Every single time we're in Europe there is one cookie that has never failed to attract my attention... yep.. am talking abt this cookie.. be it in Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Austria or even when i was in Barca .. the first thing that i look for is the Viennese chocolate sables.. sometimes i will buy 500g of the smaller ones like these and sometimes i will get the bigger version of it that is half dipped in melted chocolate.. mmmmmm yum yum! Eventho to some this is just a simple chocolate cookie.. to me .. this cookie is special.. tastes so darn good that there is no way u can stop eating one plus who wouldnt mind wooing an Austrian guy with Viennese cookies ey hehe
Anyway after testing it.. i still think that there is something missing compared to the ones i had in one of the pastry store in Barcelona.. probably its the butter that i used.. will use golden churn or President Butter when i bake it again for Eid..

260g All purpose flour
1g Fleur De Sel
30g Dutch processed cocoa powder - i used Valrhona
250g Butter
100g Powder sugar, sifted
3 tbsp Egg white
1. Preheat oven to 180C.
2. Whisk together, flour and cocoa powder and set aside.
3. In a mixing bowl, whisk butter until creamy. To ensure that the recipe succeeds, the butter needs to be very soft.
4. Add in powder sugar and fleur de sel to butter and continue to whisk until light and creamy.
5. Whisk in egg white until it is well combined with butter cream.
6. Add in (2) and mix until well combined.
7. Spoon dough into a piping bag fitted with a star tip. Pipe dough into W shaped cookies.
8. Bake cookies at 180C for 10-12 mins - no more. The cookies will be delicate - transfer carefully into cookie jar after cooled.

Okie thats it... tmrw is Hairi's big day.. ahuh.. am talking abt his ORD parade and we are so gonna be there to watch it.. will take pics of cos! he is getting the night out tdy and has requested his Nyai to cook iftar for him.. am planning to bake bread pudding for mom later since thats her fav dessert..
Salam kak rimaaaaaa!!! bolu kukus kat bwh tuuuu mmg cun melecunnn!!! kita buat kdg tak mo kembang tu yg takut2 nak buat kdg tu mekar setaman pulak mcm kita nii wakakakaka.... eh? akak tahu kita dah jatuh cinta dgn pierre hermes nyer sentuhan n resepi diaa! Nmpk sedap kukis nii! akak guna nozzle yg bentuk bintang2 ke? kita tak baca abis lagi resepinyer nii wakakaka....
sis rima dearie..
i hev to search in wikipedia for Fleur de sel... hehehe sea salt rupernya.. can i use ordinary salt instead? ker boleh guna garam kasar macam tuh? seems easy enough for me to do for eid.. :)
2 temptations in one day. Alamak...pengsan. Tak boleh. Tak boleh. Tak boleh....lemah semangat. This is also my fave cookie in Europe. Melt in your mouth. I'll definitely try it with those creamy European butter.
Congrats to Hairi for his ORD.
Salam Rima....pagi2 ni menggoda ngan choc cookies eh?yummm...will bake it someday,probably for eid.Rima,you know what,my mom's fave dessert is your japanese cotton cheesecake :-) Thank you dear.
from: KNur-Terengganu
early morning dah tak tahan tengok cookies ni
arghhh dugaaann .... lari dulu lah ye hahaha :D
macam dah nak raya je bila tgk cookies u ni... mmg mengancam...
aiseyman!!!! naper arr u selalu mengguda kita orang ni babe?? tak tahan ai tgk mende ni..that fleur del sel can substitute with regular salt kan? ok bye2 dulu...sebelum ai pi jilat screen tu..
Gd Morning Ijaa
Jatuh cinta sama sentuhan dia? ahem ahem hahaha.. eh posa posa! hehe yes i used open star nozzle for this cookie
Memang senang ajer nak prepare benda ni.. u can use fine sea salt for it if tak de fleur de sel.. if tak de jugak pi lah guna salt yg kat dapur tu hehe
Best kan benda ni.. bakery kat europe ni memang shiok.. kadang tu bila gi satu bakery benda ni tak de.. die die musti nak gi another bakery to find this cookie.. the other time benda ni dah habis so nak tak nak ku terpaksa beli yg giant punya.. took me two days to finish it hehe
Oh ye ker?? mother mother kita ni memang up to date tau.. my mom memang fav bread pudding makan dgn custard.. last monday waktu iftar i told her i wanna do binka roti and she said.. eh buat bread pudding lagi sedap.. lahhh
Salam ramadhan Murni.. ape nak buat.. any cookies yg dibakar waktu ramadhan memang rasa macam nak raya ahakss
ahhh sapa suruh goda kita dgn PTG kamu semalam.. satu hari kita ngidam tauuu.. nak jugak pi cari latest by this wkend! hehe
Yeah.. u can use fine sea salt or pi guna garam biasa pun ok jugak.. just remember to use good butter ok!
ooohhh...These must be so scrumptious ...
I 1st read on Shirley's blog (Kokken69)... and now yours... wow ... I pun tak try juga for Raya :D
Lisa H
Try lah for raya.. quick to prepare.. easy peasy.. :o)
hahaha.. tun pun google Fluer De Sel tu.. hihi.. masuk list biskut rayaaa... ^^ tp kalau wat awal2 ni kompom habis mkn after terawikh ;)
cantik hitam manis macam i wakakakakk! nak buat!eh ehe kalau pire hermes kena pakai butter president lah, baru fgrech gitu lol!
hi rima....what a perfect timing...sekarang ni tgh mengumpul recipe nak buat for raya ehe...thot baru nak tnya apa ke bendenya Fleur De Sel haha. I ambik garam kat dapur je la...:D tx for sharing
Salaam Rima,
jangan di gunakan Golden Churn butetr tu ya, kerana ada DNA Khinzir di dalamnya. Sekadar menyampaikan.
Ramadhan Kareem
If ade kanak kanak ni memang tak leh buat siang siang.. cfm kena but lagi sebelum raya haha
Harussss hehehe.. biar hitam dipandang manis.. ahakss
Ahhh if no have no need to buy si fleur de sel.. not only its ex but u probably will not use it so often.. pakai ajer lah garam kat dapur tu hehe
Salam ramadhan Gina
Its halal kat sini.. dah keluar kat berita harian yg mengata kan golden churn halal nevertheless thank u kerna menyampai kan :o)
I'm drooling!! Walaupun i tak suka chocolate cookies, but the cookies u made makes my mouth watery.. and it's only 10.48am! aisey! perut dah nyanyikan lagu keroncong.
oleh kerana mu cepat cabut lari ku sampai tak terperasan mu datang sini hahaha.. dugaan and cobaan harus di tentang haha
Perut ku akan bernyanyi petang dalam pukul 3 gitu.. waktu tu my ubat affect dah hilang.. kepala mula pening.. mula pulak runny nose and perut mula sebu hehehe
hi there!!
i'm new here..hehe..
jangan lupe share resepi bread pudding ye...peminat bread pudding juge.. (^_^)
Ooo no..aderkah kak rima telah mula membuat biskut raya? nampak mcm plain choc cookies tapi Im sure mesti ader sesuatu keistimewaannye sampai ramai yg peberet kan..Tu lah tanda I kena salin resepi dan cuba buat sendiri. :)
Nampak senang, telan liur sejap. Ni gaya kena try buat pakai valrhona.. dpt rasa seenak kukis k.rima.
Kat phoon huat ada jual tak kak?
Menggoda posa2 ni.. Haish. Heee
K Rima,
I awal2 lagi bookmark resepi Shirley Kekken ni tuk Eid..tak sangka you buat dulu..huhu
I pun nak try buat guna Golden churn..eh I tak penah beli itu president butter..halal eh?
Kak Rima comel....tetiba lak ayu rase berbelit lidah nak sebut biskooot nih....ngeeeeeeeeee.....but still the cookies n your images mengguda abisssss.....:)
Err....what will be for iftar dear?:)
Welcome welcome.. Insyallah.. dah buat pun.. if got time i take pic and share recipe :o)
U cant get it kat phoon huat.. go to BIY, Sun Lik, Shermay or even Kitchen capers to get ur valrhona stock wokey
Ahhh tu soalan cepu emas.. nanti mak pi check but kan i dah biasa baked pakai president butter.. memang creamy butter tu.. tak pun i can use wisjman butter.. that one power hehe
Ayuuuu.. we will be having tulang merah makan with roti prancis for iftar.. tadi i dah baked bread pudding and dah buat puteri salat also to take to my moms place.. so kira today makan light light.. my kepala tengah migrain ni so macam ayam patah leher ni.. huhu
Memang harus pi buat cookie yg satu ni. senang and simple ajer recipe nye..
Belum start engine lah.. baru nak try try.. yg mana sedap i will bake it for Eid
Thanks Rima, for the mention. Your sables look beautiful! You are right, a good butter does make a difference. You have a beautiful blog :)
No worries Shirley and tks to u that i decided to try out this recipe yesterday.. love all the photos in ur blog!
Rima dear ... just nk share something... semalam berita kat KL ni dok sibuk cakap yg butter Golder Churn tu ada DNA khinzir... so just sharing with you... anyways, cookies nie belum makan dh tahu rasanya sedap.. nk cuba buat utk raya nnt lah! tq dear
cantik nye u pipe....senang nak kerja kan batter dia?
i tgh testing kuih raya...starting with the classic..dah berkali-kali i khatam buku2 resipi my mom...hehehehe..
kak rima, fyi, read this article regarding golden churn butter - http://www.theborneopost.com/2011/08/04/daud-%E2%80%98golden-churn-creamery-butter%E2%80%99-haram/
rima i made this yesterday...dah upload dlm blog...true enuf..it's the best choc cookies ive ever tasted! toche2!!!
No worries Rina and ty for trying! what did i say ey.. sedap banget kannnn.. baik admit berapa keping dah masuk dalam mulut muahaha
Salam Kak Rima, few qns:
1. If I pakai salted butter, should I omit the salt?
2. Agak2 berapa lama can this biscuits last in an air-tigh container?
Thanks Kak Rima & selamat berpuasa!
They look delicious!
Salam Azlin
Sorry for my late reply..
1) if u use salted butter u hv to omit the salt
2) just like any other cookies.. can tahan lama..
Yes they were.. u shud gv this recipe a try ok.. :op
Hi sis Rima, this recipe is superb awesome. It's my fav cookie now :) Thanks for sharing!!
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