Thank you to those that participated in my 6th GiveAway... after reading each and every comment in my GA post.. we found out that out of 145 comments.. only 123 we had a few double entries... so we counted the entries.. jotted down everyone's name, numbered them and entered 1 TO 123 in and clicked "Generate:..
Oh goodness.. yawnnn... sorry dearies.. i have been yawning non stop .. its been a long day today and my body is kaput... i decided to do the "clicking" tonight since tmrw morning i will be out and abt again so this post is actually a scheduled one..
Lets get on with the result!
It was a quick one..
.... And the winners to my 6th GA are .........

and 2nd:

Oddly enough they were very close to one-another.
So who are No 103 and No 106?? hehe.. readyyy??
No 103:
Hello dear Rima
eeemmmm....what would I do in Melaka yea... off course will jalan2 hingga kaki melecet & tangan penuh sarat dengan shopping bag kt Jonker Street... dh penat jalan, mestila makan makan minum minum... my choice ikan bakar, air kelapa muda at Alai & my hot favourite sotong kangkung di Melaka Central.
Dah penat terapi mata,perut & poket.. time for relaxing.... my choice mestila A'Famosa... a lot of fun activities for kids, & for me mesti la berendam dlm itew pool...tapi kalau dapat berendam dlm Casa del Rio's pool lagila seronok yg tak terhingga... hope my dreams come true yea Cik Rima & cik thanx
Rohaida Salleh
No 106:
If I were to win, it would be a great 20th wedding anniversary gift for hubby and myself.
We can enjoy this time together with our four kiddos and paint Melaka town red! We like to check out the old shops along the riverbanks where they sell lots and lots of kueh kapit and kueh bolu moulds and other stuff and go eat at one of the Peranakan restaurant and end our day with a river cruise!
Theresa Ng
So Rohaidah gets to spend the night at Casa Del Rio and Theresa gets a S$50 voucher from my store.
So would both of you please email me through my contact form
HERE. I need from you your full address, contact number and email address.
Both of you have until 9am on Friday 13th Feb to email me - if you don't I will re-draw :)
Congrats Girls!!!
Hi Kak Rima,
Oohh so close yet so far! My entry was just before Rohaida's.. Huuhuu.. Congrats to both Rohaida and Theresa! and thanks Kak Rima for the very exciting contest.. Looking forward to the next GA, where to next time eh?? hehe..
Norimah Ab. Ghani
Congratulation to the winners..... that was a fun just to try ours luck wit ur GA Sis Rima......
Morning Rima
Wahh..Tahniah pada yang berjaya.
apa pasal boleh terlepas erk..kalau tak sure boleh menang..hehehe
Good Morning sis...Congratulation to the winners!!!
:. Dr semalam asyik tringat bread butter pudding lagi lah...:
congrats winners!!! awesome rima!
congrats to winners! next time buat contest lagi ok..
Waaa...congrats to both winners! Rima, ada belen vaucer lg x? Hahahaha...Melaka mmg best...! River cruise and all wall paintings at riverside really amazing..! Jonker Street, argghh...xnak cerita byk...mmg happening! My kids suka sgt situ.. ^__^. Akak suka lg naik rumah Hj Ibrahim kat Kg Mortem tu...ala2 baba nyonya concept.. :)
congrats winners
ty for participating and jgn lupa participate lagi ok hehe..
Ty for participating Juliana... :o)
pasal kan KCT tengah asyik makan mee goreng basah tak?? hhehehe
Afternoon Ninaz
ahhh tu tanda nye dia suruh buat sekarang jugak hehe
ty dear... if ade rezki or sponsor boleh lah buat another GA
Insyallah.. if ade rezki..
I think kan lagi better kasi voucher cos that way ppl can choose what they like.. insyallah can do hv more GA..
Rima if go melaka.. i aim for cendol and asam pedas.. also that nasi lemak kukus .. i think.. hv to drive jauh to go and eat at that place
hi rima,
congrats to both winners... awesome giveaways...looking forward to the next one...he he...
Congrats to the winners!!! :D :D
hi rima
congrat to the winner
seronok juga ye ada game...selain dari resepi dan pengalaman melancong kan rima
Congratulations pada yang menang ;)
hello dear Rima
Wht??????? im 1 of the the winner.... Alhamdullillah... rezeki tahun baru nampaknya. Terima kasih daun keladi Mr & Mrs Rima.
& thanks for kwn2 yg congrate.... no worries, jgn sedih, Mr & Mrs Rima will conduct another GA soon... manalah tau lepas ni yr rezeki plak kan..
Rohaida Salleh
Salam kak,
huhu no luck meh!!..takpe, kita tgu 7th GA pulak eh..hehe
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