Adehhhh why is it that each time we hv our other half at home we tend to get much more busier? for some reason i know i am.. waking up earlier then usual.. preparing brekkie.. preparing lunch and not forgetting tea break and the dinner.. arghhh maybe he will gv me more incentive this month? hahaha

So ok enough abt his surgery.. after two entries abt him i think its abt time Rima the founder of Bisousatoi takes over the center stage hahaha.. i am doing good.. never been better.. a little busy but hey whats new ey.. we are hanging out at home.. going out only for his follow-up check up.. i will be telling a lie if i tell ya that i never take the chance of exploring new cafes here in Singapore which we did after his check up lol.. i think i am addicted to that.. yesterday we went to this cafe at Tanglin Mall called Brunetti.. lovely place.. delish gelato and the opera cake?? woweeee I loveee it!!

With him not being able to drive for the next 6 weeks at least.. i hv to be the driver and honestly? i hate it... i hate it if he sits next to me while I'm driving.. i think u know why?? his eyes may not be fully functioning but his mouth is totally fine and thus the "take this lane" "turn left now" "do u see the incoming taxi" blah blah blahhhh .. at first i was all quiet but yesterday i told him "i am behind the wheel and u need to learn how to shoo shoo ok"
Anyway i cant stay long.. we are planning to take our god daughter, Marissa out for a day to celebrate her achievement in her PSLE.. well done dear! uncle and wawa are so so proud of u and hopefully u will get into the school that u want!
Cotton Cake
145g low protein flour - cake flour
15g corn flour
1 egg
5 egg yolks - whisk lightly with a fork
150g unsalted butter
65g fresh milk
1 tsp pandan paste
a few drops of green colouring
5 egg white
100g castor sugar
1/4 tsp salt
Pandan Kaya:
400ml thick coconut milk
500ml water
9 Tbsp. Hoen kwee flour / green pea flour (85g)
1 Tbsp. Instant Jelly Powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp green colouring
1 tbsp pandan paste
180 gm. sugar
Preheat oven 160C.. grease and line ur 7 or 8" baking pan.. wrap bottom of ur baking pan with aluminium.
Heat butter and milk till warmish.. do not let it boil ok.. switch off heat and add in sifted flour and corn flour.. mix using wooden spatula.
Transfer to a bigger bowl and add in ur eggs.. continue to mix till smooth.
In another bowl.. whisk egg white till frothy.. add in salt and add in sugar in 3 addition.. whisk till soft peak
Pour 1/3 of egg white mixture into ur egg/butter mixture.. fold in gently.. pour the rest and continue to mix gently.. (same manner as when ur baking chiffon cake.. cotton cheesecake)
Pour batter into baking pan and bake it au bain marie method for abt 45 mins.
Method for pandan Kaya:
In a small pot, boil water, sugar, jelly powder.. once sugar dissolve switch off ur heat and add in pandan paste
In another bowl mix ur Hoen Kwee Flour, thick coconut milk, salt and also green colouring.
Add coconut milk mixture into ur jelly mixture.. mix and cook over medium heat till mixture thickens and smooth.
Place a slice of sponge cake into a cake ring, pour in some kaya and continue the same process till the last layer is covered with pandan kaya.
Leave aside to cool and set before chilling in the fridge.
Remove cake from cake ring.. Slice and serve chilled.

Baked this cake simply bec i felt like it.. i used the previous cotton cake recipe.. used the same kaya recipe that i hv been using all this while.. gave mom half of the cake cos this is her fav cake.. i hv yet to try it and what matters most.. my one eyed jack said its delish.. so here wishing every muslim a lovely Awal Muharam.. hv a wonderful weekend ok!

Lovely cake and layering sis..Salam Maal Hijrah for you too..Happy weekend.. :)
hehe cake was done in kalam kabut mode.. bila ade orang kat rumah tak leh lama lama main dgn butter nanti kan ade orang tu boring duk kat depan :op
Maal Hijrah to u too dear! enjoy ur long weekend!
beautiful cake and presentation
ku lihat hijauuuuuuuuuu... cantik!
salam maal hijrah buat rima & family :)
Hi rima,
This cake looks really tempting. A must try. So far i've try Fruit Pastry Cake (mmg sedap!), Condensed Milk Pound Cake, Doughnut and Cinnamon Rolls. Cuma tak berani lagi nak try ur lapis lengit cakes.
Thanks for sharing those wonderful recipes. Have a great weekend!
Assalamualaikumwby Kak Rimaaaaaa
Salam Maal Hijrah buat kak sekeluarga..semoga Allah swt menerima ibadat2 kita dan mengampuni dosa2 yg lalu....dan semoga tahun baru ini menjadikan kita isteri, ibu dan anak yang solehah:).....
Shoo shoo?? Hik2....I know y, I don't like to hv my better half as the co-pilot:P....
Sgt2lah yum yu yum the pandan layer cake...tak pernah wat lagi ni.....mmmm!!
Ty dear!
ku dah melihat hijau berhari hari tu sebab harus buat yg hijau jugak hahhaha.. salam maal hijrah to u and ur family too!
am happy to hear that u hv tried some of the recipes in my blog.. glad to hear it turned out well.. happy baking dear and u shud gv lapis legit a try.. once dah cuba sure hook one ahaks
My wish for u too.. hope u hv a wonderful week ahead.. sho sho tu kira dah season.. sampai now also still the same but what to do kan.. sabao ajer lahhh hehe
Simply looking good!
Hi Kak Rima,
I'm a new fan of your blog.Love your beautiful bakes. =D
Anyway i wanna ask regarding the instant jelly powder ape brand you use eh? is it agar2 powder?
Hi Aishah
welcome welcome to this humble blog of mine.. the instant jelly powder that i used is not agar agar powder.. u can buy it in any bakery store..
it's so pretty! i'd love to try it.
Hi Dina
Lemme know how it turn out yah.. happy baking!
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