Today was one of the worst days in the last months.. err no not really.. in the last years! i got the mother of all pains of my life.. the pain was so so bad that it was much more worse than the day i accidentally cut my shin and had to undergo 8 stitches..
If u hv been with me for the longest time u will know my relationship with any dentist.. i hate going to the dentist unless i am forced to by Mr u know who! last week my molar tooth filling cracked and i shud hv gone to see my dentist but bec i wasnt in any pain i kept it fm hb.. this afternoon while having lunch, something must have entered the hole and caused it to "hit the nerve". I was in such excruciating pain that even after taking two types of pain killers it didnt subside and I was lying on the couch not being able to move... all i cud do is to keep on holding on to my head and cry and cry and cry..
Hb quickly took me to our dentist... we were lucky that hes able to see me right away.. he took a look at it and straight away told me that i needed a root canal treatment.. i was like.. oh noooo.. not only its gonna be costly.. its one of the procedures that i hv been trying to avoid! anyway long story short.. after 4hrs of treatment and close to $2k poorer..the doctor managed to find and drill out 4 nerves under my molar (and he was later very proud of his work haha)... i went back home feeling slightly better.. the pain is still there.. lingering.. everytime i take the anitibiotic and painkiller .. the pain will be gone but will come again after half an hr .. the pain is no longer an excruciating one.. its bearable that right now i am having the urge to bake something.. something chocolaty.. "faint"
...and for those that have been waiting; I did buy some stuff in Indo for my store - coming up!

Oh dear....tak sanggup rasanya nak go thru sakit gigi.
Hi Rima,
Sorry to hear about that. Toothache can make one go berserk, cos the pain is simply unbearable. My suggestion is, from now onwards you should try to visit the dentist regularly, eg once every six months for a general check-up though there is no problem. With this visit, the dentist could detect anything at the beginning stage and you need not go thru such pain anymore when things get worst out of a sudden.
Take care and try to drink some brands chicken essence for some energy. Rest well too :)
Gosh Babe!! Poor u!..sakit gigi is really a pain in the ar*e..or maybe worse than that! masa ni harus berada dalam nyaman, tak leh ribut2...mana dgn sakit gigi, kepala, & lain2 yg related..but u dah buat the treatment, hopefully the pain will be gone soon without the need of those painkillers...take care & remember 'chope' kan daku bf mu itew...hehe..
kesiannyer.. mmg sakit gigi sakit yg paling sakit kan.. semua kerja tak jadi.. tak ilang lg ke rima.. take care ya.. mudah2n sakit tu segera hilang.. take a rest ya..
I hate dentist,the smell of their gloves, the chair etc. each time i jmpa they all i ckp can u pls b gentle. Blm drill i dh mintk bius hahaks. Suprisinglly when i did my root cannal i bleh terlelap gitew mayb bcoz of bius 3x haha overacting. Nway u tk care ya looking forward 2 ur jakarta oleh oleh.
I hate going to the dentist too! If I can, I would like to strike dentists out of my life forever. Can? Of course not rite? huhuhu..
Anyway, get well soon! Take care :)
Hope u are getting better now. Have a Gd rest :))
sis rima
huhu sian you sis..adoi mmg sakit gigi ni paling menyakitkan..sabar banyak2 semoga cepat sembuh..kalau tak nanti sunyi blog sis takdo entry..hehe..nanti little sonia yg kena post entry..hehe
4? banyak. mesti sakit giler. dulu sy kena 1 je pon da dapat MC 2ari apatah lagi 4 nerves. hurmmm...
Errkkk...sakit gigi pulak Rima? Adeeii kesiannya...akak mmg x pernah lagi la merasa sakit gigi yang kata org x boleh nak makan x kenyang, mandi x basah, tdo x lena nih....adeeei..Harap2 cepat sembuh gigi ya Rima, kalau x semua kerja menjadi, kempunan la akak nk tengok entry selalu meletopss Rima nnt...kan.
ouchhh! its excruciating. did they put the charcoal still on the open wound?
i extracted mine during puasa month 2 yrs back. ngeri you
i just noticed that we were both in jkt at the same date! alahai..if i knew you were there, bole jumpa for dinner.
Memang tak sanggup.. tu sebab ku menci tauu bila kena paksa pergi jumpa dentist
Ty but errr... i know.. i know but i no like to go lahhh.. :o(
kalau nak terjadi macam macam kann.. dah lah ticket salah date.. dah tu waktu makan lunch and tengah mengomel dgn si hairi boleh tergigit itew paru kat tempat yg berlobang.. berdesut kejap.. eh not kejap leh.. i think i was in so so much pain for abt 3hrs bef i agreed to pergi dentist.. Rima Rima.. ape nak jadi!
I know.. i chop ok for u..
Mula tu ok jugak.. maklum masih sebal kan.. lepas the treatment boleh sempat gi minum coffee and makan cake.. dah tu tiba tiba sebal hilang.. ya rabbi.. dia mula lagiiii.. ampun!
Hahahaha.. part belum ape ape mintak bius tak leh angs.. teringat waktu nak beranak kan hairi.. gas belum dipasang siang siang dah letak penafasan gas kat hidung kahkahkah
Cannot one.. cos bila dah sakit.. sure akan pergi menderma kat tabung yayasan dentist hahaha
Ty ty.. am much better today..
If susah susah i will call in my sub writter hahaha.. dia tu selalu memang menunggu i gv greenlight to write a post haha
Ish ish.. tak terkata.. while on my way to dentist sampai si sonia on sound kat ipad dia also menjadi kemarahan kita.. kesian lah dak sonia..
Eh insyallah.. akak tak akan merasa ape yg Rima rasai.. sakit bangat buk sampai jadi neng yatimah semalam! :op
If ikut hati memang nak cabut ajer but my hb tak kasi.. so jawapan nye root canal.. nanti this sat kena pergi lagi.. if all ok the dentist nak buat crowning pulak.. haizzz i dont want lahhhh.. cabuttt
Oh ye ker?? lahhh if not boleh gi makan pondok laguna makan gurame..
kak..mahalnya 2k?? naseb baik sy keje kat dental department..surrounded by dentist..heheee..
Ha ha... sorry i have to gelak. kesian kat u tapi at the same time tak leh tahan... sakit gigi pun masih craving something sweet and chocolaty.
Yoa Ngadenin
Memang mahal.. the root canal itself dah $1500.. belum xray.. belum consultation.. belum ubat lagi.. dah tu lepas ni this sat kena gi jumpa lagi.. nak kena buat crowning pulak.. aduhhhh tu nanti akan cost me close to 2k lagi.. fensan!
Heheh lepas keluar dari dentalcare terus ku dah gi and hv coffee and sticky date pudding.. tak leh enjoy sangat.. dapat merasa sikit pun dah ok.. dah tu balik craving fo brownies.. ade ade aje jhehehe
hahaha..sama dgn Yan..I gelak mengenangkan kakakku ini yg sakit2 pun masih craving benda yg manis! I surf to find out more about root canal and crowning proses..terus gigi sendiri trasa ngilu!! adoii..I pun phobia dgn dentist..Tapi lately kena juga set appointment..haiz :(.So wish you cepat baik yerk!
alaaa...sian my sis rima...
hope u get well soon...
still craving for ur superb macaroons
u ever ferasan tak yg kaum wanita ni memang sikit punya lemau part nak kena jumpa dentist.. if jumpa doc laju ajer hahaha
This sat tak tahu apa hal lah pulak.. belum pergi gusi kiri ku pulak rasa macam bengkak.. ade ade ajer..
Ty.. so far alhamdullilah.. tak meragam lagi.. tdy my bro in law sakit gigi pulak.. eh eh.. macam berjangkit kan benda ni.. ouch!!
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