My tummy is happy.. mom cooked lots and i loved it! We had our iftar at moms today.. she cooked ayam masak merah, rendang, sambal sotong kering and lodeh while i was given the task to cook butter prawns..

Not just that i also prepared two types of jello and baked mom a cake.. well to be honest it was moms second cake .. the first cake that i baked for her was Pak Hadi marmer cake that uses 15 eggs.. i followed his recipe to the T and after 45mins my cake was ready and looked perfect.. after it cooled down i sliced my cake only to find out that the center wasnt baked properly.. it was wet and i had to throw 1/2 of the cake.. i gave Lisa the rest of the "edible" part and couldnt even be bothered to dwell over it.. grrrr ..

This morning i woke up feeling super lazy.. baked mom her cake.. packed macs and all the cakes that were ordered.. prepared jello.. cleaned our place.. cooked my butter prawns and voila i managed to finish on time.. err well except Hairi's bday cake.. i knew i wasnt up for it and bought an ice cream cake for Hairi's mini bday celebration..

Ty Norlijah for the macs and Lapis Surabaya order... sorry i was in a hurry!.. ty Branda for the repeat Lapis Legit orders .. hv a safe drive back to KL yah.. so ok thats it for now.. i hv to get up early and get my two boys ready for Eid prayers and bef i go i wanna wish all muslims around the world a happy Eid Adha.. hv a blessed one ok..
In celebration of Eid Adha and in the lead of to xmas I have decided to again have a promo in my store. So for all the readers here, if you enter the code XMAS25 during check-out, you will get an extra 25% off - but unfortunately mac sheets are all sold out and I have to wait till at least end of December before I can get them replenished...but there are lots of other items on there so have a look!

salam rima - selamat hari eid Adha !
Hi Rima,
I havent tegur you for so long but still masuk your blog everytime you update.
Have a blessed Eid for you and family and make sure you makan puas2, hehehe.
Best nya tengok you n family and Sue n family borak2 n makan2 beria :-).
Salam aidiladha to u & family babe!
& belated birthday wish for Hairi too!
Assalam kak rima...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!
Salam to everyone..
yes to u too.. hv a blessed one!
Its ok dear.. kadang tu i also like that.. yg worst tu bila tak dapat blogwalk.. haishh makin tua.. makin busy.. Sue and family visited us dah two years berturut turut.. this time cos shes taking the flight fm here to KL.. it was a nice evening and we had a blast.. catching up on stuff..
ty.. salam eid to u and ur family too.. ku dah buat pudding kasih bertaut mu itew.. tak tahu rasa aper cos today baru dapat rasa bila gi rumah my mom.. semalam i did ur oreo pudding.. it was so so to my hb but my mom and dad ate lots.. so kira sedap lah.. i tak rasa cos ngap swensons cake ahaks
Ty and happy eid to u and ur family too!
salam aidil adha untuk rima n family...eh u makin tua ke, i tgk awet muda saja.... ^__^
Rima dear,
chantek nyer langsir baru....
anyway, selamat hari raya haji.
re marmer cake - just remember - shit happends... for no apparent reason sometimes! so cheer up ok babe :-P
Kak Rima,
Selamat hari raya Aidil Adha to you and family. Have fun and selamat makan-makan :D
Loving the new look of your site!
Cik Mat
adehhh where got.. dah tua lahhh hehe
muahahha memang pun.. same shit diff day?? hahaha no lah.. shit happens for no apparent reason.. thats for sure! ahaks - yes i like it too!
dah selamat pun diet ku.. tinggal nak start diet balik tapi bila ya? haha
yep i like 'the clean look' too!
slmt hari raya rima .. wahh nampak cam puding kasih bertaut jer.. k.nor pun buat puding tu, 2 adunan lg hehe
Hehehe KNor.. yes its puding kasih bertaut.. sungguh sedap.. tak manis .. my uncle and aunties makan ber round hehe
Salam belated aidiladha :-)
Puding tu makan dengan 'kuah' apa? Pardon my jakuness..
Pudding Kasih bertaut!!!! sedapkan..kejadiannyer pun sgt cantik.
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