Every year without fail we will try to gather everyone for a little xmas/bday get together.. this year we decided to have a BBQ.. not in a big scale but enough to fill up everyone's tummy..mum wasnt feeling well so she was wrapped up warm lol .. i cooked Bee Hoon Taucu, Baked Potato and salad as side dishes.. we had chicken wings, beef, prawns and also chicken sausages on the BBQ side..

Sonia and her toys... adults and their prezzies!

Thanks to Wati and her kids for helping out in the kitchen.. even my little Sonia knows how to help .. am happy to see that in Sonia.. to instill that in ur child is important.. plus it doesn't take a lot of effort to lift a finger...

This is the Berry Pavlova that was prepared as main dessert.. instead of using limoncello cream.. i did passionfruit cream instead!
300ml eggwhites
2 cups sugar
2 tsp white vinegar
3 cups of pouring cream
1/2 cup icing sugar
1/4 cup limoncello - I used passionfruits juice
350g mulberries
250g blueberries
200g raspberries - i added
Preheat oven 150C. Place eggwhites in an electric mixer and whisk on high until stiff peak form. Add sugar a little at a time whisking for 30sec bef adding another tablespoon. Once all the sugar has been added, whisk for a further 8 mins or until the mixture is stiff and glossy. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula. Add the vinegar and whisk for a further 2 mins or until glossy and combined.
Draw a 22cm circle and a 15cm circle on sheets of non stick baking paper and place 2 baking trays. Divide meringue mixture between the circles. Bake the 22cm pavlova for an hr and the 15cm pavlova for 50mins. Remove the 15cm pavlova fm the oven and allow to cool. Turn the oven off and allow the 22cm pavlova to cool completely in the oven. - i baked mine at 110C
Place the cream, icing sugar and limoncello in a bowl and whisk until stiff peaks form. Top the 22cm pavlova with 3/4 cream and berries. Top with the remaining pavlova, cream and berries. Dust with icing sugar to serve. Serve 8-10.

Brrrr its snowing here! hehe

A small Santa wont harm.. hehe

Tadaaaaaaaa .. Sonia was ecstatic after everything was done..
happy belated birthday to u!
love the gingerbread house!uuuh cannot show this to my dotter nih nanti dia mintak jugak ehehe actually she was supposed to go for gingerbread baking class last week but i totally forgot abt that :O
Ty for the wish.. aduhhh si dak sonia also like that.. she didnt know that i will be doing gingerbread house.. she kept on pointing out to one whenever kita pass by any bakery.. tu yg dia sibuk nak tolong but i must say she did a wonderful job.. her daddy too! hehe
Hi Sis Rima,very warm christmas gethering....everybody seems so happy...
sonia dah pandai mendeco ya.. anak omak :)
Hi Julie
Its a yearly affair for us.. its more abt family gathering..
Harus diajar dari kecik.. anak omakkk hehe
happy birthday rima..btw merry chrismas too to u n family ..rajin sonia tolong ibu mob lantai .cantik lah rumah ginger bread tu rima.
Assalamualaykumwbh Kak Rima......are you the capricorn gurl too? Waaaa, now I can sing this "KITA SERUPAAAA";).....mmmm, Happy Birthday Kak Rima...May Allah swt bless u with love and happiness till the end...Amen...semoga kekal menjadi anak, isteri dan ibu yg baik.......mmmm teruja tgok reaction of your parents.....Buat Ayu winduuuuuu kat ma n pa jugak, sob3...:), I know they will not be here for my bday too....:((
Owh...lift a finger??? Mak sukeeeeeeeeee wat tu....he3.....mmmm dah besar sonia kan?
I dah komen semalam tapi bila nak published, kapow! something happened, menci I.
Anyway, happy belated birthday. Masih sweet sebenteen kah? Auwww...
Your bee hoon taucu is actually mee siam ke? Did you use taugeh, chives, udang basah/kering etc??
Sis Rima,
it such a luvly gingerbread houze..happy belated bday to u!=)
Happy belated birthday kak rima..
may Allah swt bless u. <3
n merry christmas too.
hi rima,
happy belated birthday :) am your silent reader all this while. stumbled upon your blog through kak yani kitchen guardian :)
lovely post
happy holidays to you and family
Happy birthday! *belated* Awesome gingerbread house from an awesome family. Very neat and tidy! I loike~
Nak try pavlova recipe from Donna Hay pulak la next time. Yesterday I made one but recipe dari Joyofbaking. It turn out good. Takut sangat tak jadi coz first time buat meringue.
Umur macam gini memang rajin cos its more abt playing then helping?? but tak per.. janji dia nak tolong.. kadang orang dewasa yg dah tua bangka pun malas nak tolong kat dapur hehe
Ty for the wish and happy hols to u too!
adoi u also capricorn girl kah?? rajin kan orang capricorn ni hahaha
Memang priceless kan gambar gambar reaction parents kita.. nothing can compare to that :o)
Ty ty.. sweet seventeen tu macam dah berkurun rasanye hahaha
Yep except i dont use bee hoon biasa.. use bee hoon kasar.. akan akan laksa gitu.. pakai tauchu.. pakai udang kering.. tahu basah dipotong dadu and digoreng as hiasan.. pakai daun kucai and also goreng udang basah basah to tabur on ur bee hoon tauchu.. not forgetting telur dadar yg dihiris halus halus.. and and.. limau kasturi.. ahhh baru wa-tamat hehehe
Ty ty for the wish.. Amin
Ty for leaving footprints.. hope ur here to stay and pls do try some of the recipes yah :oP
Ty for the wish and happy holidays to u too!
Pavlova is an easy dessert to prepare.. most important the inside of ur meringue tu harus melting moment gitu.. cuba lah.. the recipe pun abt the same ajer..
ty dear.. happy hols to u too!
Happy Belated Birthday Sis Rima.. Nampak gaya Sonia dah ikut jejak langkah akak.. Betullah org tua2 kata, nak melentur buluh, biarlah dari rebungnya... hope she will be like her mother..
Ty Nurnba for the wish.. who knows kan.. if shes into baking i will gladly teach her hehe
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