As promised.. here are the pics taken while at The Great Wall of China... we didnt walk all the way of cos! we decided to tell our driver to send us straight to the cable station at Mutianyu where we had to climb up a pretty steep slope.. yikes! (and i thought my legs were used to it since i had to climb all the stairs in my house!)
We started early at 8am.. had a quick brekkie and off we went.. it was an hour and half drive by car and the road that lead to the great wall of china was bearable.. dont know why for some reason on this trip.. whenever we saw something.. be it the scenery or the weather or even the smell of the day.. we seemed to compare it to other parts of the world that we have been..
Err .. hmmm is it ok if i continue this entry when i am a little awake.. i am half asleep and am really really kaput.. we hv to get up at 5am to catch our 8:30am flight.. so enjoy the pics first and i will continue with my ramblings when i am all settle yah.. see u guys back in S'pore!

Guess what were they doing? hehe they were husking corn.. u see corn fields just abt everywhere! We decided to go to Mutianyu instead of the more typical and touristy Badaling to avoid the crowds - and it paid off. Anyway, the Mutianyu section of the wall (1404) is older than the Badaling section but it takes a bit longer to get there.

Cable car ride.. Sonia calls it "the orange thing" and enjoyed every min of it.. she came home later and kept on repeating that she had a fun day at the wall.. hmmm.. You can either walk up to the wall or take the cablecar... as we wanted Sonia to enjoy the wall and not "the walk up to the wall" and then getting too tired.. we opted for the cable car...

Pic on the left are stalls lining the route to the entrance to get cable car tickets.. u see lots of vendors selling souvenirs..

We spent like 2hrs there.. walking up and down.. Sonia kept on saying .. "I love castle mama" hahaha.. papa had to explain not only to Sonia but to me too the history of The Great Wall of China.. ahhhh see i dont need a tour guide to see the world.. hb is my dictionary.. hes my encyclopedia and also hes got the answer to every question that i can think of case anybody wants to know..the actual wall is 6,259km long...

Sonia loves the camera.. each time we say.. ok photo time.. she will gv her best look and smile.. well that if shes in the mood she was so happy as she was running inside the "palace"...which in fact was just a watch tower...but who cares ay?!

No words can describe the feeling when ur walking on The Great Wall of China...and to think it was built over centuries....always serving the same goal.. and built by did they get the stones and rocks up the steep slopes?! But standing there you know you have seen a true world wonder... Sonia is too young to understand...but I will surely bring her back here again...

We caught her doing this all the time.. checking..checking....are mama and papa looking at me..... and then.....

... sticking her small head into the embrasure.. at first. i thought they used it to stick guns through to shoot their enemy.. hb later reminded me that back then the soldiers of the Chinese Empire only used bow and arrow during war to defend against the nomadic invaders.. hmmm

After 2hrs of walking up and down we decided to make a move to the oldest mosque in Beijing..and that will be the next entry...

Bellissime foto !! Buone vacanze ;-)
Sonia is a mini fashionista and the camera loves her!
So cute la your little girl :)
cantik pemandangan tp mesti sejuk jer tu kan..
ehh kejap jer dah 10 hari ya.. :)
Hi Rima,
Apa kabar ? :)
I stumbled upon your blog today and I must say I LOVE IT!! I love the pics, the stories and the recipes.. Am very interested in the lapis surabaya recipe. It looks so yummy..
Anyway, wish you and family have a great time travelling in China. My husband and I will be taking a 3 week trip with our 7 yr old girl to China in December, so thanks again for showing me all the photos.
I may need to ask you for some tips while travelling in China once you're back :)
Sydney - Australia.
salam rima - Thanks sharing lovely pics.
rima...belajar tinggi tinggi sampai tembok china...pesan tok nenek i.....
Rambut Sonia nampak cantik sangat. Esp the one that shows the back of her hair. Ada curl sikit2 kat hujung tu.
Best nyer dpt gi Great wall of China... Bila agaknye Aisha dpt pergi sana... :(
Lucu + cute pulak tgk Sonia bergaya...
Salam Rima
Seronok tengok gambar u kat Beijing.. enjoys! Btw, yg kat tepi jalan banyak2 tu aper... are they processing corn?
Adusss si sonia tu trendy sungguh, yang mak nya pulak dgn kacamata itew ala2 nora zain awwww...
hehe tks.. she loves the camera!
ah ah .. memang gitu lah when ur having fun.. keyap ajer dah nak kena pakai apron balik hahaha.. cuaca kat sana sejuk banget especially last sunday.. hujan and sejuk sekali!
Hi Angie
welcome welcome to this humble blog of mine.. sure lemme know and i will try to gv u some tips.. no worries!
lapis surabaya.. gv it a try ok.. am pretty sure u will bake it well.. :o)
Salam Lina
no worries.. am always happy to share.. :o)
ahhhh oh ye ker?? lahhh i no study high high sampai tembok cina but kan i managed to climb high high to get to the cable car haha
yep she has light curls.. super soft hair too..
someday somehow.. i remember when i first pergi grand canyon and also Nigeria falls.. dalam hati i berkata.. someday i will go to the other 7 wonders of the world.. looks like that someday took me more than 15yrs but thats ok.. am blessed diberi kesihatan to see it :o)
In a way lah.. husking or processing corn.. the road lapang and tak banyak kereta pun..
am clueless as to who is nora zain lol.. anak harus selalu look cute mute hehe
hi rima
lovely photos and lovely lovely sonia!
tak tahan tengok sonia posing senget2 tu...chomel!mmuah to sonia ;-)
when u said it's 6259'km' i thought u wrongly typed it... hmm.. meters kot... (i pun pergi wiki cek balik) and omg! really?? some even said it's 50,000km! wow...
i can imagine now, why it's one of the wonders of the world.
Hi Rima
I ada cerita sensasi pasal TGWOC tu..
Al-kisah I dengar kat radio years ago yg diceritakan oleh this one man who had travelled excessively n also a man yg dadanya penuh dgn ilmu Allah *disclaimer kena cun so that many wld believe me, hehe*
Katanya somewhere along the tembok ada tertulis 'bulan terbelah'. Whoeva wrote that? It was written by the worker/s yg sedang membina TGWOC masa tu.
To cut the long story short, 'bulan terbelah' is one of Nabi Mohamed (saw) punya mukjizat, kan? Wallahualam.
cantiknyaaaaa.. panjang sangat.
pelik kan. orang dulu2 build such a brilliant structure w/o any machines tapi tahan sampai beratus2 tahun. tak macam zaman sekarang. bangunan baru 5 tahun tapi da macam2 problems.
hope lepas ni akak dapat pergi Egypt pulak. dapat tengok pyramid. :)
kak rima..Mama kompius with these flour!!! what is the different with 1) Self Raising Flour
2) All Purpose Flour
3) Cake flour
can i just substitute with any of dis..if 1 of dis not in my kitchen??? pleasseeeee clarify with me..geeekkssss thnx ya....
Hehe dah lah kat sana si sonia ni macam celebrity .. waktu kita take her pic.. dia punya bergaya sampai ade satu couple mat salleh tanya my hb if sonia is a young model.. modelling for baju hahaha.. mama dia hanya mampu tersenyum saja ahaks
tu lah.. bila my hb told me i was like.. no lahhhhh.. then he got agitated dgn i pulak.. agaknye dalam hati dia berkata kata.. eh kita kasi dia ilmu.. tak nak dgr pulak tuuu hahaha
interesting.. how i wish i can bersembang dgn u with a cuppa and talk just abt anything under the sun.. kadang tu especially bila kita dapat pergi tempat tempat macam gini.. otak kita tak renti renti ingat kan kebesaran Allah..
Insyallah.. doa doa kan lah .. my wish is to take my hb to mecca actually.. insyallah.. dulu waktu gi mecca kita tak leh tak any pics.. nowadays u can do it kat depan kaabah.. :o)
U can actually google it.. if u tak de SRF u can use normal flour and add a tsp of baking powder.. depending on how many grams of flour u wanna use.. cake flour tu flour halus mulus.. u can always use it in any other cake recipes too
Great wall of china.. i want to go...
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