Hehehe why lapis legit German? first of.. this is actually an ordinary lapis legit cake but bec its Eid and its for mom.. i decided to add colour to it.. i dont know why i chose these colours but when hb saw it he asked me this question "Eh is this German layer cake?" .. I was like.. "huh is there such thing as German layer cake?" he looked at me with that typical "duhhh" look.. "u do know that these are the colours of the German flag except its the other way around? - called Schwarz, Rot, Gold (Black, Red, Gold)"

Ahhhh so i created something that is close to his heart (an Austrian's heart??).. well ok.. not that its a big deal but hey if that makes him feel good.. then thats good.. right?
So hows the preparation so far?? i bet everyone is super busy with baking.. house cleaning etc etc etc.. i finally finished baking layer cake last friday and decided to 'close shop' for a day to take Hairi out to shop for new clothing.. he bought 2 pants, 2 shirts, a wallet and also suspenders fm Top Shop.. he no longer is into all black when it comes to clothing and his sense of fashion has improved tremendously lol.. whatever i chose for him seemed to hit the right nerve and to hear him say "thank you mama" reminded me for when he was a little boy... arghhh why do i get emotional over these things... "shrug"

Anyway i cant stay long.. i hv 6 blocks of butters in my kitchen waiting to be transformed into cakes.. all the layer cakes that u see here is for my mom.. i did lapis spekkoek using CMG recipe (i doubled the recipe), I did lapis blueberry cheese using Bro Rozzan recipe and last but not least i did lapis legit "German" using Ayin recipe.. this cake is super moist and to those that are so into soft, moist and oily layer cake.. this is the cake for u.. i know mom wud love it.. as for hb.. he felt this cake is too oily for his liking.. somehow i felt the same way eventho i finished the whole slice.. not that i dont like the texture of this cake.. its just that each bite reminds me of the cholestrol and fat that goes into my body system hhahaha

So ok.. heres the recipe to Lapis Legit with some "German" modification

45 egg yolks
400 grams powdered sugar
900 grams butter
30 grams of low-protein flour
20 grams milk powder
6 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
@ Cream butter, sweetened condensed milk and 200 grams of sugar until fluffy and set aside
@ Beat egg yolks and 200 grams of powdered sugar until thick and white.
@ Add flour and powdered milk into egg mixture, mix well
@ Put in butter into egg mixture, stir well again
@ Bake each layer till cooked -
Ok peeps.. Hv a good Sunday.. happy baking and oh bef i go... ty to George (fm Thailand) for the macs order.. ty to all those that ordered steamed fruit cake and lapis cake fm me... hope u guys liked it and to those that will be collecting their cakes today... i see u guys later.. cheers!

400 grams powdered sugar
900 grams butter
30 grams of low-protein flour
20 grams milk powder
6 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk

@ Cream butter, sweetened condensed milk and 200 grams of sugar until fluffy and set aside
@ Beat egg yolks and 200 grams of powdered sugar until thick and white.
@ Add flour and powdered milk into egg mixture, mix well
@ Put in butter into egg mixture, stir well again
@ Bake each layer till cooked -
I divided my batter into 3 portions.. one part i added lemon jellow colouring, 2nd part i added strawberry paste+red colouring and to the 3rd part i added 2tbsp cocoa powder+1tbsp black forest paste. Bake first layer using bottom fire for 5 mins. Change ur setting to top fire (grill mode) and continue to bake till cooked. Bake last layer using bottom fire for 10mins.. (Each layer weighs 130g and i baked it using 170C)
Ok peeps.. Hv a good Sunday.. happy baking and oh bef i go... ty to George (fm Thailand) for the macs order.. ty to all those that ordered steamed fruit cake and lapis cake fm me... hope u guys liked it and to those that will be collecting their cakes today... i see u guys later.. cheers!

Hi Rima,
The German Layer Cake looks too good :) Can I have a slice? Hehe
Hi dear Rima,
I'm here to wish you Selamat Menyambut Aidil Fitri to you and family, maaf zhir dan batin.
I've been busy, you know la.. the puasa and the coming Raya ni. But,I never missed a day tengok your N3.
Have a wonderful Raya!!
Hi Kak Rima...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to u & family....
fyi, I pun sudah rajin melayerkan cake kak Rima....itu pun sebab terpengaruh dengan Kak Rima la...tq ya Kak Rima...:-))
salam sis rima..
selamat menyambut syawal maaf zahir batin to you. n family..tahun my raya so biasa2 je..my dad just passed away on 10 ramadhan baru ni..hmmm..so
ai baru jek siap bakor 2type layer prune and orange haw..letih bangat.. i wonder how u can bake so many many many layer cakes..hehehe..happy hari raya
Look yummy n moist.this receipe for 8x8 -2cakes?
aaaa... lapis germany gak akak pilih.. aaaa.. ;p
I tried ur kek lapis legit pandan roll and lapis legit chocolate egg white ( using bf paste from ur store) ... Sedap giler.... I also loves bumbu spekoek bau...... But the roll tu mcm nak kena buat lagi ler...Hehehe
This yr cookies & cakes recipes all from u...
Thanks for sharing... Bile eh nak meet u in person... Dad puji u... Tk lokek ilmu...
Anyway selamat hari ray a.... Maaf zahir batin...
U will hv to go to my moms place if u wanna slice hehe
Art lover
selamat hari raya to u and ur family too.. i think kita kaum wanita sure lepak habis after puasa tau.. penat nye ya ampunnn
selamat hari raya to u and ur family too... good to hear that.. tak susah mana once u dah biasa buat but kan if kena buat berlambak lambak boleh fening lalat jugak dibuat nye :op
Salam takziah buat keluarga feeqa.. kesederhanaan dalam segala segi adalah yg terbaik..
I dont know how but right now my badan dah tak leh angs anymore.. penatnye bukan main..
selamat hari raya to u and ur family yah
Black cordomon
I used 9x9 but i think best wud be 10x10 cos my batter went all the way to the top..
ahakss.. ape nak buat.. austria kan sebelah germany so iras iras dia sure ade hehe
Alhamdullilah.. good to hear bila orang buat cake.. suka suka.. kira now ur oven dah tutup he belum..? mine baru tutup but kan tdy i found out that i had forgotten to bake another layer cake for my customer.. arghhh will hv to bake it tmrw night.. kesian oven and KA ku..kesian diri ku sendiri.. my bad.. dah tua.. she ordered two i buat one.. just like the other day.. u mintak 15/8 .. i pi buat 15/7 ishhhh
eh eh i thought i saw ur msg.. mana pulak dah menghilang.. grrrr
Selamat hari raya to u and ur family.. maaf zahir batin if ade tersilap kata.. tahun ni sonia wear black and red.. sama like dad.. sama like abg hairi.. sama like mama dia also hehe
Oven da tutup.... But maybe nak buat roll lagi.... Hehehe.... Butter ada 6 lagi...
alaaa kesiannye..... U busy sgt tu sebab ter miss sikit.... Im sure ur customer tu ok.... Or u nak asst.. Meh i volunteer.... Foc.... Lol
Firstly selamat hari raya buat you sefamily..maaf dipinta jika ada terkasar bahasa semasa kita berbual2 disini mahupun diemail :) juga berbyk2 trimakasih kerna melayan setiap qns dari I..hehe..
eh babe, this cake lapis is really cun arr..sgt menawan kaler dia..dah ditabalkan jadi kek lapis German plak..ckp pasal country ni, ai dah give up cari kek lapis holland..sampai termimpi2 tu cake arr..ntah2 lapis holland just kek lapis with holland colured flag theme tak..ahaksss..
Kih3... my msg dah semunyik kat tambak Johor kot?
Tahun nih tema merah hitam ehh??
P/S: I baru nak buat cornflakes; follow your recipe. Daa...
Hi Rima,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Selamat Hari Raya.
Wish you more prosperity, more happiness, more good luck in the coming year.
Salam Aidilfitri dari akak buat Rima...Mohon maaf andai ada kesilapan tanpa disedari yg mengusik rasa sepanjang kita kenal. Moga Aidilfitri sentiasa menceriakan Rima dan family. Sayang sayang dr akak...muaahhh!
Kek lapis mu itewww...sungguh cantik, menawan...adeeei, alangkah bahagia dpt merasanya....hehe
Muahaha alamak ade assistant foc.. nakkkkk!!! hehe
Semalam dah settled everything.. today tinggal nak pipe ganache on all my cuppies.. i think i hv like 150 cuppies to pipe today but its ok cos that one i loikeeee.. lepas tu if sempat i will bake that tertinggal lapis..
Likewise.. selamat hari raya.. maaf zahir dan batin.. if ade terkasar bahasa waktu kat email ke.. kat comment ke..
u finish kemas rumah already?? i baru nak terkedek keluar kan langsir and sarung batal ni.. nak lari pi florist lepas ni yahooooo
I think kah memang betul lah u kata.. agak nye lapis legit "holland" tak?
Dont know.. sembunyi kat senibong agaknye hehehe
Eh u buat yg lemon conflakes ker?? adehhh tak sempat nak buat tu but kan tak pe.. tiap tahun bila nak buat open hse ku macam ade baking marathon lagi..
Ty for the wish.. selamat hari raya to u and ur family too!
Aduhhhh ku belum dapat blogwalk lagi nak wish wish.. ty kak.. rima ucap kan selamat hari raya to u and ur family.. maaf zahir dan batin andaikata ade terkasar bahasa.. gurau gurau senda.. halal kan recipe lauk pauk yg rima dah cuba ..
Nak kek? mai lah hehe
Selamat Hari Raya to you and family.
Your lapis looks great, loves the color too.
Hi Rima
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfriti to you and your family. Since I stumbled upon your blog, I have visited it from time to time. I'm very impressed with your bakes and photography. I like this Kek Lapis German too but will probably not have courage to try it as the no. of eggs used here scares me, just in case, I fail. Anyway, thx for sharing.
babe, selamat hari raya to u & ur family & maaf zahir batin!
oh ya, the lspis german sure looks good. i'll give it a try after raya..
Kak Rima,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri buat Kak Rima sekeluarga. Maaf zahir batin ye. Have fun and travel safe!
Hi Rima,
I enjoy reading your blog. Question, I don't have powder milk, can I substitute with something else? May be Horlick powder or coffee mate?
Thanks for your help.
Selamat hari raya to u and ur family too.. layering cud be better.. am just so tired after days of baking layer cake after another
Ty for the wish.. happy hols to u too!
U shud one day gv it a try.. most of the time nothing can go wrong as ur baking it layer by layer :o)
Selamat hari raya to u and ur family too babe! maaf zahir batin..
So where will it be? happy hols!
Selamat hari raya to u too dear! maaf zahir batin and hv a blessed one yah..
Kak rimaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......dam dum bunyi mercun....:) Selamat hari raya....thanx for the wish...I wish I have stuff myself slice of every cake you baked...ergh......:)
Maaf zahir batin...:)pssst:
Tak sabar nak nengok sonia berbaju raya...:)
Wow...your lapis look very pretty...love the colors. I can't imagine how you manage to make it. Satu cake lapis saja sudah repot...apalagi kalau banyak pesanan. Salut buat Kak Rima..
Sekalian mau mengucapkan 'Selamat Idul Fitri' Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin...
This lapis reminds me of my german tchr dulu. Always talking abt german cultures.
Alhamdulillah u settled all ur orders & luv luv luv those packaging. Cantik.
Neway kak, selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin to u & family. Halalkan setiap recipe d ambil d sini ye... Sampai org lain pun minta bikinkan. InsyaAllah my guests will c most of my cookies fr ur recipes. Hahaaa
Ty kak!!
Hi Rima,
Selamat Hari Raya buat kamu & keluarga ya :)
No worries... nanti i will load pics.. nak pi buat kek lapis dulu ni.. hv a blessed one dear!
Hesti HH
Salam eid mubarak to u and ur family.. hehe kalau udah byk pesanan memang jadi repot deh :o)
Salam eid mubarak to u and ur family.. am glad that the recipes that i posted here menepati citarasa u guys.. hv a blessed one!
Ty dear!
Selamat hari raya... My biskut raya almost 90% of it frm ur blog hahaha thank u once again. Oh and i bake lapis surabaya as well, i love the taste bt im x sure abt the texture will ask u about it soon. So enjoy ur lebaran ya, kiss2 untuk itew sonia, akhir kata;
Pulau pandan jauh ketengah,
Gunung daik bercabang tiga,
Hancur badan dikandung badan,
Budi yang baik dikenang jua,
(cak pong cak pong....)
hehe.. funny lah u.. next time i go to KL we shud take the kids to do art ok anyway here wishing u selamat hari raya to u and ur family too.. hv a blessed one and dont minum oren byk byk ok
Alamak nak pantun tak pandai but am so glad that u managed to bake all the goodies.. lapis surabaya is not like lapis legit.. its soft and melting gitu
Salam Rima,
Selamat Hari Raya to you & family. I dah lama teruja bila tengok your kek lapis. Cantik sangat2 & kemas aje. I dah lama teringin nak buat kek lapis tapi sampai sekarang belum tercapai :( If you don't mind, bila2 you nak buat kek lapis, boleh tak ambil gbr mcm mana cara you melapis & bakar? Tqvm.
Selamat hari raya to u and ur family too... insyallah.. when i bake .. there is no one else at home yg boleh jadi guru gambar.. tu yg susah nak take pic cara melapis :o(
happy Eid Mubarak for ur sweet family.. meleleh air liuk tengok kek german layer....teringin plak nak try...tapi pikir kan 45 biji telor!!!! i've tried layer kek 4 yearr ago..my kek turns to super volcano kek!!!! coz i lapis 1 by 1 then terus masuk oven kemudian..its became soooo fluffy n colours all mix well becoming gunung merapi!! ha ha ha haha ha ha..then i fed up nak buat..my mom n sis laughing at me!!!!..better luck next time...hear from u soon...
U ni funny lah! u lapis one by one without even baking every layer?? lahhh of cos jadinye macam gunung berapa jadi nye hehe.. tak per tak per.. nanti once u dah tahu how to do it.. u can show to ur mom and sis that ur skillful enough to bake layer cake :op
Salam Kak Rima,
How much strawberry paste should I use for the red layer?
Salam Liza
Hmmm I think I pakai 1 tbsp.. Yg buat merah tu the Wilton red colour gel paste that I used..
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