Soo my 15yrs old Solenn arrived safely.. i didnt go and fetch her in the end cos my little Sonia was still sleeping and i couldnt bare to wake her up.. Solenn flew here with a 23kg suitcase .. got upgraded to business class on the A380.. pooffftt! (as what the french ppl wud say!) hahaha and and guess what i got as prezzie?? heheh u guessed right my dearies!!!

Anyway after brekkie.. we let her rest.. hb went to work of cos.. i baked my macs and officially called yesterday.. the "mac cracking day"! grrrr.. finally after the 3rd tray i managed to get a no crack tray full of macs.. kept on baking till i didnt realise i had baked more than i shud have lol.. oh well... maybe i shud do a quick macs sale?? ahakss
Hb got home in the evening.. we had coffee and this awesome cake.. got ready and by 8pm we were already sitting down introducing Solenn to some of our local food... u said u like spicy food Solenn??.. heheh wait till u taste our kinda spicy kahkahkah - evil grin hehe (habis anak orang kita kerja kan hahaha)

So ok heres to this superb recipe... u girls hv got to try and bake this.. i know.. i know.. it may seem difficult.. it may crush ur diet.. but but.. this cake is a 'die die must bake" type of cake.. bake it wokey :o)

Layer Cake
300g of egg yolks - (+/-15 eggs)
150g caster sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla cream - i used vanilla paste and vanilla oil
10g low protein flour - cake flour
10g milk powder
250g Wisjman butter (or use golden churn butter now that it is officially halal as published in berita harian)
50g Butter Oil Substitute - i used 50g butter
2tbsp condensed milk
250g mixed fruits soaked in rum - I used orange juice
500g Cream Cheese
150g icing sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla cream - i used vanilla paste
1tsp lemon paste or extract
300g eggs (+/- 6 eggs)
100g yogurt

Layer Cake
- Whisk (A) till thick and fluffy
- Add in (B) and continue to whisk using low speed - set aside
- Whip butter till soft and add condensed milk to it.
- Add (C) to ur egg mixture and continue to stir till combined
- Bake like how u would usually will bake ur layer cake.. mine I weighed 78g per layer and i got 10 layers out of this batter... oh the pan I used is 8x8
- Whisk (A) using medium speed till soft.
- Add in (B) and continue to whisk.
- Add in (C) and continue to whisk till well combined
- Pour cream cheese batter onto ur layer cake (dont forget to use aluminium to wrap around ur pan to stop water from seeping in ok)
- Steam bake it using 170C on top fire and 180C on bottom fire for 90mins.. (I baked mine using 160C overall for 90mins)
- Once baked.. let it cool and place it in ur fridge..
500g Cream Cheese
150g icing sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla cream - i used vanilla paste
1tsp lemon paste or extract
300g eggs (+/- 6 eggs)
100g yogurt

Layer Cake
- Whisk (A) till thick and fluffy
- Add in (B) and continue to whisk using low speed - set aside
- Whip butter till soft and add condensed milk to it.
- Add (C) to ur egg mixture and continue to stir till combined
- Bake like how u would usually will bake ur layer cake.. mine I weighed 78g per layer and i got 10 layers out of this batter... oh the pan I used is 8x8
- Whisk (A) using medium speed till soft.
- Add in (B) and continue to whisk.
- Add in (C) and continue to whisk till well combined
- Pour cream cheese batter onto ur layer cake (dont forget to use aluminium to wrap around ur pan to stop water from seeping in ok)
- Steam bake it using 170C on top fire and 180C on bottom fire for 90mins.. (I baked mine using 160C overall for 90mins)
- Once baked.. let it cool and place it in ur fridge..

Best of both worlds.. perfecto! the taste... the texture... oh my.. oh my... we love it!! hb loves it.. Solenn loves it.. i love it... so so rich.. so so soft... no words can describe it... i am in HEAVEN... :op

Heheh these are not for my store.. they are mine.. mine.. mineeee hehe.. ty Vero for all the gifts.. the one in that plain paperbag is my fav! woot woot!
Source: Bakery Magazine - recipe fm Chendawaty (LPK Tata Boga Ny Liem)

ARGH!!!! I don't know which one I'm geram with. Cake? Goodies? Cake? Goodies? I think semua makes me green with geram with envy. lol.
That is one sinfully good looking cake. Another to do list lagi. heheheheehe YUMMMMMMM.
salam rima - i nak order je ngan u....bila dtg KL kasi tahu....:)
perh....menggoda betoi lapis cheese cake tu...
suap kat mas sesudu kak rima....
mengeliurkan betoiii....
Rima, this looks very good! .....best for waist expansion too...haha! Must bkmark this..( as usual, buatnya tidak.)
wow..look gojes n good idea..
agak2 boleh guna resepi lain juga for layer cake ye kak..agak2 xpe kan kalo diderhaka..hee..anyway tq..cuci mata pun dah kenyang ni
Ai geram pada kedua-dua kek, sedap dan mengiurkan dan juga Ms Solenn. In a word both the cake and Ms is "Sexy"!.
wow..!! sangat cantik & menarik.... perfect!!
Hi Rima,
When can we have those cacao's in your store?
Telan2 air liur kak cek tgk lapis cheesecake ni...nak buat tak rajin...sedapnya....
yummy banget...rasanya pasti enak membelai lidah...
yummy banget...rasanya pasti enak membelai lidah...
woooaaaaa...i close my eyes...dun open..walk straight, hahahhaha...this is bad...lapis..lapis...wif a lot of eggs..n cheese some more..aiyaa..gheezz rima, i pretend not to c...
Kak Rimaaaaaaaaaaa.......
Both mengudaaaaaa, the cake...the layers...the cheseee.....argh...cam nak makan dlm mimpi jap lagi...and the gift....ehem ehem...wooot wooooot!!!:)
Hehehehe.. harus geram pada cake cos cake u hv to bake it in order for u to know.. goodies u tinggal go kedai and beli but kan if benda yg perrr lagi lah best kannn hehehe
Insyallah.. we will be heading there middle of this month.. email me if u are interested ok..tks!
Ahhh bukak mulut besau besau.. nanti akak suap kan.. jgn lupa siap kan tissue hehehe
If bookmarked harus kena buat tau.. nanti list goes on n on hehe.. tak pe.. u bake and u at half slice.. sure tak guilty :op
Of cos u can.. but u hv to use resepi yg kek lapis nye lembut membelai lidah.. baru dia ngam dgn cheesecake yg melt in ur mouth ini :o)
Well said! hehe
The taste is perfecto.. thanks to the owner of this recipe!
If ur looking cor cocao berry u can get it fm JB.. the bakery supply shop near larkin.. i hv seen it there..
Yummylicious!! K'Rim..ida selalu gak intai2 kat sini...senyap2, malu nk b'suara..all very tempting!!
Buat lah.. actually tak susah cuma a little time consuming ajer
Snack house
ah huh.. rasa nya enak banget mbak.. try and bake it ok..
u better be careful ok.. u close ur eyes and u walk walk nanti u walk kena dinding.. benjol pulak hahahahha
Now that u hv seen it.. i am pretty sure u wud wanna taste it.. bake it bake it bake hahaha
Woot wooottttt.. akan ku pecah dara kan beg baru ku kejap lagi hahaha
welcome dear!! why segan and silu.. no need ok.. ur akak ni all rounder.. very the friendly one hehhe
uhhhhhh... kek lapis.. ciskek.. perghhh nikmat yg digabungkan.. tak nak buat la, sbb mmg angkat bendera putih kalau bab melapis.. tp nak rasa yg rima buat jer.. aci kan.. hehehee
As'salam Rima
CT kalau masuk sini suka duk lama2.. hehehe. semua yang you masak boleh buat jantung berhenti sekejap tau.. hahaha
apa pun lapis cheese cake tu memang boleh buat meleleh air liur tau..hihihi
Teringin juga nak jadi model ngap2 kueh macam your guest model tu. Tiss..tiss..
As'salam Rima
OMG!!!...that cheese layer is very tempting indeed. Bookmarked already....LOL...tq for sharing...picturewise dah buat ai drooling, wonder how lah kalau dah buat nanti...mau pengsannn ala CMG....p)
kak rima,
im looking for ur macs recipe tapi mcm tak jumpa jumpa. pls share, man thanks.
The cake is a beauty. Kalau I bake, I will definitely simpan dalam glass case.. hehe..
ps : I'm still fasting. hopping to your blog is not helping.. urgh!!
Salam Rima, Ksal suka cake ini agaknya kalau dapat rasa bestnya...Wah dapat oleh2 mengancam ...Ksal.....
Salam kak rimaaa!! mmg sgt tension kalau masuk sini tgk kek akak! rasanyer akak bukak kedai kek jerlah! kita jd customer akak :D curlassstttt betul combination kek n puding tu! aaarrgghhhhh jerit lagi sbb tak dpt makan! yg ni mmg awal2 bendera putih lah kak sbb kek lapis tu mmg tak ghetiiii nak melapis :D
eh? td kita tulis puding ke ciskek?? wakakakaka.... lempang pipi sendirik ahahaha...
kek lapis + cheese cake??
ni betul2 hebat!
salam kenal Rima, love your photo so much.. hari tu ada try your macaron recipe menjadi macaron saya thanks ye share...
aduhhh kesian.. if sebelah rumah boleh ku beri rasa.. bukan sekeping.. berkeping keping ku beri hehehe
KNor u shud really try to lapis.. once dah biasa.. sure rasa shiokkk
hehehe patut lah basah kerusi kita rupenye air liuq CT ehhh :op
biskut mintak one bottle plssss :op
eh ye ker?? mai lahhh.. dgn rela hati ku petik gambar gambar cik som tengah makan cake .. sure boleh membuat lain orang meleleh air liuq hehe
heheh dah sedar belum?? besok lusa bila buat kek ni jgn pulak baru terhidu bau kek lapis dah fensan hahaha
Memang combo yg menggoda..
Juling mata jap tgk kek k.rima bikin ni.
Look it up under french macarons... type kat box yg kat atas tu and it will direct u to that post..
eh what are u doing here waktu puasa.. must come after buka ok jadi mata mu terpelihara hahaha
Salam KSal
Hehe tunggu ape lagi.. pi dapur.. godek godek.. lapis lapis.. steamed bake and masuk fridge.. buat malam so besok pagi dah boleh buat breakkie hehehe
Muahahahahha nak kena lempang budak Ija ni.. SLAP!! hahaha.. tu lah siapa suruh type cepat cepat.. tengok tu.. baik baik cheesecake kau tukar kan jadi pudding hahahah.. ye lerrrr rupe macam puding kan except cheesecake lagi richer ahakss
yep.. best of both world ey..
Salam perkenalannn.. oh ye ker?? alhamdullilah... am happy to hear that.. kira ur macs pakai skirt ropol ropol lah ni hehehe
Juling air tak pe.. still boleh lagi melihat hehehe
Yes great combination.. for a change all the things that i love to bake digabungkan jadi satu kek
Salam kak rima...
Tiap pagi sblm start werk sure intai ur blog..alahai mengoda betul ur cheees cake + kek lapis siap ngan macaron lagi...me lom try wat kek lapis mcm segan gitu...hehe
Received ur cbf paste....tq so much...
Alamak Rima...cantiknya rupa Lapis Cheesecake ni..and I am sure the taste is as good as it looks. I love cheesecake and kek lapis. This is really really best of both worlds! You are very talented lah. You create magic each time you try out a recipe. I salute you lah!
Salam Orisya
U did?? alhamdullilah... boleh start engine lah hehehe
Nak try buat kek lapis tak leh segan silu tauuu.. harus ade confidence and hv to set ur mind that u hv to stand kat oven for the next 3hrs! :op
When i see something that i like.. i wud always hv the urge to try and bake it.. there is another good recipe which i wud love to try but nanti lah.. biar lemak cheesecake ni turun sikit.. kasi dia rest maybe err 2 days?? hehehe
memang harussssss ko peberet the thing in that plain paper bag!!! hahaha...saper tak suka cik kak oiiii!!!hehe..
ni cake susah arr babe..belum masuk list lagi..takut plak kena sumpah ngan opera kek yg ai lum buat2 lagi..btw, menda dah sampai and as usual, hanya kertas photocpy jer yg dapat..apa nak wat kan..sat ai amik..
Eh next time why not gv ur work adrs so that u will get benda and not surat all the time..
I promised u cake ni tak susah sangat.. both u dah biasa buat kan.. just combined it ajer.. memakan masa sikit lah and u are better off preparing it at night so that this cake can sit in the fridge the whole night.. i still hv like 4 more pcs with a reserved tag on it hahaha
rima...tqs for resepi kek raya....meleh ayaq liurq!...hmmm longchamp......hmmm...should i or should i not!
Waaaaaaaaahhh...dengan nak melapis lgk..dengan nak mengecis lagik...mau terbaring tertdo akak kat tepi dapur...wahahahaa..dah lama sgt x melapis...agak2 failed dah kalau buat skrg...takut mata kena tongkat btg mancis nak tggu siap melapis tu Rima oii...heheheh...tengok cis tebal tu..sama jek dgn lemak kat bdn akak.....uwaaaaa...tumpang tengok dulu la, kalau dekat dah wat muka kesian dah kat Rima...hehe
now...why didnt ai think u giving u my work add?? sheeshhhh...wadehek arrr...k...next time k..esp kalo u adakan giveaway and if ai menang barang besar cam hamper, ku kasik opis add...biar sumer orang jeles..hahaha...pasajer..yat..bila lah masa nak menang GA arr???heheh..
Hai rima... semua kek rima memang mengancam...setiap hari satu kewajipan selongkar dapur rima. hehehe jangan marah tau.. the resipi di atas bahan D taruh masa bila.. sori to ask. tak tahan dah nak try
I memang fav longchamp.. so lasak! U SHUD hahaha
bila akak mention buat muka kesian tiba tiba teringat cerita shrek pulak.. si kucing buat muka kesian dgn mata mata dia hehehe adehhhh if dekat.. sms ajer boleh kita reserve satu keping untuk akak :op
ahhh tahu tak per.. tak yah u susah payah pi line up nak ambil parcel..
Eh GA.. dah lama tak buat GA.. busy memanjang :o(
Adumak.. lupa nak letak.. u add the mix fruit on ur layer cake.. terpulang.. u can add it on every layer.. u can add it on every 2 layer or u can even add it on every 5 layer.. i add it on every 2nd layer..
Do let me know the outcome ok.. good luck!
Rima I have to order from u when I'm back to SG! I'm flying back to SG end of Sept.... I can't wait to order the cakes from u!
wow!!...menarik dan tertarik..looks yummy!:)
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