Rise and shine everyone.. its sunday.. its cleaning day.. well at least for us.. i thought bef i get started i better update my blog since i couldnt update it yesterday simply bec my router kaput..
This is the 3rd router so far eversince we moved into our place.. haishhh.. anyway, we had a full on saturday.. Lisa ( yep i finally got a helper to do my ironing twice a month :op) came by to do ironing in the morning.. If at any stage u girls need a helper.. let me know cos shes one bloody good ironer.. eh eh is there such word?? hahahha anyway long story short.. she makes all our clothing look like they came out of laundromat! :op
We later went out for late lunch and coffee.. bought ourselves a new router and now i am back in business lol.. Anyway.. I love any cake with mixed fruits in it and to bake a chocolate fruit cake is a dream come true.. so of cos when i first laid eyes on this rustic looking cake.. i knew i had to bake it.. was it super good? it was super good for hb but a little dense for my liking.. it has a texture of Sacher cake but a little moist due to the mixed fruits and caramalised sugar.. overall hb gave 4/5 for this cake.. will definately bake it again for Christmas cos thats how it feels like after i ate a slice hehehe
So ok.. without further ado.. heres the recipe that i wanna share with everyone... recipe is fm a book called Pedoman memasak terampil - Sensasi Chocolate by Albertin Hoesni..

200g raisins
100g red and green cheeries (diced into 4)
(I used 300g of mix fruits)
2 tbsp rum - I used 2 tbsp orange juice
100g red and green cheeries (diced into 4)
(I used 300g of mix fruits)
2 tbsp rum - I used 2 tbsp orange juice
100g sugar
2 tbsp water
3 tbsp honey
2 tbsp water
3 tbsp honey
300g butter
225g caster sugar
8 egg yolks
300g butter
225g caster sugar
8 egg yolks
350g flour
40g cocoa powder - valrhona of cos!
2 tbsp milk powder
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
350g flour
40g cocoa powder - valrhona of cos!
2 tbsp milk powder
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
6 egg whites
1 tbsp cream of tartar
200g Couverture chocolate - I used Marmer Couverture

- Soak mixed fruits with rum and let it sit for abt 2hrs .. mix a tbsp of flour into mix fruits.
- In a saucepan, cook sugar till dissolved - caramelize .. off fire and add 2 tbsp of water into it.. stir and switch on ur fire once again. Add honey and continue to stir till dissolved - set aside
- In a stand mixer.. whisk butter with caster sugar till it turns white (abt 10mins)
- Add in ur egg yolks one at a time and continue to whisk till thick.
- Lower the speed of ur mixer and add in sifted dry ingredients.
- Using spatula, add in slowly ur caramel sugar and fold in ur mix fruits gently - set aside
- Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar till stiff peak
- Fold in egg white mixture into butter mixture slowly.
- Pour batter into a greased bundt pan or tube pan (26cm)
- Bake in preheated oven of 180C for 45 mins - i used 170C for 55mins
- Once baked and cooled.. pour melted chocolate couverture onto ur cake.. u can either pour it just like that or do a rustic look by doing a little swirl on the chocolate with ur metal spatula and top with whatever u want.. pistachio, strawberry etc etc

6 egg whites
1 tbsp cream of tartar
200g Couverture chocolate - I used Marmer Couverture

- Soak mixed fruits with rum and let it sit for abt 2hrs .. mix a tbsp of flour into mix fruits.
- In a saucepan, cook sugar till dissolved - caramelize .. off fire and add 2 tbsp of water into it.. stir and switch on ur fire once again. Add honey and continue to stir till dissolved - set aside
- In a stand mixer.. whisk butter with caster sugar till it turns white (abt 10mins)
- Add in ur egg yolks one at a time and continue to whisk till thick.
- Lower the speed of ur mixer and add in sifted dry ingredients.
- Using spatula, add in slowly ur caramel sugar and fold in ur mix fruits gently - set aside
- Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar till stiff peak
- Fold in egg white mixture into butter mixture slowly.
- Pour batter into a greased bundt pan or tube pan (26cm)
- Bake in preheated oven of 180C for 45 mins - i used 170C for 55mins
- Once baked and cooled.. pour melted chocolate couverture onto ur cake.. u can either pour it just like that or do a rustic look by doing a little swirl on the chocolate with ur metal spatula and top with whatever u want.. pistachio, strawberry etc etc

The actual recipe comes with a butter cream recipe.. i couldnt be bothered to ice my cake with buttercream first bef pouring chocolate couveture on it... however if u wanna do all three steps.. this is the buttercream recipe that is found in this recipe.
200g shortening
120g butter
175ml fructose
2 tbsp condense milk
2 tbsp rum
Whisk both shortening and butter till soft.. add in fructose.. add in condensed milk and continue to whisk till well combined.. lastly add in rum.
I got to run.. i am so gonna cook lontong for brekkie! yahooooo

hi sis morning..
huhu..my fav fruit cake always sharing with my dad huhu..he's a big fan of fruit cake and choc also..huhu..fruit cake and choc..nice combination..kena buat nih..makin kembang inci pinggang ni..hehe..love you lah sis hehe
delisioso!! i need to show dude first the pic..he's a fan of fruit cake but choc fruit cake, ai never dunnit..so if he gives the nod, ai buat arr..
aha!! ada cik L rhupanya nak menggosok baju..hehe...ai sini that last PT tak nak kembali lagi..sebab dah jadi mem, so tak nak gosok menggosok lagi..but ai have 1 still up my sleeve la babe..orangnya adalah dude!! heh..he oso can gosok baju prestinely..ku nak saiko dia lagi with this cake as upahan..heheh..
morning rima.. ehh k.nor rasa k.nor kenal sorang lg iron lady, yg sangat handal mengiron, sangat suka mengiron. boleh iron baju berbakul2 sampai pukul 2 pagi.. sapa lagi kalau bukan mek siam@ika@ijayuji nun.. hehehhehe... kalau amik yg tu kerja lagi untung tau.. sekali dgn pakej pandai masak, pandai cakap jepun.. kan.. kan.. hihihi
Kak Rima....Assalamualaikumwbh....never done this before...mmm insya'Allah...nak try wat, yummilicious combination nih!!
Owh, baru 3 hari lepas ayu wat lontong, makan dgn sambal bilis...buh banyak taufu kering tu....mmm yummmeh!!! Selamat berlontong kak...:p
delicious looking cake Rima this cake looks wonderful for anytime
That sure look devilishly delicious!
Salam Rima....sedapnya nampak kek ni...:)
this is so TEMPTING!
hehe.. Oh ye ker.. dah ur father suka.. ape lagi .. pi godek godek ok.. follow step by step.. sure akan menjadi one..
Woahhhh at least he wanna do it.. if not.. adusss kain baju ni memang cepat mengunung.. nasib now all i need to do is to sms si lisa tu.. senang kerja makcik..
Hmm harus kah ku suruh dia pi kemas rumah ku yg bertingkat ni.. haizz
Harus bake for dude.. lagi licin dia gosok hahaha
Muahahha tak nakkkk.. if i take mek siam.. tu kira dah import mari.. sure mahal .. satu jam mau dia charge kita $50
Psst mek siam ni untung cos kadang she calls in babysitter to look after her kids bila dia nak berdating shhhhh
W'Salam Ayuuu
Ni pukulan lontong badan ku rasa lemah.. dah lama betul tak makan lontong dah tu lepas makan macam kena gastric pun ade.. ni sekarang tengah rasa weak.. :o(
Bake it if u feel like it.. muai benda ni..
So true.. hmm why is it each time i bake fruit cakes it reminded me of christmas.. hihi
Mra plain june
yes it is.. so said the hb.. :op
Bake it ok.. thats the only way for u to know :op
When i saw this pic on that book i was like.. gessshhh die die must bake one hahaha
my friends propose ur blog to me..
ur blog very inspired me to bake...
long time not bake become some more lazy woman..=)
Hi Pink lavender
Hehe well good to hear that.. must start baking again ok.. :p
Dear Rima,
I'm new here..congrats your blog really nice and make me hungry and hungry...if you don't mind what type of oven that you use to bake a cake...thanks a lot for sharing...
best regards, inaros
welcome welcome to this humble blog of mine.. hope ur here to stay!
I used built in oven.. brand name is EF
Rima kalau tak letak choc topping tu spoil tak rasa fruit cake dia?
To be honest.. this cake macam mat salleh fruit cake.. a little dry so if tak letak choc topping the cake will be lagi dry..
Thanks dear
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