OMG dont u just love simple recipes.. so simple that u feel inadequate preparing it? welp.. so so true what some bloggers think abt this cake.. imagine a cake being prepared in a mug.. imagine it taking only a few mins to get it done.. imagine all u need is a mug.. a fork or spatula and a microwave oven to get ur chocolate craving fixed! call it lazy.. call it desperate...

Sigh... by the end of the day.. hb got what he craved for.. hes one satisfied man on his bday! will let the pics do the talking... will let the pro teach u how to prepare it ok... so enjoy!

.... a Chef hand that was entrusted to take up the task!

Hehe... meet Chef Sonia... so ok... first you hv to add flour, sugar, cocoa powder aka valrhona powder, nutella, egg, milk and oil..

Stir gently... followed by a snif... a ponder... then place it in ur microwave oven and micro it on high for abt 2 mins
... and voila! bef we knew it.. papa was happily eating his dessert! Yumm!

Oh and bef I go.. these were the pics taken during hb's bday.. it was a simple and non fussy family event.. we were out all day.. Hairi joined us for lunch... and for dinner we took mom and dad out... overall we had a wonderful weekend...

Hb had two types of desserts on his bday... pavlova with passionfruit & Lemon curd and also Nutella Mug Cake that was prepared by Chef Sonia! hehe
Note: If u wanna serve it with whipping cream.. all u need to do is to whip 1/2 cup of double cream with 1 tbsp of sugar.. drizzle it with ur best melted chocolate that u hv in ur pantry.. i use Marmer couverture this time round!

Alahh..no microwave oven..camner? :(
- Ain
clap clap clap...hebaknya chef sonia..well done kiddo!
p/s i will b @ royal plaza on scotts hotel from ths afternoon till wednesday. if u free, shout me ye! ;-)
Whoaaa!! nih tak boleh jadi nih... Chef Sonia dah mara kedepan mengalahkan Chef Som nih :-)
Psst Rima..I sker resipi cam tu. Lagi kurang bahan, lagi bagus, hehe..
Happy belated bday to your hb. Sama star macam my late father.
Hi Rima..
Choc-nosed Chef Sonia.. hehehe.. so cute....
Chef Sonia makes her 1st cake for papa's birthday. the greatest present of all.. sure ur hb smile from ear to ear kan kak?
happy birthday mr rima! :D another year older.. opss.. wiser!
the mug cake looks delicious and sesuai utk org2 malas mcm i nie.. hahahaha
Sonia is such a sweetie! With her interest and your talent passing down to her, in time to come she'll bake nice birthday cake for mummy & daddy. It's nice to have her in the kitchen, can masak masak together yah.
Rima, may I ask what mode do u use for ur dslr? I just got one but my pics dint turned out nice. Any tips for picture taking? TIA!
Chef Sonia, nak order satu? he he
I suka buat mug cake ni..time chocolate craving tu dtg, gi dapur buat jap, n sekejap je siap hehe
Chef Sonia! Young Master in the making. Bravo!
Siapa yang lebey ni, nampak cam Daddy yang lebey suka tengok Sonia cooking.
Good for you Sonia. Ikut jejak langkah mama.
Salam Rima;
Ummi ni silent reader blog Rima, lama dah, suka sangat resepi2 kat sini, gambarnya pun cantik2, semalam ummi cuba Pinoy fruit salad tu, sedapnya, thanks ye Rima sebab kongsi resepi dessert yang sedap2..
Salam From Kuching to Singapore with Love...
kak Rima, this recipe is soooo dangerous!! hihi. will try it for my mademoiselle ouistiti today.. thank u for sharing! xx
Kat opis sure hv one.. pi prepare ah and then makan senyap senyap hehe
Oh ye ker?? lahhh apasal tak habaq siang siang! u drop me an email ok.. i no have ur nbr!
Chef Som
Hehehe dia budak baru belajar.. punya lah berkecar but tak per lah kan.. janji dia ade semangat nak mencuba..
Oh ye ker?? a libra ey.. err hmmm haha.. just like my mom..
Tu pic was taken waktu dia merajuk sikit cos kita kata its time to put it in the microwave oven .. anak anakkk
Psst...Chef Sonia.... Aunty nak order... boleh tak???? Pandai nyer dia...
Fm ear to ear? dia stress adalah cos anak dia degil tak dgr kata bila i ajar dia how to do it.. budak if buat sure berkecar lah.. to me its norm but to her papa.. berserak hahaha
seriously after he emailed me the link i was like.. ya allah.. selamat dia mintak yg ini cos i hv orders to fulfilled.. agaknye dia tak nak susah kan i lahhh..
Anyway memang harus pi buat cake in the mug ni cos punya lah ringkas!
Congrats!! its fun to play around with it.. u using canon?
memang pun.. not only maggi yg cepat dimasak.. sedap di makan tauuuu hehe
hehehe insyallah.. harus turun an ilmu to anak.. senang dia nanti ..
Oh really?? woahhhhh sedap kan si pinoy fruit salad? nanti i wanna share the german dessert lah.. but first harus pi beli frozen berries!
La maman
Have to.. have to.. memang dangerous and hv to control sikit cos senang ajer nak prepare..
hehehe tak yah .. pi buat kat opis.. tak yah susah cari dessert kat thomson plaza ahakss
aaahh! it looks so easy. but I don't know how it will turn out if I made one. hehe..
This is exactly the kind of idiot-proof dessert recipe I need right now to get out of my funk! hehehe. Thank U! Thank U! K. Rima.
U memang v patient to let Sonia be baker-of-the day. She's a lil genius.
B4 I forget, to Mr. Aue "Allah selamatkan kamu..." Happy Belated Birthday.
Cik Siti
Sure can do one.. if sonia can do it.. so can u ahakss
Shes my second child.. tu sebab kesabaran ku much better than bef plus dah tua tua ni tak leh nak jadi impatience.. nanti muka nampak stress hahaha
Do it lah.. make urself feel better.. sure jadi one.. :o)
Thomson plaza nyer bende manyak mahal lor... lol
Good suggestion buat kat work...
Rima, I saw mug cake recipe online banyaakkkk kali tapi tak kesah nak buat. Tapiii... ur pic memang slalu wat orang terhingin. Pinjam Chef Sonia sat lah tolong watkan. And Happy Birthday en hb.
Oh my, Chef Sonia sure looks deliciously adorable in her green chef outfit wif hat n all..lol..She's such a gem to have in the kitchen right Rima? Hahaha!! Adds laughter in the midst of yr baking, hehe..Tks for the Nutella Mug Cake..It sure looks sinfully chocolatey..I am such a choc lover..can't resist it and Im surely gonna make it soon enuf! Happy Belated Bday to your lucky hubby too xoxo
salam rima..lamanye akak x blogwalking..salam aidilfitri & maaf zahir batin ye! mug cake nih mmg mengancamm habiss..meleleh ayaqliuq pn.doc..huhuu!
Hi Rima,
This was first time i bump into your blog while searching for moist butter cake. I must say every post in this website are colorful and you're a talented pastry chef :D. Good job! I love baking too. I'm planning to bake your moist butter cake recipe, probably tonite.
he3..suka tengok gambar2 sonia...
sangat comeiiiii...
tergodanya mas tengok nutela mug cake tu...
pi makan dessert kat swenson.. colt tower is my all time fav! hehe
Nak pinjam?? ah berapa minggu nak pakai dia? boleh mama n papa dia go honeymoon lagi hehehe
Ty for the wish and pls do and try out this recipe.. its easy and will satisfy ur craving any time!
Alamak where hv u been?? selamat hari raya to u and ur family too! if tergoda tunggu ape lagi.. hehe
welcome welcome to this humble blog of mine... me no pastry chef lah.. just an ordinary housewife who bakes too much hehe
Let me know how it turns out ok!
woahhhhh u very the slim lehhh.. i saw ur pic kat fb.. how to be slim ah? hehe
Buat ok.. senang ajer.. even ur kids pun boleh buat..
whoah.....resepi simple and delicious...uuummhh...ade nutella kat umah... i'll try it.... microwave oven ke??? only 2 minute?? hhmm...any way kaka rima..my blog is on d way...just tengah kumpul lagi sort of things to enjoy....campur campu la...baru satu resepi jer i try...ha ha ha...wait ha...just wait...nanti i publish.... toink toink...happy mode:
I baru try...... Sedap & terlalu senang...
Psst... tk cukup... Actually nak buat 3x but unfortunately.. 3 biji telur ajer ada kat fridge... but so unlucky....accidentally.... 1 one of it dropped... So 2x tk cukup for 4 for us... hehehe...
Oh hun,i am so going to try chef sonya's nutella mug cake it looks so delish!btw selamat hari raya...its a tad to late to wish ya i know..but nonetheless it looks like you guys have had quite a celebration:)
jeles ai tgk Sonia wat that easy peasy cake..ku lagi cari saper plak mangsa sponsor that MW :)
LOL toin toin amacam.. dah buat belum?? hehe.. congrats on having a blog.. it is a full time job tauuu.. no salary involves except kadang tu dapat cheque yg tak diduga hahaha
Lahhhh sungguh cepat dah buat.. craving kah?? ada ada kah?? hehehe
Ohhhh i love typing down ur name.. Zara.. so nice! hehe
yes yes.. u shud.. u shud! ty for the wish.. its never to late ey.. let me know how it turns out? tks!
Muahahha ku selalu jugak cari mangsa but semenjak bernikah dgn si dia.. tak siapa nak sponsor ku.. buat muka sedih macam mana pun tetap tak dapat sponsor hahaha
Hi Rima
Another lovely dessert from you! And now your 'kepandaian' dah pass to your lovely Sonia... So cute she looks with the apron and hat!
Rima, wow the recipe looks so easy.
Cam tak caya je :-)
Nampak gaya, lil gal is following ur foot steps
Salam sis..naz pun ader salin resepi nutella mug cake nih tau..tapi terlupa plak salin kat link mana..pernah cuba buat..sekali..baru beberapa saat dlm microvawe..cawan I retak!! punya gabra.. sampai skrg tak berani nak buat..berapa ye suhu you guna to make this cake?
mueheheh...sebabnya ...u know ai know lah..hahaha..i think kan, orang sound you to sponsor ada lah, instead of the other way around kan.kan...
First of all tgk gmbr u bake dgn sonia i guess tak setenang i bake dgn my daughther menguji kesabaranku betul... But y huh my cake also melimpah like volcano? Maybe the microwave temp ke? Dasar x reti salahkan micro hahahahks... Xla i ikut resepi mu to the T, siap bawak anak lagik. Btw it was delish yummm
Kak Rima,
Tempting ok tapi rumah xde microwave. Sudahnya when i showed to my colleague the recipe dgn harapan dia buatkan kat rumah, dtg idea dia "let us do it on friday while the guy went for friday prayer"
Ahhh thats a good idea actually.. macam main masak masak cuma yg ini senang ajer.. tak yah susah payah nak cuci byk bowl.. one big mug and thats it.. good luck!
hmm is ur batter more than 3/4 of ur mug cos if u use a smaller mug u will hv to divide it into two mugs ok..
Why.. so kecoh eh doing it with ur daughter lol
hai kak rima..Mama did this cake..but it turns really dry n taste like biskut a bit laaa... y ek?? but it was super duper easy... hmmm syian my P.P gurl..sungguh la syiok with 30% of pations..bile kuar jerrr...sungguh la hampeh hati Mama.. drooling with teka teki in my mind..yyyyyyy...pity og P.P gurl... nut stil we korek korek d mug cake..yummy...ha ha ha ha ha....
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