... what is Paris without it.... we went there twice... wasnt the brightest idea to go at night cos the weather was super cold and wet nevertheless it was the brightest light that we hv seen so far!

hehehe Hairi and his Eiffel Tower..

Loved all the pics! worth the brrrrr

Hubs later drove us to Montmartre and specifically to the Basilica of the Sacre Coeur. So So cold, but that meant again no tourists and no problems is finding parking or taking shots.. what a long nite it was but so memorable!

Hi Rima
Kat sana pun lewat tidor ya? Hehe..
Me very the frustolaah..my netbook dah coma so tak dapat berBW n mengomen sesuka hati. Apapun, as what u said, nak seribu daya....kan?
Tumpang seronok ..suka tengok gambar2 tu esp pic Eiffel Tower yg ada effect ranting2..kinda scarry gak :-)
Do continue to have fun..mamamkan macs untuk I jugak..
Bonjour K. Rima! Oh how I've missed reading all your updates. Glad to hear things are going great.
Alamak....you're making me miss Paris. Can't get enough of this city. I'll be counting down to my next visit. Hv loads of fun.
Rima! I nak pi paris!this year wt haq!cannot tahan already tgk pics saja! Class dah pi ka belum?
Chop! Dah baca resepi opera cheesecake lst nite, making them today or trrow? Gulp
salam sis rima lama dok tgu entry paris ni...huhu..cantiknya all the pictures..rasa hidup and rasa macam diri ini dah sampai kesana..hihihihi..bg rahsia taking picture skit...sis pakai camera apa + lens..hehehe..have fun..
Hi Rima...
Really can't wait for you to update yr photos.Enjoyed looking at them!
Masih jet lag lagi I suppose..
And not too late for me to wish you Happy New Year!!
woww sangat cantik gambar2 kat eiffel tower waktu malam tu.. luv it! :)
Wah So very the gorgeous. Sonia look sooo tall!! Betul2 shopping sakan.So takde apa2 for GA ke? Wink wink hahaha
salam rima..lovely lovely n definitely love it :)
Cik Som
actually kan semalam dah reply but kan suddenly my line got cut off and to connect it back kena lah turun bawah to their living room.. so decided to just log of anyway memang lah if lappy kita buat hal.. membuat kan our blood boiling.. ty for commenting.. mean so much waktu di negeri orang ni.. windu gitu..
Sonia nanti mamam kan macs for u ok.. mama dia try to go on diet konon kahkahkah
Boujour CTZee!
u want me to sing a french song tak?? hehehe.. yes i like it here too.. so many stuff to do if u know what to do.. its not all abt going to the touristy places and if u hv ppl here to take u to places that is out of bound to tourist lagi lah shiok kannn
we will be here for another 3 days bef flying to barcelona..
come come... i can never get enough of here... nanti suruh hag book kan u class ok.. awesome!
Good luck on the opera... i know what i wanna bake when i go back to sg.. something that hubs had in Laduree and i got the recipe for it :o)
Sorry lah dear.. sometimes tu plan tak menjadi.. ingat nak update blog siang dan malam but tak kesampaian.. i think when kat barcelona i sure akan update lagi kerap cos hubs will be in Milan and i will hv free time in Barcelona..
how to gv tip eh.. i use canon 500D and pakai lens f1.8/50mm and also my normal lens of 18-55mm.. taking pic at night tu a little challenging especially waktu winter.. :o(
Art lover
Happy New Yr to u too! no more jet lag but we hv been out and abt and penat cos it had been a full on wkend..
I loved it too!! so bright and beautiful dgn angin bertiup kencang hahaha.. sejuk weii hehe
hehe shopping memang harus lah kan.. maklum when in paris do what others do hehehe
GA?? hmmm maybe?? insyallah..
ty ty.. am glad i get to share a little.. :o)
Salam Rima,by this time rasanya you dah tiba Barcelona.knur tiba KL semlm and today busy with last minute prep for lily punya persekolahan.maybe I'll sit around for a month or two before going back to Paris.
Wah..seronok tgk gmbar2 tu and rasanya nanti nak go again to that shop.nak beli those acuan tart yg square tu a few more..hehe..Thanks again for everything :-)
we are still in Paris but in the land of disneyland.. esok nak ajak budak budak gi disneyland.. wed baru bertolak gi barcelona..
U shud get some kind of member to go to Metro.. kat situ massive.. supermarket yg ade bermacam macam untuk orang yg ade business makanan.. there u can buy acuan tart yg square to.. 6 pcs for 24 euros.. murah kan.. i think i paid like 14 euros each!
Mesmerizing pics kak Rima!! Are using a canon dslr? Whats ur cam model and ur lens??
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