Calling all lemon lovers... calling one.. calling two.. SOLD!

Yes i am SOLD.. honestly whenever i go to any cafe its not the chocolaty kinda dessert that i go for cos i know i can whip up something at home so delicious using the best chocolate there is.. I would usually end up ordering any citric dessert.. or if i do go to Cafe Baviamo.. i will always end up ordering sticky date pudding.. but... u do know that .. right??
Anyway this lemon tart was baked last night.. didnt take that long to prepare and i am so so so so in love with this creamy yummylicous lemon cream.. i tell ya.. nothing beats this one.. not even the one that I would usually have at hmmm lets not compare cos really i still need my lemon fix whenever i go to that cafe.. this lemon cream is so refreshing.. the sweetness is just right.. i might even use this lemon cream recipe for my mac fillings! yummeh!!

So let me gv my thanks to Chelle of Foodagraphy for sharing this super wonderful lemon cream recipe with us.. i decided to use the same shortcrust pastry recipe that i used for my apple crumble pie.. the whole yummylicous lemon cream goes really well with that crunchy crust...

190g flour
40g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
120g butter
1 egg yolk
To prepare the crust
Sift the flour in a big bowl. Add the salt and sugar in the middle.
Add the cold cubed butter and make a crumble with the dough, using the tips of your fingers.
Make a hole in the middle and add in egg yolk. Work the dough with the tips of your fingers. Make a ball with it and place it in plastic wrap. Put in the fridge for a minimum of 2 to 3 hours, if possible.
Roll dough and place it in greased tart mold. Make little holes with a fork and chill in fridge for at least an hour. Cover with aluminium foil. Bake in the preheated oven at 175°C for about 25-30 mins.
Remove the paper and continue to cook for another 10 till crust is brown.
Remove from the oven and let cool on a cooling rack
Once the crust is cold, fill with lemon cream. Level it and chill in fridge overnight, before serving.
Lemon AND blueberries! Heavenly! I always using lemons in baking, they make the whole kitchen smell great! I hope Sonia enjoys her first day at school, I still remember mine, hehe
U nie mcm tahu ajer... I ada lemon...hehehe...
Hari tu, biler I ada buttermilk...u pun kluar kan that recipe... hari nie jugak... actually lemon ku nak dekat kecut.. semalam baru terfikir nak buat aper dgn nie lemon.. seblum itew lemon kecut.. hehehe
Balik if tk penat...pasti ku buat...
That day nyer recipe pun da buat cuma blum post jer kat blog..Nak update blog pun da malas...hehehe...
rima!!! i nak tt sq tart tin and the tart as well, of course!will call you!
nyum nyum.. I love lemon tart too.. :D
All the best to Sonia.. I don't think she'll weep for her mommy.. her mommy will weep for her instead kihkih..
Rima, nampak tersangatlah sedapnya, izinkan ummi mencubanya nanti ye..
ha ah..same like KG.. I want that sq that also.. hehe
I cant remember mine but i sure can remember Hairi's.. melalak tak renti renti for one whole week and i hv to tercongok belakang tingkap.. asal kita lepa dia start nangis.. ishhh Hairi ... Hairi... now budak gembeng tu dah 21yrs old..
Yes lemon and blueberries.. memang shiok.. if u rajin do meringue and then burn the meringue.. sure sodap too
ahhhh kan dah kata .. i can sense! hehe
If tak malas buat ok.. keep it overnight and u can enjoy it for the weekend..
I nangis?? hehe dulu also i ingat i akan nangis bila antar hairi masuk camp.. but kan.. takkkk punnn hehehe.. i dah rasa sedih waktu first tme tinggal kan sonia kat art class.. tmrw i am hoping dia tak cenggeng
Alamak actually kan the last para on Aisha comment tu is for you hahaha.. tu lah nak cepat lagi.. asyik ade kesilapan technical ajer hehe
Lemon curd, lemon cream, anything lemony..I'll take it all.. :)
muahaha u pun ade silap technical.. haha where got sq pan.. tu rect pie pan.. nanti i tunjuk u where to get.. will keep some for u.. call meeeee
Sila kan lahhh.. benda sedap harus dishare.. if tak dapat share the end product.. dapat share recipe pun ok kan hehe
Let me know ok..
Another beautiful tart you have made! Oh my, so many of the recipes of yours I have bookmarked but yet to make some of it as I have dislocated my shoulder; so no baking for the time being. The Lemon Tart of course I am going to make it one day! Thanks for sharing Rima.
SOLD macam cerita p ramlee.. lelong lelong.. siapa mau beli ini perempuan.. rupa nye cantik.. lelong lelonggggg hahaha
Bake it ok .. sure u relax one corner and eat it sorang sorang hehe
OMG Mel.. i hope u are ok.. better rest well.. no baking for u!! hehehe take care yah
Tetelan air liur dah akak ni tau...kechur..kechur....bak la sikit ...kempunan akak tau...puas dah dak pandang...:)
Assalam rima,
beside chocolate, i pun suka cake2 or tarts yang berperisa oren & lemon, ..the lemon cream nampak very creamy sudah pasti sedap ni..boleh buat untuk fillings for roti juga kan ..
Anyway, Rima minta izin ambil recipe for Opera cake tu ya..ingin nak cuba ni..pray for me jadi k..hehe..thanks dear..
cik cek
Mari lahhhh kak.. akan ku saji siap dgn blueberry yg penuh hehe
GOOD LUCK! remember to read the steps properly ok.. important gelatinenye u tambah kan so that the cheese fillings tu kenyal sikit.. after u dah pour cheese filling u masuk kan kat freezer kejap.. once dah keras sikit u baru letak another layer of jaconbe.. let me know the outcome..
gosh i want to have that... yummy! thanks a lot for sharing such a wonderful recipes.
owh... sangat kijam!!!!
resolutions-schmesolutions... I want one of those :)
All the best to Sonia on her first day of school!!
Another yummylicious recipe yeayyy...
just watch the pic pun dah drooling niii..... oh ya... gud luck to Sonia..she is such a cutie pie i'm sure she can fit in easily... mine dah 4 org dah lepas all not cerewet Allhamdulilah...
Kak Rima comey...
owh ...nengok lemon cream tu dah buat ayu rasa nak jilat2 screen je...hik2....I wud want to have it mcm tu je pun best....
Congrats for 'a story to tell my kids'..u deserve it kak.....mmg ayu tried recipe akak so far.....tak pernah failed...baru je try cookies akak last week....xdan nak entry je, sbb internet kat doha tergedek2 je....
oh my.. i telan air liur ni!
Hi Rima, hv been reading your lovely blog for a while and decided to leave a comment today.
Saw your lemon tart this morning and straight away made up my mind to do it.......was lemonlicious (?) and highly recommended everyone to try it. Thank you for sharing the recipe.
Hi Rima!
Would love to know where you got your rectangular shaped tin to make this lemon tart. Have been asking around for answers but to no avail. Thanks!!
Hi Lea
If ur in Singapore.. u can get it either at Sun Lik or Kitchen Capers.. i saw it in Paris and Barcelona too but the price were expensive..
Oh u can try Lemon Zest at holland V but its a little pricey
Kak Rima,
Wat is the size for the tart mould ye?
K Rima,
Wat is the size for the tart mould ye?
u can use any 9" tart mould for this recipe
Hi, Meyer Lemon is on sale now in Cold Storage! Hopefully you can still get it. I got myself two bags !
Thank you Summer Rain!
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