I know.. I'm slacking big time.. no time to blog on daily basis.. been going out for iftar.. we had iftar in a thai restaurant.. we had iftar in a turkish restaurant.. we had seafood for iftar, western for iftar and yesterday we had iftar by the pool in an indian restaurant.. i baked every day tho.. either right after subuh or after isyak.. thank goodness its "the time of the month" or i will not be able to get all things done! Today i'm home alone... every ramadhan there is one day where hb will take all the maintenance guys (abt 30 ppl fm PUB) for iftar.. Hairi on the other hand has gone to his ORD dinner and dance..

Two days ago we were in JB to get some stuff and while we were there.. i took the chance to go to one of the ramadhan bazaars.. just to.. ya know.. buy some food and kuih to take home.. i was surprised on how cheap and delish their kuih was.. i didnt wanna buy lots for fear it may not be as delish as it looked.. well i was wrong.. so very wrong.. the next time.. ahakss if hb agrees to take leave and brave the bad traffic.. i will definately buy it again fm the same place!

Anyway i am done baking cookies for this year's eid.. yesterday I gave it all to mom and she was like... woahhhhh.. alhamdullilah... i think that made her day as much as she made my day when she said that.. :op
This peanut cookie is really Peanuts lol.. u dont need a fancy machine... u dont need a whisker.. all u need is a big bowl.. a spatula or even a spoon.. all the ingredients, mould of ur choice and voila.. u got urself bangket kacang... it tastes like kuih kacang.. ya know the ones that u could buy in ur school canteen when u were in primary school.. err well back in the 70s lahh.. now u dont see these kinda tidbits being sold in schools for fear that the school kids might get fat fm eating junk food.. hmmm.. ty mbak Yuli for sharing this simple and wonderful recipe.. original recipe is fm her mom.. i love it!

250g peeled peanuts, toasted - i used ground peanuts
250g flour
185g icing sugar
150ml vegetable oil - i used canola oil
Pinch of salt

1. In a food processor, blend ur peanuts and icing sugar till fine.. (I just add ground peanuts and icing sugar and stir with spatula till mix)
2. Add vegetable oil to the peanut mixture.. stir until it looks like a paste.
3. Add in flour. Mix well again
4. Use any kinda mould of ur choice.. cetak adonan sesuai selera!
5. Bake at 160C for approximately 30-35 minutes or until dry. (I used 150C using upper and lower fire for the first 10 mins and another 5 mins using lower heat.

Selamat berpuasa. Dah nak raya dah ni.
Biskut ni sama cam biskut mazolla kah? I am allergic when eating biskut mazolla, i will get pimples up onto my heads. Tapi ku tak peduli, sedap punya pasal, aku sental je.
Wow... Cantik betul..... Nak mkn pun syg...... Tapi akan nak buat display pulak.... Lol
Salam ramadhan to u too!
Itew mazolla i tak pernah rasa.. maybe pernah kat rumah orang lain but tak tahu nama dia pulak.. this one tasted macam kuih kacang oldies tu
LOL can what.. jadi center piece and then u wrap ur plate dgn clingwrap sure orang tak berani sentuh hahaha
Cantik nyer! This is one good looking kuih. I think I remembered my mom making this before but not this pretty.
So now dah habis buat kuih for Eid, are you concentrating on your kek lapis?
Ty.. i like it too.. unlike bangket susu.. this one the dough senang nak handle.. u tekan tekan and then u terbalik kan ur mould on ur baking tray and dgn rela hati si bunga bunga ni jatuh terletak hehe
Yep.. kek kukus order semua dah settle.. tadi did the last piece.. cookies dah settled.. next week i will start with my lapis orders.. lepas tu next wkend baru lah buat kan my mom cake pulak.. its gonna be a pretty hectic weak ahead ..
bangket kacang huh?wow ..nampak delish..bazaar mana u singgah..since ramdhan baru 2 kali je going for bazaaar..prefer home cooking lah :)
I went to the one yg ade giant tu... i hardly go to bazaar.. yg kat sini pun i've only been twice.. tu pun pasal nak cari baju kurung si hairi..
Yep home cooking is good but kan eversince i start baking for eid.. my hb didnt want me to bake and cook.. he knows i penat banget and told me not to waste time masak.. tu yg kita iftar kat luar.. batal kan puasa and then go out for dinner..
the cookie look so pretty!! how does the mould look like? i want to buy it too! thank you! (:
Salam kak! dr malam td kita cuba nak masuk kat n3 kuih kacang niii tp tak de huh! last2 masuk tido ahahaha... woooooo sgt cantekkkk! lebih kurang beskut kacang mazola kalau tgk sukatan dia, sbb sukata kacang dgn tepung sama, kalau kat sini sbb panggil mazola dia org guna minyak mazola :D Tp yg ni singapore version hihihi.... sedap sekali sudah masuk mulut rasa tak mau berenti kunyah! tp tu la mana yg allergic dgn kacang kena main jauh2 :D
sangat comel! dan sangat terpikat utk mencuba .. copy & save resipi dulu ya buk tq ;)
I have tried these before, but yours are sooooo beautiful.
I love your blog!
i'm so in love with yr tier.. yrs and kak yani's! mcm pakat je beli dekat2 sama... so pretty!!!!!
rajin betol anak mak ni, kalau belum berpunya boleh mak buat menantu , LOL...sleamat raya rima!
Ty.. it is actually a plastic jelly mould.. u can use chocolate mould too.. whatever u want.. how small u want ur bangket to be.. rose plastic jelly mould pic u can get it fm my previous post..
heheh semalam lepas type entry half way ingat nak save draft dulu but terpicit publish pulak.. dgn cepat mak tarik balik entry cos tak kan nak publish half entry .. tu sebab ija can only see the entry tittle but u cannot see it in my blog hehe
I think lah kan.. u did mazola cookies and i look at the ingredients.. akan akan sama eh.. i wonder if u can cetak kan dia guna that recipe.. si indon called it kuih kacang or bangket kacang.. sg ppl panggil ape eh? :op
Cuba lah.. original recipe pakai 250g of sugar.. but mbak yuli had it changed to 185g so i follow dia.. tak makan masa yg byk buat cookie ni.. cepat and senang ajer...
Nak ask u...i ada chocolate converture and chocolate compound... u ada recipe tak yg boleh use those... kalau boleh i nak buat cookies... Sorry eh ask u stupid question...TQ
Welcome welcome.. I love urs too!! i hv to try out some of the bread recipes in ur blog.. my my so tempting.. i love bread! all kinda bread hahaha
Oh ye ker? i love this tier too.. its fm Tatty Marsh.. masa tu ade 20% discount so dengan cepat mak pi angkut hehe
Muahahahha dah berpunya.. dah dua kali naik pelamin kahkahkah
Kak Rima, kahkahkah, tu la semalam i wonder lah ada terkeluar latest n3 kat blog tapi bila clik does not exist wakakaka...
Where got stupid question.. i also ade berlambak kat fridge itew chocolate couveture.. love it! u can use it to do any kinda glazing.. i usually pakai if i nak buat cake.. nak buat cookies sayang lah.. chocolate compound for cookies.. i think the best way to use up is to do the simple cornflakes cluster praline kan..
Oo.. so beautiful. Wonder where can get these beautiful moulds in Malaysia. Will try making, looks simple ey..
Salam Rima
Masyaallah cantik nye biskut kacang u nie. Mesti try ahhh. Norliza
Hi Rima,
Such pretty cookies.
You and KG macam twins ya? Just last week sama2 buat raspberry macs, now sama2 beli identical cookie tier.
Try to visit the bazar ramadan at bandar baru uda. it is close to plaza angsana. you will be spoilt for choices cos the whole stretch of road has all sorts of kuih muih.
Hi Rima,
Just noticed that you now have the print pdf function. So kind of you to introduce this function to us. Now can save time, no need to jot down :)
thank you so much Rima. You RoCK!
Nice Rose Peanut cookie....!
Rima,cantikkk....monday ni baru nak start baking cookies.kacang pun dah beli tadi :-)
jeles lah tengok your cake tier,sama pulak mcm Yani.mana beli Rima?KNur memang suka tier ni,I have 13 altogether.so,tak salah tambah lagi satu kan?hihi...
Belly good cooking
I am not too sure if u can get it there nevertheless u can use any kinda jelly mould or chocolate praline mould .. or even bangket mould to do this peanut cookies
Cuba ok.. senang ajer.. :op
Where got same hehe.. the funny bit i didnt even know that she had baked raspberry macs and ade this tier.. took a look.. lain sikit lah hehe
I dont think i will go there.. the traffic to go into jb so teruk.. the other day hb took leave cos nak go n polish his car :op
I dont know why we women memang suka cake tier eh.. i hv 6 in total.. I ade satu masih kat kotak.. got that one fm barcelona.. that tier meant for cold stuff.. like if u nak serve cream puff.. macs.. tarts.. it can keep it cool..
This tier is fm Tatty Marsh.. bought it here in singapore.. if nak beli kena lah KNur gi sini hehe
Hehe yep.. i think so too!
Wah!! Cantiknye.. Bunga2 ni blh buat hiasan. Sayang nak makan. Kalau comes in pink strawberry flavour mesti best... Pagi2 buta bayangan pulak.
Made ur german cookies tdi. Really spend sm time nak roll it into balls.. Bila tgk k.rima punya all so perrfect.
Rima,thanks for the info..mana tahu nanti terpijak kakiku ke bumi Spore..hehe..baru perasan tak begitu sama ngan Yani.
bestnya ada tier yg buleh letak cold food..lagi buat knur jeles ni...
I tried baking 'German Cookies' and 'Almost Famous Amos Chocolate Chunk Cookies' last night... for eid...
Mak oiii.... sedap skali...
My daughter puji....
I told sesiape dlm rumah tu..."Jgn mkn tau... nie utk Raya"...hehehe... Kalau tk pesan... confirm habis.... lol..
Anyway...thanks for sharing recipes...
Psst...if possible my spices tu hantar b4 27/8 nie... 27 da start cuti... TQ
Hi Rima...
Ingat I tak? Saw u twice in a day! At PS n later Geylang. Glad hv d chance to chat wif u walaupun sekejap aje. Hope u n family r doing fine. Like ur peanut cookies simple n tak bnyk belanja..Is the cookies "fragile" i mean mudah pecah after bakin? Might try ur cheese cookies..what is wajisman butter? can just use ordinary butter? tks...
Rima, german cookies and bangket kacang, which one better?
wah so beautiful dis kueh kacang.
ur hb works at PUB?
where's dat JB bazaars? i wana go buy too. bad traffic? what time did u go?
untung ur mom dapat anak yang suka baking. it sure is happiness making mum happy. nx time, sonia will do same for u.
sis..help..y my kueh xboleh kuar frm mould? Kena letak flour kt mould tu ke?
bazaar ramadhan kat sini kena tengok jugak kak.. ada yg mahal, ada yanag xsedap, ada yang mahal+xsedap. seriusly, in KL/selangor, most of them a bit mahal+xsedap compare to last year. orang2 yang membeli geleng kepala je bila nak bayar.
Ahhh pi sembunyi kan itew tupperware.. harus letak tape around it and letak tinggi tinggi kat atas cabinet hahaha
I will ask my hb to singgah tmrw to send u the spekkeok.. sorry for the delay..
Heheh itu dinama kan dah jodoh ahakss..
wisjman butter tu macam golden churn dalam tin.. u cannot find it here.. its more expensive than golden churn and definately much much more creamier.. u can sub with scs of cos..
peanut cookies ni tak berderai pun.. tak pecah after u bake it ..kira if nak makan harus bukak mulut besau besau ok :op
Heheh how to choose... both different.. satu kacang.. satu cookie melt in ur mouth..
I hope soooo...
No my hb is not working with PUB.. hes with a 200yrs old german co.. oil and gas industry so of cos all the pipelines is under his wings.. pipelines and pub go hand in hand so every ramadhan hb will take all the maintainance guys out for iftar.. just to show some kinda appreciation
I went to the one that is opp giant.. i find the kuih there is nice and cheap..
If u overbeat em.. adonan jadi too lembek and susah nak membentuk nye.. anyway now that dah menjadi .. alhamdullilah..
No need to letak ape aper.. u hv to tekan kuat sikit si adonan tu dalam acuan.. terbalik and terus terkeluar.. senang ajer
Oh ye ker? kat jb they are selling it at 3 for one ringgit which is to us sungguh lah murah.. kat sini lopes satu keping dah one dollar.. haishhh if sedap tak per!
sorie Rima if i bnyk tanya!! still on peanut cookies topic can i use butter yg di cairkan instead of veg oil?
I dah buat adunan bangket ini. Kenapa ya lepas tekan dalam mould dan terbalikkan adunan tak boleh keluar, tekan kuat pun sama. Kena tambah tepung lagi ke?
I follow exactly ur measurement.
Frust betul apalagi bila tengok u pnya cantik sangat.
No worries.. i had wanted to use melted butter but ended up adding canola oil.. thought i am better off with oil since peanut memang mengeluarkan minyak kannn pun.. dont want butter taste to overpower si peanut pulak
the measure is correct.. what kinda of mould did u use?
First I used the plastic jelly mould. Tak boleh keluar, I guna pula the plastic bangket mould. Both tak keluar gak. Dah frust sangat, last2 I simpan dulu dough tu dalam fridge, tunggu bantuan you, hehehe.
Anonymous i wud apprecite if u cud sign off with ur name cos its easier for me to adrs u
I am not too sure what went wrong.. i hv no probs unmoulding my bangket.. i press it and i turn it and voila.. it came out .. so easy..
Sorry banyak soalan, the dough should be macamana? Since I cannot unmould the bangket, I tried adding flour to the dough (cuba sikit je), still the same.
Adoii frust betul. Tido awal I semalam, badan tak penat tapi penat fikiran. Mana taknya dalam kepala dah terbayang bangket yang cute2, malangnya bangketnya tak bangun2, hehehe.
Memang lah u ni pandai dan sangat rajin. I selalu ikut ur blog. Apa jer yang u buat mmg berhalus dan cantik2. Ajar cikit...
Hmm actually if u were to ask me this bangket kacang is so so much easier to hand then bangket susu which i hv tried a couple of months ago.. dough dia tak berderai mcam bangket susu.. bila u tekan it will press nicely and when u take it out of the mould it will jatuh on ur baking tray dgn senang nye.. kira macam terletak gitu..
U might want to do another batch to see if u hv forgotten to add any ingredients cos this dough is one of the easiest one to handle..
Hi there Rima!!
Selamat Hari Raya to you n family. I ni baru belajar baking and have been soo inspired by your blog.. hehe..
Thought this peanut cookie looked easy enough and soo beautiful (to impress my family). So buat la mlm ni. The only thing is, adunan tu mmg lembut, but bila masuk dlm mould dia tak nak kluar la. I ended up adding more flour baru dia kluar. But the result is a cookie with an "extra" bite to it. It is suppose to melt in the mouth ke? Cos this is got bite la.. hehehe.
I used the plastic mould i got off the bakery shop. The pattern is something like yours. Hope you can shed some light.
it looks like a few ppl ade probs with the adonan.. hmmm did u use store bought ground peanut? i pakai yg store bought and maybe thats the reason why mine senang nak tanggal dari mould ker?
The texture of this bangket kacang really macam kuih bangket yg lain.. memang ade bite and not melt in ur mouth type..
Hi there Rima!
Actually mine were not store bought ground peanuts, i ground them with the icing sugar as suggested in the recipe. Pasal the ones kat store macam kurang halus and tak cantik. Hhahaha..
Takpe will try again and let you know. Btw, the sicilian orange cake and choc bottomed banana cake came out really well. Have done it in cake form, cuppies and it all came out really good!
Happy Raya!
Ahhh tu diak! i use store bought one.. agaknye pasal tu tak a few hv difficulties unmoulding their peanut cookies.. hmmm
SOC and BBCC is my all time fav.. fav sangat sampai this year. i baked it for raya hehe
Hi there!
I have tried the recipe again recently using store bought ground peanuts. And it was much easier to get it off the moulds. It still doesnt look as good as yours, because it still gets stuck at the crevices of the flower petals, but at least it was wayy easier! And it taste really yummy!
So yes i think I shall make it again with the store bought ground peanuts!
Nina CR
yep .. dont know why i decided to use store bought.. lazy to grind and thank goodness or else i too will hv difficulties unmoulding it!
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