This will be my last entry about my Beijing trip.. i am not usually like this when it comes to updating my travel entry but i guess this time around i was a little lazy.. all i wanna do all day long with my little Sonia was chill.. i guess my Beijing trip was a well needed break.. am contented... :o)
So ok lets get on with this last entry... right after visiting The Great Wall of China.. our driver took us to the oldest mosque in Beijing.. all u need to do is to google up the address and show it to ur driver.. we didnt hv to do that with our driver cos he knew exactly where it was...
Took us almost 3hrs to get there and first thing that i noticed while on our way there was a big tour bus full with chinese muslim women.. i knew our driver was sure of where he was going after i saw a couple more muslim ppl walking down the road..
Niu Jie (Ox Street) mosque... built in 995 is Beijing's largest and oldest mosque..

According to, Islam was brought to China by an envoy sent by Uthman, the third Caliph in 651 AD.. less than 20yrs after the death of prophet Muhammad saw. The envoy was Sa'd ibn Abi Waggas, the maternal uncle of the prophet. Emperor Gaozong, the Tang emperor who rcvd the envoy then ordered the construction of the Memorial Mosque in Kwantung, the first mosque in the country, in memory of the prophet.
Theres a small courtyard on the south side that contains two Muslim preachers who came fm ancient Persia.. tomb of Ahmad Burdani built in 1320 and also tomb of Ali in 1283 bear Arabic inscriptions.

When we got there.. it was an hr bef Asar prayer and there were already a few local men waiting around the courtyard.. there were also a few tourists around the museum area..

Hb got the chance to sholat zohor and also sholat asar berjemaah there.. lucky him!

There is a two storey obelisk in the centre of the couryard (calling tower).. its for the imams to call Muslims to prayer..

A small garden next to the prayer hall.. i stayed here with Sonia while hb was praying.. (dont gv me that look.. i am excused ok! hehe)

Around the NiuJie street there were a few halal restaurants namely Donglaishun, Jubaoyuan and also Zhengxingde Tea Hse.

There are many muslim snack shops here as Niujie is popular with snack food.. we had our so called late lunch aka early dinner here.. queuing just to buy back their cooked sheep and beef..

Yep the pic on the left was obviously the food that they queued for.. Dessert counter on the top right.. tofu jelly, fried tofu, candy, fried bagel, pancakes, honeycomb cake etc etc etc which i didnt even feel like trying lol.. the pic on the bottom right is the food that hb ordered.. fried noodles (flour noodles) with beef.. i ordered soupy beef noodles which i ended up not eating.. honestly?? i dont even know why i couldnt eat it.. the smell of beef and sheep is too overwhelming and the noodles.. urghhhh i wished they served rice noodles or even our typical yellow noodles instead :o(
Sonia and hb finished all the food.. am so glad that Sonia wasnt as fussy as her mama tsk.. tsk.. bad example Rima!! grrr

Bef i go.. anyone wanna buy an industrial KA mixer for under S$700..(before tax-back!) yep hb nearly got me one... i had to keep on reminding him that i dont own a cafe so no need for the industrial type of KA aahhaha.. reason reason.. typical me.. i hate it if money goes out of the window.. am happy with my KA for now and if i do wanna get an industrial KA.. i will definately be buying it fm HEC Beijing hahaha (any kitchen lover will love HEC cos they got everything... its a 3 storey outlet and when i say everything.. i mean E V E R Y T H I N G hahaha.. they even got all sorts of hotel detergents lol) .. i walked out of HEC "only" S$150 poorer :op

Salam K Rima,
grr..geramnyer baca part HEC tu.. nyesal tak ikut hubby gi Beijing.. I'm googling in the address now and nak pass to him hehe dr aritu I nak carik rectangle tart tin..x jupe2 kat SG nih.. hehe mana tahu kot2 ade luck kat sana ;p
Nway, suka baca your travelogue.. gi europe end of the yr nanti dun lazy2 update tau huhu ;p
Hehhe insyallah.. we flying to europe mid of january so hopefully i tak kena serang penyakit malas :op
Anyway HEC tu memang shiok.. that day i terover excited sampai masuk toilet dua kali hahaha.. nasib toilet bersih.. its a 3 storey store.. dari periuk belanga sampai ker hotel type of oven and cooker.. barang baking is on the 2nd flour.. ade 4 aisle.. yes i saw the rect tart pan kat sana cos i bought the square one hehe.. if u wanna get the rect one tmrw.. u find it kat sun lik ok cos i got mine kat sun lik :o)
Go with ur hb to Beijing lah.. i am pretty sure u will enjoy bargaining at silk market and also belanja sakan kat HEC - "wink"
My hubby kt beijing now..sudah ku pesan itu tart tin hehe kalau I yg pegi, sah2 byk benda lain angkut bwk balik SG ;p next trip ke Seoul..x survey lg kedai baking kat mana..hehe
hv u been thr? klu udah, boleh kasik tips..hehe
ahhhh ok.. if pesan paling selamat but kan nafsu nafsin i ni part belanja ade sikit punya bagus unlike my dear hb hehe
Never been to Seoul lah dear so cannot gv tips.. u do ur homework bef u fly .. i am pretty sure they hv baking supply shop kat sana..
lagi 30 minit akak kat HEC, mesti total amount jadi S$300. :p
Kat HEC tu ada ternampak non stick acuan madeleines tak? *grin penuh makna*
Thanks Rima, love to read your blog.. Walaupun tk sampai kesana, at least know abt it thru ur experience di blog rima. kzah mintak maaf kerana link ur blog to my blog list since last wk before asking permission first.. Thanks Rima for all ur recipe apa aje yg u tulis to share with others. Take care dear.
Hai Kak Rima. It's lovely reading all you Beijing posts. And Sonia is growing up so well! She looks quite ladylike and demure in her poses... hehe
muahahha tak ahhhh.. i good girl tau tu sebab tak leh lama lama.. nanti satu factory suami ku beli kan :op
u know what.. aderrrrr.. yg tak der tu yg macam kita punya.. yg bulat and yg guaranteed tak akan stick if u oil it properly ahaks
no worries... ty for coming to this humble blog of mine.. be my guest.. my recipes are meant to be shared anyway.. ilmu tak akan dibawa mati so better to share it dari tersimpan kat dada.. happy baking!
jgn terpedaya hahaha.. shes like any other typical 3yrs old.. nak kena keep on reminding her to say pls.. part cakap ty no one pulak hehe
Thanks Rima for the info on HEC.
I have been looking for a store like this .. and I only had Shanghai St in Hongkong (on my list of places to visit this December) before I read your post.
I have googled the company (HEC) and it looks like they have another branch/store in Shanghai, China.
Will definately visit this store when in Shanghai/Beijing this December. I have been doing cake decorating (as hobby) since last year and I get very excited when I find shops like this haha...
Pls visit my page when you have time:
Cheers, Angie xx
Hi Angie
knowing how we girls are so into kitchen stuff i usually will share what i know.. do let me know if u go to the shanghai branch.. hope it is as big as the one in Beijing and buy lots ok cos they are cheaper then in sg lah.. dont know if its any cheaper to buy it in sydney..
Tks.. will check it out.. cheers!
interesting place.
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