Every single year.. be it once a year or maybe twice.. we will make an effort to see Mak and Bapak.. those that hv been following my blog will know exactly who Mak and Bapak are to me... ty for having us.. its that special bond that i treasure so much.. I pray that Bapak will always be in the pink of health.. Insyallah... so heres a few pics that were taken while everyone was lepaking watching telly..

Route that leads to Mak's place...

Asam Pedas.. my fav!! ty Mak and ty Lynn for cooking it for us.. yum! Four of Mak's daughters turned up with their family and we took along my mum and dad, my aunt, and sis Wati and family also came along.... so it was a full house!

Kampung kids for a day hehe

I baked Mak this mixed berries pastry cake and also took along a box of macs for her..

Mixed berries pastry cake after it was baked... i lost count as to how many times i hv baked this cake lol.. recipe u can get fm here ok.. i doubled the recipe and used a 10" baking pan.. fruits that were used were strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and also peaches..

salam rima..seronoknye sekali sekala lepaking kt kampung kan..akak pun dh berkurun x balik mersing johor..my kampung..since my parents pun dh dok kl..jd jarang2 sekali balik kampung. both grandparents pun dh tiada cuma tinggal pak/mak sedara jek dikampung!
eh..come see my blue velvet cake yg dh jd purple..hahaha!!kaler jek tukor tp rasa ttp maintain sodaap..hehe!! thnx ye rima 4 sharing!
oopss..n3 blue velvet tu hanya akan kuar 9.30 am esok pagi..hehe!! jgn lupa ek..gudnight!!
Balik kampung!!!oooo oooHHhhh Balik Kampung!!! hati Riang...ahaks...( the mixed berries pastry look so tempting lah
Salam doc! nanti akan ku serang rumah mu tepat pukul 9:30am hehe.. ty for trying.. purple or blue or red.. by the end of the day.. all of them is a velvet cake hehe
Balik kampung memang harus to keep us in tune.. its nice to see them :)
nak akak sambung nyanyi?? nanti hujan lagi lebat kang hehe.. itew mix berries memang shiok.. rasa rasa kan macam nak terbuat lagi lah hari ini.. semalam dapat rasa sekeping ajer..
they lead a very simple life, but they are sooo happy...my last trip the part time fishermen who we selalu got our seafood mancing ikan senangin for me from one of the pulau off pontian waters....cool kan!
Shiok lah.. u know city life can be yuckie.. bangun and the first thing we hear.. honk honk.. beep beep.. haishh
old rustic stuff at the village but beautiful and peaceful to the eyes. nice pictures. surely nicer the experience.
Sonia pergi melawat nenek. Abang Hairy tak datang ke?
Anak-anak dara sunti tu comel belaka
subuh tadi ai dah comment..err ilang ke?..ai cakap pasai that wheelbarrow pic & the straw hat....ada??
oh tiba2 ku terkinang kampung halamanku...bestnya balik kampung ;-)
eh eh, abg hairi tk ikut sonia balik kg ke?
wow rima..i must congrats you with all the beautiful photos u hv taken....cantik betul ba! :D anyway, ur cake...ahaaaa i'll give it a try tonite...nmpak easy peasy je..:D
K Rima,
you make me miss my kampong lah he he Adam kalau balik kampung br kenal ayam itik kerbau.. he he
Yep nice experience.. no doubt abt it!
Of cos abg hairi ikut.. he tido almost 80% of his time kat rumah nenek dia.. bgn untuk makan ajer.. sigh
tak de pun.. haishhh kadang blogger ni pun boleh buat orang zeng lah.. what did u say ah?
Sekali sekala kita harus balik kampung.. cant help but to wonder if sonia really know the differences cos she tak renti renti main..
Abg hairi balik almost nak subuh dah tu bila sampai rumah nenek dia.. he terus tido.. infact kat dalam kereta dah start snoring.. orang tanya why he so sleepy.. i told them.. he baru balik kasi ceramah kat masjib.. grrrr
ty bahhh.. simple and rustic.. i loikeee
Did u bake the mix berries pastry cake yet?
Budak budak zaman sekarang if kita tak ajak dia.. they will not be able to experience it.. not like during my time kat kampung java road.. main kat luar sampai senje dah tu asyik terpijak taik ayam ajer hahaha
The kepo part of me nak mencelah nih .. a belated question, hehe.
Hairi dah dapat adik baru lum? *grin*
LOL.. dahhhh.. girl sista.. i think shes 6 months old maybe?? entah lahh
Remind me back home(Malaysia).
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