Wasnt in my agenda today to update my blog .. the weather today is simply awesome.. no need for aircon cos the air.. uh la la... feels like ur in Europe during Spring time hehe.. the main culprit that got me updating my blog is Yat Maria hahaha.. my fellow country woman who did banana balls this morning..
... and since i hv never used any recipe to do banana balls - i normally have my own 'style' - i decided today to use a proper recipe that i saw at Izah's blog... kwang kwang kwang within half an hr balls and balls of it went into my mouth lol.. ty dear for sharing this recipe.. wud add more sugar to my balls as i am naturally a "sweet" person ahaks
5 - 6 aged/soft bananas - mashed
1/2 cup sugar - will use 3/4 to 1 cup next time
1 cup flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
a drop of vanilla essence if u like
Sieve flour and baking soda.. put aside
In a big bowl, add mashed bananas and sugar
Add in sifted flour and mix.. let it sit for 20 mins
Heat oil.. scoop ur batter and fry it - i used ice cream scoop hehe

Muahahaha...speedy gonazales punya balls! ahaksss...punyala cepat dah buat..hujan2 ni punyala sedap makan balls hot2 with that cuppa :) I am a couple of moolah poorer today..dah ku agak tu budak2..haizzz! ada udang disebalik balls..kahkahkah!!
Dear Rima,
You've golden touch...i'm very sure. Even your banana balls look so elegant. Over here, we call it 'cucoq kodok'...and the name is so so...to most kids here, the balls look more like toads instead of golden balls.
wish you had special pass to gate c16, boleh hantar itew banana balls...we are still here...kapalterbangnya entah dimana, delayed frm 5.45...huwaaaaa! sib baik ada baki lemon tart...tea and probly dinner wt tt!
ingatkan sampai awai nak try mastrad using the new baking tray.....hehe tgk cemana, i might just do tt!
Nice banana balls.
I like it less sweet ;)
LOL Babe.. tu sudah semestinye.. if budak budak ni lain macam ajer.. sure kita terkeluar wang emas hahaha
yes speedy one .. tks to u! haha
Toad? hehe.. cocok kodok memang i dah biasa dgr.. kita kat sini panggil jemput jemput pisang.. today i did two types.. jemput jemput udang also i do .. tamak! hahaha
apasal tak bilang.. or else si balls ni ku antor.. terpaksa lah u keluar balik to take the balls hehe
Pi tido sudah hehe.. dapat go to that floating LV?
i like it sweet hehe
comelnya your jemput-jemput pisang..hehe..
My kinda comfort food. Simple, greasy & yummmmmy. Now if only those bananas on my counter-top will ripen up faster before the lil one finishes it up. hehhehe.
Hi Kak Rima,
Yee Haa!!! Free stay at Casa Del Rio...I So Want It :)
Me and my family (hub and 2 boys) sure want to stay in this luxurious hotel!! This time if we get to win, will not missed out on taking the river cruise and basking in the Malaccan Air....walk down Jonker Street and the historic places that Malacca has to offer is amazing. I definitely want to bring back their kueh bangkit and baolu...*smelling it now* makes me drool...Crossing my fingers that I'll be the winner ;->
Best wishes:
Roziana Bte Roseli
Loves this snack at all times. Just a suggestion which I have done this too, you can add in some grated coconut in and it does takes much yummy.
Pls post again ur comment in my latest entry ok.. Gd luck dear!
ehehehe.. the air also membuatkan kita asik nak ngunyah ngunyah kan kak... ok la dapat kunyah 'cekodok pisang pun best apa...hehe
rumah ni jarang buat cokodok pisang cos belum sempat si pisang nak monopause.. benda nye habis... then if beli yg dah lembek I usually will bake cake or muffin.. ni baru puasa hati ku dapat buat cokodok.. tks for sharing Izah!
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