When papa is not around.. mama gets the car and when mama gets the car..

Sonia gets to spend girls time outside..

Eating our fav ice cream at our fav spot.. playing at go go bambini and hv brekkie at McD.. its gonna be another girls day out today so here wishing u guys a wonderful friday!

This 4.5kg Devil Food Chocolate Cake was ordered by sis Rita for a few of her students whos celebrating their bday and taking their 'O' level this year..

Thank you sis and congrats on ur new online store!

Sonia's so cute!
Wow, so this is the cake! Wish I could see the whole thing, it must be huge! Did you make it in layers?
Sounds fun! Wish I can do that too, haha.
Yep.. i did 4x of the original cake recipe.. double the cream cheese recipe and double the ganache recipe.. top with fresh fruits and its good to go hehe
I was out all day and only realised that i hv not taken any cake pic.. so pic was taken after i placed it in the cake box lol
LOL i can do all this now.. come next year when shes in school.. i will be having a single girl day out hhaha
Wow..another day out? Hujan lebat kt umah I nih.. he he meh la jalan2 gi umah kita plak ;p
HAI sis..urm nak tanya buat ape yang siap ader daun2 tu..huhu..macam biasa nampak..but im a bit confused..haha..have a nice day sis
suka tengok gelagat sonia..
comeii sangat...
sambil2 jeling kek tu...he3
wooahhh...hbby not around..happy ehhh...outing...suka2..heheh.
eh, rima..kutenung2 itu kek..got mcm2 on top..i can see stoberi, my fav..blueberries, candles...but in between all dat tu ape eh? mcm bunga yg dh kering tu..(betul k ape yg ku fikir? hahahha)
molto carina la torta da 4,5 kg !! ;-))
One of the perks when you have daughter is that you'll have girl's time out. I cherish mine so much & I'm sure you do yours too... :))
hi rima,
i am your new blog follower. still new here, just about a couple of weeks,but you have tied me to a 'must read' item for the day. maybe of your personality, your art of baking, your love ones n everything you placed in your blog seems so right, so perfect in my eyes. i am working in commodities investment line which positioning me in a very stressful life, but, reading your blog helps me to cool down the uneasy thought. thank your for the blog. thank you for willing to share. all the best n write more!
Ahh jln satu hari sampai kaki, tangan semua sakit.. tdy bgn pagi macam ade cramp pun ader.. nasib baik tdy my driver dah balik hehe
Itu adalah cape gooseberry.. sejenis buah..
dont jeling jeling nanti terjuling pulak haha
hahaha.. eh if semua dah letak fresh fruits tak kan kita nak letak si bunga kering hehe.. that yellow with kering daun is actually cape gooseberry.. cari raspeberry and blackberry no have so ku pakai si gooseberry lah..
Hehe ty.. its one heavy cake!
Yep.. the experience memang berbeza antara anak lelaki and anak pompuan.. we can do lots together especially now cos setiap kali nak keluar she wants to put on make up.. padahal mama dia mana pakai make up err well except powder and blusher so my blusher now dah jadi her eye shadow haha
Hi Mory
Awww thank you for the kind words.. u just made my day! thank you for coming to this humble blog of mine.. hope ur here to stay! cheers!
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