I am not complaining.. i am not complaining BUT grrrrr after using netbook for years.. i am back using a notebook.. yes yes its bigger and i will need to do some adjustment.. no longer lightweight netbook for when i travel and urghhhh look at all my watermarks.. its hideously ugly... blueeekkk I cant wait to see changes that will be done to my blog.. I am not complaining OK! ahaks
So ok hb got me a new notebook.. its in white (suci gitew haha) and its huge.. part of me.. come to mama notebook.. another part of me.. i hate going thru the same routine of getting to know a new lappy.. just like when someone gets a divorce and falls in love again.. err i know it cos i hv experienced it muahahahaaa

After our Beijing trip.. we hv been out and abt eventho its been raining non stop here.. we did take Sonia to the zoo yesterday and spent half of our day there.. got home and right after Sonia's nap we took her out again.. i hv been eating Indian bee hoon goreng for the past two days.. see i told ya i missed eating my fav local food hehe and hv been trying not to eat rice.. i lost like 3kg while in Beijing and if possible i dont want to gain it back.. read me.. IF POSSIBLE yah hehehe
This morning i had this ugly craving of having scones for brekkie and u know how it is between me and scones.. i just loveeeeeeeeee creamy scones.. the craving got worse after i kept on thinking of Miss Marple's Tearoom Devonshire scones.. sooo the first thing i did today was to prepare it.. i ran out of double cream as the bakery supply shop that i went to last night was closed due to public hols..whipped up a simple recipe that uses milk and voila.. i got what i craved for... cranberry scones!

plain flour, for dusting
3 cups self-raising flour
80g butter, cubed - i used scs unsalted butter and added 1tsp of salt
1 to 1 1/4 cups milk - i used 1 1/4 cups of milk
1/2 cup of dried cranberries
jam and whipped cream, to serve
Preheat oven to 200°C. Lightly dust a flat baking tray with plain flour. Sift self-raising flour into a large bowl.
Using your fingertips, rub butter into flour until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add cranberries. Make a well in the centre. Add 1 cup of milk. Mix with a flat-bladed knife until mixture forms a soft dough, adding more milk if required. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Knead gently until smooth (don't knead dough too much or scones will be tough).
Pat dough into a 2cm-thick round. Using a 5cm (diameter) round cutter, cut out 12 rounds. Press dough together and cut out remaining 4 rounds. Place scones onto prepared baking tray, 1cm apart. Sprinkle tops with a little plain flour (i brushed milk and sprinkle a little sugar). Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden and well risen. Transfer to a wire rack. Serve warm with jam and cream.

So how abt baking urself scones to go along with ur cup of hot tea and pretending ur on Mt Dandenong hahaha.. thats me.. right now! ahaks - a woman can only dream huhu
By the way... good scones should go with good jam... when buying commercially made jam, what I like a lot and I usually get it from TESCO in Malaysia... are the SCHWARTAU branded jams.. goes well with scones and croissants as well as just on normal bread... (the best in my opinion is the wild berry jam)...
Recipe fm Taste.au

alamak..hujan2 nampak scone..makin lapar nih
ahhh kann Nina.. pagi pagi dah teringat si scones miss marple.. sungguh nikmat if ku berada disana sambil memakan scones beliau.. tak po lahh.. dapat makan yg sendiri bake also jadi lahh :o(
halamak!! bangun tidur tadi pun teringin nak makan scones tapi malas nak keluar..nak buatnya laaagilah malas hikhik
hmmm looks like i telan air liur aje lah ni :((
Nyummmmm(pah)taw... hehe..
Last Sat. I had butter scones tapi quite bentat, tak besh.. Akan ku buat juga (scones n madeleines..), errrk!!
ahh.. nice plates!
tak leh jadi dgn telan air liur lol.. tadi i thought tak jadi nak buat cos tak de double cream but kan bila teringat kan a warm scones with jam.. tu yg tak leh angs.. ku terus buat yg pakai milk.. jadi lahhh :op
madeleines harus dibuat malam ni.. keep it overnight and then u bake it tmrw morning.. sungguh lazat for brekkie.. just like scones kan.. harus dimakan dipagi or in the afternoon with a cuppa.. baru boleh verangan panjang hahaha
arghhh... lapooo... dried cranbarries ku ada stock sbb nak wat granola bar. tapi tergoda pulak with ur scones.
Ermm.... senang nye buat...
Must try nie...
Tiba-tiba tekak ku mcm nak mkn sekarang pulak... BUT .....
Rima... if rumah u dekat boleh jugak ku mintak sepinggan... Ahaks...
Haish you ni Rima, baru nak kurangkan Carbo dah tengok Scones you...
besok buat!!
hi Rima,
i baru je print out the recipe this morning,bukak2 je ur blog dh tgk u buat :D anyway, i just want to thk you for the congo bars recipe (i followed kak yani's advice-reduce the sugar to 1 1/2 c) . Now dah jadi 1 of my Hot selling products tau! Tx again for always sharing!i pray for your success and murah rezeki selalu ♥ amin3
ape lagi.. besok pagi boleh prepare for brekkie ok and can sit by the window and verangan like me hehe
hehe insyallah.. tak susah mana pun.. just remember not to overwork it or else keras kojong benda ni :op
haishhh konon ku tak nak makan nasi abih yg si scone ni aper hal.. tdy i dah bedal 3 scones hehehe
Amin.. semoga ur business berjalan dgn lancar.. :op
u r so lucky!!! so senang nak turun weight..ku lembab ciput nak turun...naik dia ishhh senang amat!menci!!mamang if u omit rice..lebih senang weight nak turun..tapi ai pulak pile up on other carbs..haizzz...ni seluar ku rasa ada ketat sket kat pinggang kemarin terpaksa adjust jahit tepi sebab dah longgar..sekarang ku bukak balik jahitan itew...dude pun dah start nak ngomel sebab..i have not been excercising like before..i need some serious motivation..maybe i should tempt myself with a new handbag kalo dpt get rid of these excessessssss...byk dia punya ssssss taw..
u not fat what.. i turun pun cos tak dapat makan nasi.. bukan pasal nak turun kan weight.. lagi kita ingat nak turun kan weight.. lagi lah lembab si jarum nak turun.. u talk abt exercise?? hahah aper tu exercise.. i no go one lah.. we dah pindah sini more than 2yrs and this place got gym.. cuba tanya berapa kali ku dah gi gym.. hehe not even once lol.. itu dinama kan pemalas! hehe
Honestly kan.. i think i shud lah.. jaga kesihatan but but .. :o(
Swee San
hehe cant even remember where i got it fm.. hmmm
st dalfour's jam pun cun jugak... not so sweet... i tried making scones and keras mcm batu so that's the first and last.. i'll stick to bread and jam baby
Kak Rima....Geram nyer tgk ur scones ni tau..lagi2 minum ngan kopi panas...waduh berdesut...nyaman betui dgn cuaca sekarang..zaharah
haha, lepas tgk yours on my bb odw home, i terus bau mine added prunes and vanilla bean! but the melayu in me mkn tt scones panas panas dgn sambal sotong! besh!
Salam Rima
Thanks for the scones recipe. They look really delish... must try!
scones...sedap! Tq for sharing the recipe..esok kena try for breakfast!
Lahhh try and bake it again lah.. try not to overwork it.. harus dgn lemah lembut hehe
ahhh tahu tak pe hehe.. ni tinggal lagi seketul.. cun cun untuk besok brekkie
muahahahha ye ler.. makan dgn sambal memang sedap.. alah.. infact.. makan ape aper dgn sambal memang sedap ahaks
i much prefer the creamy type but if dah tak de double cream kat fridge.. yg pakai susu also pun alright hehe
Harussss hehe.. lemme know how urs turn out ok..
sis rima .. fatin dah cube dah resepi ni . but y my scones tak nak naik eh ?? ade yang silap kee .. hope u reply my comment nihaa .. been thinking smpai tak dapat tido malam fikir pasal kenapa scones tak jadi .. haish ..
u mean ur scones jadi keras ke? dont overwork ur dough ok or it wont be flaky
yep yep .. keras n tak naik pon macam sis rima buat .. :((
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