I thought i wud hv the time to update my blog but i was so wrong.. Sonia is down with fever, flu and cough for the past few days and shes been really fussy.. we are trying to let her rest as much as she can over the weekend cos we dont want a sick girl on the plane.. shes better now.. no more fever but we are still keeping a close watch on her temp.. i on the other hand have not baked a thing for the family... am too busy to think abt the 30 eggs that are still in my fridge; nevertheless i managed to bake for my SIL steamed fruit cake which we are gonna take along on our trip..
Anyway while i was packing my luggage i realized that i had not posted an entry abt my new product in store.. I have been browsing through the latest Mastrad catalogue and something unique caught my eye..something I know many of us could appreciate.. How do we make sure that when baking Macarons we always have the perfect shape and size? Well here is the answer:

It comes in two options. Small and large. In addition they also have a very nice pastry bag that can be used for dispensing of the mixture.

Anyway, I have not tested either as they are on their way to me right now. I will have them when I'm back from my trip. In the meantime you can see the prices in my
So ok.. i guess thats it guys... will try to reply to all my emails bef i go.. take care..play nice and be good yah.. bake nice goodies so that i can drool fm there heheh.. see u in Barca!

yay yay yay yay!!
I totally forgot to ask about sonia, sorry! I'm glad she's better. she's my tough little cookie. so looking forward to seeing you all. xx
Your latest entry sort of answered my query on how you make evenly shape macaron shells. Re: your previous entry I asked "All along you make that macs shells using 'free hand' ke?".
Thanks n have an enjoyable holiday.
have a nice trip rima.. hopefully sonia will have a speedy recovery...
Yes, hope u have an enjoyable getaway Rima. Take care!
Owh, Rima, so sad to hear about yr lil' sweet Sonia...hope she'll get well soonest possible and my big hugs to Sonia...may all of you have a safe trip and enjoyful holiday Rima....
Waaahh, really admired to that macarons pan and if only I got mine too..hahaha..ntah2 akak x buat jugak kan..
Assalamualaikumwbh Kak Rima...
Waaaaaaaaa betsnye jenjalan berfuya fuya.....muaahahhaha....mmm just like me, you'll go for eggs to stock everything out ya?? :)
the tools is amazing....tgh bermimpi when I can get a set??:)
Pray for the speedy recovery for Sonia..Insya'Allah and may u have an enjoyable & inviting holidays sis..:)
have a safe journey rima.
ms v
Rima, tener un viaje seguro. Disfrutar de su viaje a España Nanti note down the fab places to shop ya ... hehehe ... ada le sebabnya.
akak.....selamat bercuti....
moga selamat pergi dan balik...
kesiannya si kecil sonia..alhamdulillah dah makin sihat kan..cuaca ok ke europe sana tu skrg? take care semua yah!!
Salam Rima...
have a nice vacation...
semuga Sonia cepat sembuh...
kak cek nak tanya ...camana nak dptkan baking try for macaron tu eek...bekenan kak cek...
Kak cek memang selalu problem bila buat macaron...ada macam saiz jadinya...he he:)
yo! rima dear...sudah packing2 eh? have a happy n njoyable hols ya (which m sure u will!, hehe). sian sonia..me still not ok lg from my cough n flu..2 weeks oredi but dah hujung2 la ni..sgt seksa ok, wif blocked nose n all dat..nway, hopefully she will b recovered soon. TC ok!
assalam rima,
wah nak terbang lagi ya..
seronoknya kalau dapat pergi...
enjoy your holidays there ya..
kalau shopping tu ingat kat I ya..hehehe..
hope sonia is well and ok throughout the whole journey and vacations ya..take care..
Start counting the hrs down now hehehe.. see u soon! xxx
Ah ah all along i use free hand one.. picit picit and hope that batter tak lari lari anak heheh.. now with the new mastrad silpat senang sikit kerja kita kannn.. cant wait to try it out on this mat bila balik nanti :o)
Ty .. i hope so too.. tak shiok lah kat plane if she keeps on cough cough.. nanti orang jeling.. anyway am happy that at least demam dia dah reda walau pun tadi pagi macam dedah sikit.. dah kari makan ubat terus sejuk badan dia..
Ty and am pretty excited whenever i get to go to somewhere new.. cant wait to explore!
Ty.. memang gitew lah if anak sakit kan.. fussy macam mana pun kita tetap kena sabau.. tapi kadang tu macam tak leh angs pun ade bila she keeps on whinning hehhe.. so far shes playing and talking and thats good enough for me... :o)
That Mastrad is a newbie.. i cant wait to gv it a try too.. its like silpat mat but with mastrad, i dont hv to susah payah do any imprint.. semua dah ade.. tinggal picit batternye aje :o)
Walaikumsalam Ayu
Ade baik kah?? memang best part berfoya foya ni.. first few days hb will be in berlin so tak leh lah berfoya foya dgn dia but can jln jln dgn sonia.. well hopefully she recover fast lah if not meleleh mak nak bershopping sakan ahakss
Ms V
Ty ty.. :o)
Hehhe ape tu.. mak belum katam lah kahkahkah.. teringat waktu gi argentina dulu.. sepatah haram tak tahu.. sampai sana boleh terpandai pulak hahaha..
Nanti i will note it down for u ok.. :o)
Ty and insyallah Mas :o)
The weather there is good now.. malam ard 13deg.. siang ard 21-22 gitew so shiok weather lah.. cuma in berlin still sejuk sikit so hb terpaksa bawak pullover ..
KAK RIMAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! ai misssssss u lorrr! rindu dgn mac akak! teringat ingat rasa dia tu! nk belajar ngan akak!!!! :D
Cik Cek
Ty.. hopefully she will.. if nak order u hv to click on my store and then u can take a look at the item and price.. if benda dah ade boleh lah beli online.. just follow step by step and then click "check out".. it will calculate for u the cost of shipment too..
Tu lah.. kita yg dah tua pun get aggitated bila tak habis habis meleleh and sumbat hidung ape lagi budak budak kan.. rewel sikit but she still main lah.. tak kacau kita pun..
Ty and yes i know i will hehehe
Ty and hopefully.. shes excited to see her bibik again.. tak habis habis nak pi airport hehe
Ah ah hols for me lah.. work for hb :op
Woahhhh i miss u too lah... so nice to know that u decided to come back and join the party hahahha.. nak learn fm me?? can cannnn... next time i go bkk sila bawak oven mu ke hotel ku.. ahakss..
Hai Rima,have a safe journey n enjoy yr holiday ok.n hope Sonia will get well soon...KakSal.
with that weather, i think sonia will not get the flu/fever again rite? hmm u know better than me cos u had experience overseas..ur flight is today? hmm..i'll gonna missing ur baking...huhu
ohhhhh...i am soooo drooling over the baking sheet...nanti bila dah try it out, please update kay?
have a wonderful time! :-)
Have a nice trip.
Went to the store and came back here. Still could'nt find the measurement for both Macaron baking sheet. This is important for me cause my oven is cikai one and small size. Please update me ye.
Von Voyage.
Ty.. alhamdullilah... kita dah sampai and sonia is feeling alright.. still runny nose but dah mula nak kering..
How abt if i take lots of their goodies pics.. sama jugak.. still gambar dessert heheh.. insyallah sonia is not gonna get any worst... kita bawak ubat ubat dia.. termasuk spray hidung dia tu
Will do.. with this kinda weather.. macam shiok gitew bila jalan jalan..
I will try it as soon as i hv it in stock..
ty sue!
Let me check the exact size as soon as i hv it in my hand.. i will only be able to do it when i am back fm Barca .. :o)
Orait sis,,, whatever..LOL
janji u bahgia :)
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