Hows the New Year so far?? back to normal? hehe.. phewwww.. the kids are in school again.. mom and dad back in the office.. stay home mom like me is back to normal routine.. niceeee.. Sonia will only start school on Friday so in the meantime my routine is per normal.. come Friday i will be a little busy in the morning sending her and picking her up fm school at 1pm which gives me little time to bake and taking pics of my goodies during day time.. :o(
So far since the clock strick 12 midnight.. i hv been able to learn how to "sit"? i dont really like to sit down and watch telly.. to me its just a waste of time but for some reason since 2012.. i managed to watch two movies.. a malaysian movie and also hindustani movie.. both movies made me cry.. cheettt!! i shouldnt hv watch it but i had to since lots hv been talking abt this malaysian movie .. "Ombak Cinta" .. Anyway it was worth my effort to "sit" down for a change since it got me all mellow jello after that hahaha

So ok.. this sweet bread was baked this morning.. I had planned to cook early and baked this bread so that Hairi can hv it bef he goes to school.. today he sits for his A Maths paper and am praying hard that he will be able to answer each and every question in his exam paper.. his next paper will be Physics.. all the best son.. u know u hv our support and our prayer..
500g high protein flour - bread flour
100g sugar
11g instant yeast
150g water roux
1 egg
1 egg yolk
100ml fresh milk
70g butter
1 tsp salt
400g cheddar cheese
100g butter
50g caster sugar
Mix flour, sugar, water roux, eggs and yeast
Add in fresh milk a little at a time and continue to knead
Add butter and salt, knead again until pure elastic
Leave the dough for an hr or so or till it double in size
Divide dough into several balls .. each ball weighs around 70g
Flatten each dough and add in fillings and roll it into balls again
Let ur dough stand for 10mins or till it doubles in size
Brush dough with egg wash and bake it in a preheated oven of 175C for 15mins
For filling
Stir butter and sugar with whisk.. add in grated cheddar cheese.
Note: I didnt use cheddar cheese as filling but instead used red bean paste since that is Hairi's fav filling.

Souce: Ayin

Sonia dah nak pergi sekolah?? alamak dah besar dah dia..Ombak Cinta ke Ombak rindu kak rima?..hehehe..tgk cerita hindustan apalah yg nangis2 tuh..
hi rima.. its "ombak rindu" la.. hehehe...
*love your blog...
Nina and Ita
MUAHAHAHAHAH.. ni ketawa besar tauuuu.. orang jarang jarang tengok movie malay ni memang begitu lah.. sampai tittle pun boleh jadi salah.. hantam lah labuuuuu
yep shes gonna be 4 in march.. ni nanti in two weeks time ponteng 3 minggu hahaha.. ishhh apa lah omak dia ni
Nangis? Okay kita kwn k.rima :) I brought tissues since my friends ckp sure nangis. Hahaha...
Hmm.. Xsabo nk tgk gmbr2 Sonia g skol . Will be waiting :D
salam kak..huhu..harini ita buat gak roti, tapi yg biasa2 jer..ni kena cari red bean paste lak..mana nak carik..
muahahahh..leh tahan tgk hindustani movie..dah berjaman ku tak tgk! I rasa kalo tgk musti nak kena baring2 sebab definitely more than 2 hours..sambil tgk leh tido jap, mimpi sket..bangun..citer lagi belom habis..lagi joget2 tukar baju & nyanyi2 agaknya hero & heroine hindustan tu..kahkahkah..
U give us roti any type anytime babe..sure licin one :)
Salam kak rima..
dah 6 bln x singgah dapur akak...cuti pregnant..haha
akak klau nak order macaroon tu mcmana?? terliur melihatnya!!!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...daku sungguh tergoda dgn sweet bread mu yang lawa menawan...pasti akak try nnt...x tahan dah nampak kelembutan roti ni Rima.. Waaah, nnt Sonia dah sekolah...mamanya baking jgn sampai tertdo ya..sbb aman sangat kat rumah tu...hehhee
Messy mummy
Ahhh pi siap kan tissue berkodi kodi ok ahaks.. actually kan tu sebab dah lama i tak watch movie hindi and malay cos lately tak de byk malay movie yg feeling feeling.. tak habis habis cerita antu.. yikes!
We are excited too.. harus take lots of pics ey
alahhh cun or no cun.. roti tetap roti.. sure akan laku one especially if baru keluar dari oven.. betul tak?? hehe
i also dah lama betul tak watch malay and also hindustani film.. if malay movie tak habis habis cerita antu.. i no like.. then if hindustan pulak u really hv to sit down for 3 to 4hrs just to watch it.. the other day kan si encik starhub berbesar hati kasi channel free.. so dont know why when i was surfing channel.. tertiba boleh terwatch hindi movie.. terus melekat sehhh.. 4 jam weiii siap nangis lagi hahaha
CONGRATS!! So kira sekarang dah tak pantang lagi.. can eat just abt anything.. hehe
You can email me ur order.. tks dear!
muahaha mana tau?? silap silap bukan tertido kat kitchen.. tertido and overshot kat katil sendiri kahkahkah
Bake it lah.. masuk ajer kat BM mu tu hahaha
I x tgk lagi ombak rindu mcm rasa org utan pun ada org seberang sudah tgk, my parents siap g wayang even my grandma dh tgk. Apakah! X sabo nk nangis hihiks...
Anyway did u manage to get sonia into 'the' school. Maryam pun dh nk start school, bt ponteng this week nk g holiday hahhakss... U x nangis ke sonia nk start school?
kak rimaaaa...
sangat sweet itu bread. lawaaaa..oo patut la inti dia nampak black, pelik juga sebab kat situ filing cheese. nak buat jugakla...lama takmeroti. saya pun ada rad bean paste.
'ombak rindu' also made me cry.. hahaha..
I am yet to watch Ombak Aaron.. ooops..!
I pun tengok 2 filem Hindustan; watched one for 20mts (Slumdog dah berzaman tapi baru tengok smlm but I dont like it) and watched 3 Idiots for 1 hr (pastu the 3 Idiots watched me zzz, hehe).
2012.. ada mishap sket; nangka busuk! huwaaa...
I first feeling time pertama kali send sonia for that art session kat 1Utama.. dont think i will lah hehe.. just like first time antar hairi masuk army.. ku sangka akan bercucuran air mata.. tapi nan ado :o)
Yep.. in that Montessori school...
Cuti early ehhh.. we told the principle and she said its perfectly fine to take her out of the school for 3wks..
Ombak rindu buat kita gembeng haha.. buat lah Izah.. pakai red bean lagi shiok..
Cik Som
waktu ku watch that movie ku teringat akan dikau.. i told my hb.. cik som sure dah tengok this movie hehe
Whyyyy.. what happened??!! i will investigate :op
I watch ape tu.. cerita lama.. khabi khabi?? ahhh cerita dah basi baru lah nak tengok hehe
I also watched Ombak Rindu a few days back. Kecoh dkt FB abt that movie, so I pun tgk lah. Ada yg ckp kena sediakan tissue berkotak2. I tgk relax jer....sedih small-small aja....ahakkksss takde lah mcm org lain ckp sampai meleleh2 air mata ;)
Hari tu teruja tgk roti kat rumah Yat, ni dkt rumah u plak cuma masih blom ada semangat nak buat hehehez. Nak kena flex muscles kalau nak kluarkan BM hehehez....alasan org malas :pppp
Yum!! This sounds amazing!! Love your photos!
Katie {Epicurean Mom}
Happy new year to u and ur family.. i also cry small small.. tak de lah sampai berkotak kotak tissue ku habis kan.. cuma sehelai tissue yg basah hehe
Eh dont malas malas wokey.. year 2012 harus more rajin simply bec the nbr looks great for a new start hehe
Oh my.. i love ur photos too! amazing job.. well done! xx
hi kak..nak tanya what is 'BM' and water roux? sorry baru nak belajar...
It's bread maker n water roux tu u can get recipe fm my previous post
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