This is gonna be a quick entry.. as quick as preparing this muffin.. i did it twice.. the first one i totally forgot to add sugar and after taking a bite i was like.. blahhhh.. knew something was not right.. thought i had added too much salt or maybe i didnt mix my baking soda properly.. just didnt know whats wrong with it..

Bef i had a bite.. hb and our helper Lisa took one muffin each and they gave me that look lol.. Sonia, Hairi and Naim (Hairi's childhood friend) ate it like there was nothing wrong with it.. apakah??!! hahaha
After taking pics and all that while updating my blog i realised that i had forgotten to add sugar to my batter geeeshhh.. quickly went to my pantry.. took all the ingredients out and voila.. i hv a new set of muffins in my kitchen.. Lisa took my unsweetened muffins home and I am now enjoying it with a cuppa with dear hb.

So ok.. originally the recipe calls for black cherry.. if u hv black cherries u can stick to the original recipe.. i didnt hv any and subbed with chocolate chips instead.

100g unsalted butter
125g dark cooking chocolate - i used 55% and 64% valrhona chocolate
100ml buttermilk
2 eggs - whisk lightly with a fork
175g all purpose flour
15g cocoa powder - i used valrhona
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
50g light brown sugar
50g caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
100g black cherry - i used chocolate chips
Melt butter and pour into dark chocolate - set aside to warmish
Add buttermilk to ur butter/chocolate mixture and continue to stir.. add whisked eggs and stir again - set aside
In a big bowl, sift flour, baking powder, baking soda and cocoa powder.. add brown sugar, caster sugar and salt to ur flour... mix
Once mixed add ur "wet" (butter/chocolate) mixture into ur "dry" ingredients
Stir it lightly - DO NOT OVERMIX
Pour batter into ur fav muffin cups
Bake in a preheated oven of 175C for 20mins
Serve warm!

Recipe is fm Primarasa

hehehe..terlupa gula? musim sejuk nih pekena warm muffin dgn cuppa sgt nikmat kan..
Ah ah lah nina.. kadang tu if kat dapur ade orang lain boleh terlupe nak add itu ini.. tadi waktu buat muffin si Lisa datang and terus kita berbual bual sambil ku godek godek muffin.. last last lupe nak add sugar ishh..
Hi rima,
Yahoo, you're back. Kinda miss your entry. Maka ku jadi malas nak bake (alasan).
Will definitely bake this muffin soon. I just love chocolate based recipes. Just found a bakery shop nearby that sells Valhorna chocolate!
Have a great day and i hope it's not too late for me to wish you Happy Birthday! Another year wiser that is
This is my third entry since i got home fm KL.. didnt get to do anything last week cos we were away and i hv orders to fulfil.. ni tmrw onwards i will be a little busy.. hopefully i will hv the time to bake something for the family and share recipes with my readers..
Ty for the wish.. wiser benarrrr hahaha
These do look tasty. I like the fact you used more chocolate instead of cherries. This would surely squelch any chocolate cravings-yum! Your picture is enticing. Also, I have been scanning your blog, so I wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday. Hope you enjoyed your special day!
U mcm tahu ajer i ada stock buttermilk.... Hehehe
That day google.... Dpt recipe baked donut using buttermilk.... But when i chk ur recipe under baked donut tk der yg using buttermilk. Tu sebab ku kiv dulu.. Tomorrow. ... Mesti try...
first time in your space n wow...I'm drooling over these pics....the choco muffins looks just awesome....I'm ur new follower now:-) do visit my space sometime !
salam. kak rima. camne nak buat muffin tu crack kat atas mcm k.rima.sy buat tak penah pun jadi.geram sgt.
sgt like blog kak rima.sehari tak jenguk rasa kurengg hariku.. hehhe
Oh Aisha.. ku memang macam nujum pak belalang.. ku boleh nampak kat dalam fridge kamu ade sekotak buttermilk.. lain kali tok sah buang duit beli buttermilk.. pi buat sendiri.. sap money hehehehe
Only Fish Recipe
woahhh i will go to ur blog again soon.. lots of seafood recipes! ty for being my follower.. :o)
most important jgn overmix ur batter.. mix alar kadar ajer.. the muffin will crack by itself ..
wahhh..looks so yummy...nakkkk...
Alahai...kesiannya u Rima sampai lupa nak add sugar hehehez. Tapi yg penting abis sampaikan anak2 bujang mkn the muffins and didnt realise takde sugar ;)
Oh me, oh my gingerbread house tu Jannah suruh I buat....ehhh tak payah lah I ckp dgn dia. Nanti saper nak makan kan hehehez....
aduhaiii sis rima! you're not alone..i pun senasib ngan u. just now, masa nak keluarkan the gorjes muffins dari oven, maka terpandanglah semangkuk gula masih lagi dok atas scale! huhuhu.... ;)
hi kak rima..
semua yg akak buat sedap2..slalu sy jd silent reader je...skarang dh ada blog sendiri baru leh nk join komen2...hehehe...:)
Kak Rimaaaa....
Assalamualaykumwbh akak....mmg capricorn gurl ni selalu nye rajin2 dan kiut miut...muehehehe....
Arrrrrghhh!!! Dah dua dapur wat choc chips ni.....mmmmmm gigit jari td masuk dapur kak yat...now, gigit gusi lak nengok muffin kak.....owh....boley ke gigit gusi eik? :P
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