Hey peeps.. i know its been awhile... had wanted to update my blog but time is just not on my side.. i hv been busy.. busy being a mom to two girls.. busy being a tour guide for sure and busy with my orders... hb got home fm Jakarta safely and i hv since updated my stock of chocolate condensed milk, black forest paste and also spekkeok powder... so to those who hv emailed me regarding my stock.. its in wokey..(but will only be able to send it out in a weeks time as per below paragraph)
As I am typing away my entry .. my mind is constantly thinking abt my tooth.. remember the time when i had to do root canal? well a moment ago while i was munching on something.. the cement seemed to come off.. arghhhh am so afraid of going thru the pain again.. we are heading to KL and i hope nothing will happen to me.. u hv no idea how scared i am when it comes to toothache!
Sooo whats new since the last entry?? err finally Mrs Aue has a permanent helper.. i told Lisa to come once or twice a week to clean our place... hb is a happy puppy now since he doesnt hv to wash our toilets again! Sonia is a happy puppy cos kakak Solenn is around to play with her... Solenn has been speaking English and has been spending a lot of time with me... she eats just abt anything that i cook and mind ya.. shes into spicy food... good girl!
I hv learnt how to sit down and watch telly for a change... i guess its bec i hv a guest right now and i cant let her be by herself all the time...i still bake everyday tho but nothing to blog abt since theres no new recipes to share.. so all in all... Mrs Aue is a happy puppy too cos she gets to watch Desperate Housewife on telly and not constantly be in the kitchn hehehe
Ok.... thats it for now... its late and tmrw i hv to get up early to bake macs.. i guess the next time i update my blog it will be of us in KL.. enjoy some of the photos taken this week..
Sonia loves to ride on horses and not forgetting the carousel ride...

Hehe she looks uber cute in that hat...

Yep Solenn and her creations heheh... shes good at it.. Sonia has been playing playdoh every single day.. they go swimming together and shes been playing with her while i was busy baking..

Thats a cute mac Solenn!

Thats a cute sushi Sonia and look at the mess u hv created hehe

TCCC ordered by sis Rita for her students... hope they enjoyed it.. lucky boys!

Macs ordered by Noraini, Nora, Jehan and also Aida... tks guys!

TCCC transformer cake ordered by Sophia... tks dear for the repeat orders... hv u started using ur Mastrad sheet yet?? :op
Hv a good weekend everyone and see u in KL!

WoW you've been busy & up till wee hours eh? Definitely miss reading your updates & ogling yr pretty photos. Happy for you K. Rima coz you get your helper, get to watch a bit of telly, yr hb's back, you're gg to KL & Sonia has a companion. MANTAB mbak!! Alhamdullillah.....
salam kak! aiiiyoooooooo, cute betul sonia dgn top rimau putihhhh tuu! kita suke betul dgn minatang2 ni sume! Bibik sementara ya kak :D kek tu nak ambik coklat seketul yg tertonggek atas kek tuu ahahahaha...
Thanks for everything. The b'day cake, especially. Can't wait to eat it. The macs were great! 30pcs seems not enough for me & family.....Seems that I need to bake them. Mac sheet...hmmmm...have not use it yet. My oven too small for the mac sheet(good excuse, huh!)! But it fits perfectly in my spoilt built-in oven(have been sitting at its place for years). Does it mean time to get new oven????
rima, jgn ler kunyah sebelah gigi yg sakit tu.. kang tak pasal2 kena gi dentist lagi.. wahhhhhh ada la yg meraung lak kali ni kan.. hehe take care ya :)
kak, simen tu mmg senang cabut kak. geram betul la.. tp.. dulu ms sy buat, doc tampal temperary dulu. bout week after that baru buat permanent punya. xingat sebab apa dia buat macam tu. tanggal juga after 4yrs.
p/s: suka la tengok solenn. simple je tp cantikkkk..
the crescent by solenn tu playdough kan? hihi cantik sangat
Weeehh Rima, bz teramat, macam2 nak buat...dengan orders yg cukup padat...adeeii, kalau akak fengsan...Btw, akak adalah orang yang belum pernah merasai bagaimana sakit gigi...dan xnaklah alaminya...so far so good, kalau lubang sikit2 tu biasanya terus pi tampal laaa...kata org, sakit kedua plg x tahan instead of giving birth...betul ke.,hehe
Have a safe trip to KL Rima! ^___^
** psstt..singgah Melaka cari skoteng eh...hahaha
Mantap mbak.. err well if its not cos i am too tired i dont think i will ask for outside help.. 5 tingkat mbak.. mana bisa tahan! hahaha
Itew actually the dome part of my cake.. sayang nak dimakan gitu ajer so i potong bulat bulat and stack it like a small cake.. cake itew dibaham oleh Solenn within 5 mins hahaha.. kecik kecik cili api.. part makan.. waduhhh boleh tahan hehehe
Hopefully u guys will like it as much as we did.. itew oven u are better off repairing it.. much more cheaper i guess.. the thing abt built in oven if u tak selalu pakai sure kaput.. my mac sheet fit nicely in my built in oven.. not too sure if u can fine the perfect pan to fit em.. i found a slightly smaller ones and bought it.. better than not having any pan lol..
Harus berhati hati bila mengunyah.. kenapa eh the last time kita sakit gigi pasal tengah makan paru.. semalam waktu cement dia jatuh.. kita tengah makan sotong hahaha.. i think anything yg kenyal dia tak kasi makan lahhh.. pokok nye ku tak rela berlinang air mata berjurai jurai pasal sakit gigi..
Tu lah.. actually i am supposed to go back but hv not done so.. now dah jatuh si cement tu there is no other way out but to go and see my dentist again.. arghhh.. will hv to do it when i am back fm KL.. hopefully bila tengah mengunyah burger ramli si daging tak accidently menusuk kat that area again.. eekkkk gerun bila ingat ingat kan sakit dia
Yeah .. shes simple... she eats whatever u hidang kan.. everything also dia kata sedap.. akak masak lemak cili api also makan.. sambal goreng ade tempeh also makan.. sotong masak hitam also makan.. pokoknye i dont hv to go out of the way to cook something special lahh
Heheh ah ah.. i was busy baking when i noticed dia buat sushi and croissant.. mak terus take pics hehe
memang betul.. i think waktu give birth tu at least ade oxygen.. ade epidural.. boleh lah tahan sikit.. part sakit gigi ni.. ya rabbi.. mintak ampun sakit nye.. tangkap kat kepala.. tangkap kat leher.. berdenyut tuhan ajer yg tahu.. waktu Rima kena that day kat kereta macam nak ketuk kepala kat cermin hahahha.. ganas tu!! kahkahkah
i realize that you do take in orders from people so i would like to know exactly what type of orders do you take and how the price range is like.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kak Rimaaaaaaaa...
may u have safe journey.....:) Ahaaa...sonia tu kan, keningnya mcm akak eik....cantik...cute je dgn top rimau tu...
Owh root canal, gud sbb it saves tooth....but worst jika tak dpt diselamatkan, still boleh wat bridging....mmmmm, I had one... !
Hi Sha
Thank you for ur inquiry.. can u pls email me so that its easier for me to get in touch with u?? tks!
Ahhh baru sekarang akak kau ni free sikit.. we just got into KL and fm today onwards i am as free as a bird to blog walking hahahha
Haizz kalau ikut kan hati and advise orang orang tua.. pi cabut sudah but my hb tak kasi cabut gigi cos dia kata nanti gigi ompong hahah.. tu sebab nak tak nak terpaksa lah buat root canal but kan now the white cement dah berderai tu yg akak kau ni risau semacam.. nanti balik sg sure dipaksa visit dentist again which i hate! grrr
I tried contacting you by filling up the contact form under "Contact Me" but i wasn't too sure if u received it. Can i have your email address if it isn't too much of a hassle?
Thank you so much.
Hi Sha
Can u try and email me via "contact me" again and if that doesnt work .. can u leave ur email adrs in my comment box? i will then not publish ur comment here.. tks!
It'll be less of a hassle for you if i leave my email address here.
its sharinah.rahman@hotmail.com
hope to hear from you soon. thanks! :)
Salam Rima
For me sejak minum milk in May last year (mesti WHOLE, goat's or organic) my teeth & nerve tambah kuat. 1 mth can feel diff. Dulu2 gigi ngilu, tak pernah annual check up. Skrang dah 2 kali cleaning tak ngilu & root canal on-hold (insyallah).
Baru-baru 2cups daily, after that 1 cup saja. Sunnah nabi minum susu. Cik 53.
Hi Sha
did u get my email? hmmm
Cik Rokiah
Eh i shouldnt be calling u cik.. ur only 10yrs older than me... shud be kRokiah hehe..
Ty for ur tip.. Rima memang fav minum susu tapi kan.. sob sob.. buat root canal is not cheap and bila dah terpaksa buat.. adehhhh hati pun rasa sakit but ape kah daya.. if dah terpaksa.. tak leh lari dari kenyataan.. ni balik KL i will hv to make a trip there cos filling dia dah hilang entah ke mana.. masuk dalam perut tak hahaha
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