Remember my urge to bake something chocolaty last night? well this is it.. i took out my newly bought food processor.. whisked my eggs and sugar and added it to my melted chocolate/butter mixture.. stirred in the dry ingredients.. baked it .. cooled it and went straight up to my bedroom.. didnt manage to fall sleep right away for the pain came back to me as soon as i was done cleaning up my kitchen.. i finally fell asleep around 3am.. hmmm wonder why is it that all of a sudden the pain seems to be so so much bearable when i am baking.. "shrugs"

Ty guys for all the well wishes.. didnt know there were lots out there that are just like me.. dentist haters hahaha.. anyway this morning i woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday..alhamdullilah.. we did our sunday marketing and went to my parents place right after that.. stayed there till after Isyak as both my sisters were there too.. always nice to see everyone and guess what we talked all day long?? hehehe our next holiday destination!

So ok lets get on with the recipe that i saw fm Bunda Nadhifa blog.. i have actually been craving for brownies since i was in jakarta.. i cud hv just bought it off fm the hotel cafe but unfortunately most of their chocolate cakes consist of alcohol .. even their chocolate and coffee macs consist of alcohol.. so what did i buy to settle my chocolate craving?? chocolate swiss roll.. sigh.. they were just so so.. even their macs were so so (we bought a box that consist of tutty fruity flavours)

8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, plus more for pan - 120g
1 cup all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled) - 130g
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder - i used valrhona
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
8 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped - 225g - i used 53% and 70% cocao berry
1 1/4 cups sugar - 280g
3 large eggs

Preheat oven to 180C. Brush a 20x20cm baking pan with butter. Line bottom and two sides with a strip of parchment paper, leaving a 2-inch overhang on the two sides. Butter paper, and set pan aside. In a small bowl, whisk flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt; set aside.
Place butter and chocolate in a large heatproof bowl set over (not in) a saucepan of gently simmering water. Heat, stirring occasionally, until smooth, 2 to 3 minutes; remove bowl from pan. Add sugar; mix to combine. Add eggs, and mix to combine. Add flour mixture; mix just until moistened (do not overmix). Transfer batter to prepared pan; smooth top.
Bake until a toothpick inserted in center comes out with a few moist crumbs attached, 50 to 60 minutes. Cool in pan for 30 minutes. Using paper overhang, lift brownies out of pan; transfer to a rack to cool completely (still on paper). On a cutting board, using a dampened serrated knife, cut into 16 squares.

I really like the rich chocolaty taste of these brownies.. it fudgy and not dry at all and the best part.. everyone loved it! Just dont forget: Brownies are all about Chocolate... so use good chocolate!
Original recipe: Martha Stewart

Ohhh bef i go.. i just thought id show u the baking books that i managed to buy there - am excited to find baking books that are fm Ny Liem and Pak Hadi... cant wait to try some of their new recipes!

...... And also a sneak peak of some of the baking items which i bought at Titan.. will update my store soon ok.. :o)

Babe..8 words for u (ni tak kira)
Fresh Fruit Fantasy Pudding
Puding agar and jelly
yeabedahbeduuuu!!! (ni pun tak kira)
adusss dah lah tengah lapar di pagi hari ni..nampak plak coklat brownies...erkkk lariii lariiiii ku sudah demok hahaha
anyway, hope u r feeling better now
amboiii.. tengok orang sakit gigi makan manis2 lagi. hehehe.. betul2 borong akak pergi jakarta. tp harga murah, memang worth it kan?
get well soon ok.
Kak Rimaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! jerit2 dr jauh niii ahahahaha.... akak kenapa kak? sakit gigi ke? byk ketinggalan niiii, apa2 yg akak buat sume nmpk kemas n menarik n SEDAP! kita lama sgt lah tak buat benda1 cekelat gini :D tgk buku2 tu sume rasa mcm nak sume tp ntah terbuat ntah tak kalau sume tu ada depan mata :D
huh look so yummy. love your brown ribbon with blue polka dot.
Muahaha.. all the books will not be in my store lahhh.. its for my own collection.. hu hu.. ku tak tahu ade yg berminat :o(
Eh where hv u been? baru balik hols eh.. demok? where got?? pi godek brownies.. NOW! hehehe
Nowadays things are no longer cheap in Jkt.. naik taxi also will usually cost me around 100,000 rupiah.. i buy stuff that i cant find it here.. baru worth nak berangkut hehe
Ijaaaaa.. ku jerit balik ala ala cerita hindustan hahaha.. eh dah boleh ketawa besar besar cos dah tak rasa sakit lagi.. yahooooo heheh
Akak kau ni if go to bakery supply shop .. u know how it is.. semua pun nak beli.. kalau boleh satu kedai nak bawak balik sg hahaha
I love it too! anything blue and chocolate is pwetty.. :o)
Hi Rima,
Gd to hear ur ok n bck to baking.U got yrself a new processor, what is the model n brand? Nd to get one soon..
rima, k.nor pun time nak gi jumpa dentist, sejuk jer perut.. keluar jer bilik rawatan, fuhhhhhhhh legaaaa... haha.. kalau anak sakit gigi ke apa, sedap jer suruh anak gi jumpa dentist tp emak sendiri hihihiii.. faham2 aje la kan.. insyaallah, next year my oldest son pulak bakal jd dentist.. camna la agaknya nanti kan.. hehhe
wow Rima ur stock up sungguh menggoda..byknya! :) anyway i think i shld try ur brownies it looks so simple. tx for sharing the recipe :D
sis rima
wah dalam sakit2 pun sempat membaking..hehe..memang tegar la..nmpak shedap..sakit gigi pun bleh hilang mcm ni..
Hi Rima,
what is a food processor and it can be used to make cake batters?
Salam Kenal Kak Rima, kalau ke Jakarta lagi, jangan lupa mampir ke Gramedia (di Grand Indonesia ada juga), saranku, buku "500 resep kue dan masakan : Koleksi kursus masak Ny. Liem", its like all Ny. Liem recipes in one book, so worth it... *hug*
Hi Sha
I bought Philips simply bec it was on on offer plus i need a new blender.. hehe
woahhhh nanti kalau anak knor dah jadi dentist sure knor tak akan takut lagi cos sure kena paksa pi jumpa dia heheh..
Tu kurang tu.. kalau boleh selagi selagan nak bawak balik hahahha.. bake it lah.. its a simple thang to bake..
muahahha part baking tak ingat dunia.. lepas bake ajer sakit balik kahkahkah.. alhamdullilah today the whole day tak berdenyut..
Food processor can be used to whip cream cheese for cheesecake.. u can use it to process ur oreos for example to become crumbs.. i used it to process my almond powder into fine texture for my macs.. yesterday i used it to whip my eggs and sugar.. am just playing around with my new toy hehe
Salam kenal sis.. waduhhh lain kali akan ku berlari lari anak ke Gramedia to look for that book.. hehehe.. hmmm i think maybe next month we will be heading there again :o)
Waaaaaaaaaa...mengancam sungguh la your brownies....the topping is so inviting la Rima oooiii....bahaya sungguh tau masuk dapur Rima... ^__^. Waaaaaaa...looking at all those recipe books pun boleh cair hati taaauuu...hahaha..nampaknya kena cairkan butter gak laa..hehe
Amacam? dah cair kan butter ke belum... agaknye KUmmi dah cair kan and dah masuk kan balik kat fridge tak cos tertido waktu tengok tv hahaha
K.rima, nak tanya soalan skit? Badam keping dgn choc chip yg tabur atas brownie tu k.rima letak time bila? Time dh curah adunan pastu tabur ataupun dh siap baru letak?
I letak bef i bake it.. yes curah adunan and terus tabur chocolate chip and badam
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