As i am writing this post.. i can hear all the excitement going on downstairs.. there are marching their way to Catalunya Sq for the celebrations.. FC Barcelona just won championship for the third time in a row and they are celebrating it like crazy here.. looking out of our balcony hearing all the honking and cheering.. reminds me of the time we won the Malaysian cup.. haizz those were the days ey.. the excitement.. the atmosphere.. just unbelievable!! some of their hard core fans are even waiting for their home coming champions at the airport right now..
Anyway enough abt all the excitement thats going on right now.. i wanna thank all for the comments and also for the emails.. Sonia is alright.. we filled up her time taking her to all sorts of toy shops.. she wud play and wud never want to buy anything.. am glad shes like that.. she wud of cos ask abt her iPad and we have to explain to her again and again... will definately be getting her one the moment we get into sg..
So what hv we been doing for the past two days?? hehehe shopping.. shopping.. shopping... as much as i hate to admit it.. there is nothing compared to exploring a new country by car.. maybe its just us i guess.. we love to just drive around.. not only to all the sightseeing areas.. but to all the shopping areas and when i say shopping area.. we dont mean the one that is in their town area aka touristy area.. we usually will drive to factory outlets .. (this instance its La Roca Village).. we also make it a point to check out their nearest suburb mega malls.. the one here was super huge.. we spent a good 5hrs there!
Tomorrow morning we plan to drive to the mountain area.. theres this famous garden up there and also an amusement park.. shrug.. we also heard that there is a few good cafes up there that serve the best cakes in Barcelona.. hmmm shrug again

I took this pic while having coffee with hb.. take a look at their macs.. whats with us and perfect macs.. i dont see why we shud get upset when our macs turn out ugly.. they still make good money with macs that looks like this lol

Sonia hogging on my phone.... thats ok.. mama is making an acception this time around.. :o)

Striking a post.. heheh.. my girl on the 5km stretch of La Ramblas shopping street..

La Roca Village - a must visit for ur retail therapy..
Will do one more post bef our flight back home this saturday.. Insyallah...

I'm glad that Sonia is alright now. I still couldnt believe that the aunt took away the ipad for real! that's pure evil! buruk siku sungguh. Poor Sonia, come, aunty shidah give you a big hug.
Take care! really miss photos of whatever u're cooking in ur kitchen :D
To be honest.. dia belum lagi ok.. tadi while in the car dia tanya sampai tiga kali.. dah biasa ade benda tu to entertain dia so bila benda tak de.. dah tu bukan kereta sendiri where she has her overhead monitor in our car.. dia tanya lah.. hati ku hancur seribu bila she started to merengek sikit.. geram yg teramat but nak buat macam mana.. i saw kat fb dia advertise nak jual benda tu.. apakah??!! grrr
Tak lama dah.. kita fly this weekend.. so next week kita mula bersiaran gambar baking hehe
sebelum balik, shopping puas2 kak. baru puas hati. hehe..
mmg xcntik macs depa a.k.a huduh..hehe..kak Rima punye mmg perfect gile la.. blik Sg jgn lpe tayang ape yg u shopping ye..=)..Budak dagu nyanik sgt cntik pakai jeans..i loike!!
Hehe untuk kita dah settle.. besok nak pi sightseeing and do shopping for family on friday..:o)
Lahhhh u know i dont show show and tell tell what i shop shop hehehe.. yg pasti.. gue puas dehhh ahaks
Sonia macam da besar eh ... she looks taller too ...
Loving the pictures...i wish i will get to visit Spain some day:)Off to bake some of your Congo Bars now.And Sonya darling,i hope you will get a new IPAD soon:)I am sure your Mama will get one for you.Hugs.Enjoy Spain you globetrotters:)
u know what.. tadi baru i cakap the same thing to my hb while uploading my pics... i told hb.. eh ur girl betul dah besar.. tak lama lagi dah teenagers.. then u must hv senapang gajah to protect her hahaha
Zee B
Ahhhh so there are 3 Zee in the US??!! oh wow.. tak sangka sehhh.. glad u clear it all up kalau tidak i still blur like sotong.. Zee yg mana ku sedang berbual ni hehehe
U shud .. Spain is so close to u.. :o)
poor little sonia...tkpe takpe mama punya phone ada tu hikhik..terpaksalah berkorban jap phone u tu ye ;-)
suka tengok sonia in jeans tu...dah besar je dia kan!
poor sonia.. and what's up with the evil witch (bibik)? wanna sell the ipad? how could she do that to little sonia? **** [curse, curse]
Salam Kak! Seronoknyerrrrrrr! Sian sonia, takpe tunggu balik sg sure dpt yg baru :D tgk Mac dia mcm Tu jer da boleh buat duit sbb org dia org tak kisah ngan rupa kot asal sedap lol tgk Sonia pose mcm Tu dah nmpk mcm besarrrrrrrrrrr sgt ;)
Siapa yg boleh hurt budak kan.. dia tak faham whats going on pun...
When it comes to jeans i think any kids with zara jeans memang cantik.. cutting dia niceee
LOL.. both me and hb were laughing bila kita saw her status.. nonsense!
Salam Ijahhh
memang nampak besar kan.. shes one tall girl for a 3yrs old... kalau ikut mak dia.. haizz
I think so too.. kat sini yg no feet.. yg senget.. yg jerawat.. all ok one.. but i hv yet to buy one lah.. tak tahu apasal belum beli lagi.. tak macam bila we all kat paris.. sampai beli berkotak kotak lol.. itew kira penghulu tempat macs lah
Hi Rima,
Love to see Sonia's lovely pictures. Seems like this time around no nail colours to match her outfit :)
Such a fine, young girl :) she carries herself well too.
Nice holiday pictures.
Enjoy ur holidays.
ms V
Halo Rima,
boleh ke beli ipad tu online so that u get it ASAP when u touch down in spore? or any shop in barca selling it?
gila ke apa bibik mcm tu? agaknya mmg sengaja dia advertise kat FB dia..supaya nanti u sakit hati. baik u delete dia je dari FB.
Sonia so cantik. dah besar nanti, pasti u kena sediakan bodyguard utk dia :)
Rima....waaah best nya tgk gambar2...jalan2..makan2..tdo2..(*eh tdo2 xda eks..hehee) macam dah x igt Spore tuuu..hehe...Suka nengok gambar2 Sonia tu...cuumiiilllnyeerrrr....Waaa macs diaorg buruk jek..boleh laku je jual kan...Owh camni x malu la nak buat...biar herot pun nnt..hahahhahaa
Macam tak percaya tt dia nak jual benda tu? Sampai hati just becoz dia n si widuri ada prob si Sonia who is innocent jadi sasaran! Geram betul lah.Apa punya bibik camtu.Takpelah tak jumpa pun lagi baik.Anyway i agree dengan semua orang tt Sonia nampak tall for a three a year old,baik2 nanti blh masuk playgroup,naik mrt dah kene bayar maklum kan they all ikut height bukan age:[ anyway cant wait to c u on the 26th.Take care dan jangan sampai excess baggage sudah,apa2 pun use Sonia as a charm. U know what i mean :]
When you mention about Sonia's zara jeans..Baru Perasan..Sonia such a fashionita!!!ahaks...Tapi mmg dah lama..suka betul tgk Sonia..dress up..dgn nail color dia..Ooo no more Ben 10 color huh?
Again, nice pictures and yes Sonia seems taller and I just love her pics..
however, hav fun for the very last few days there. xpayah pikir pasal gadget prob lagi. sonia, aunts & uncles give lots of luv & hugs for u. n s'pore is waiting for u. [macam la duduk kat s'pore. huhu..]
rima... u missed our Election. You tau tak, bila WP menang di Aljunied the crowd pekik Ole..ole...ole...!!!! The aura at Serangoon Stadium that tym macam masa kita menang Malaysia Cup.
Anyway have fun with your lucky gerl!
Kak sue
ish np sonia tu, penat ker?hehe..bila penat dia mintak dukung x?hmm..sonia mmg nmpk tinggi, ikut papa seh.. my boy plak, kalo dia berdiri nmpk biasa je, tp kalo dia baring, mak aih, panjangnya.. nk riba lagila xdaya cos kependekkan tanganku xmampu menampung terpaksa la juga diriba bila dia tido dlm kereta..
macs dia punyerlaaaaaa..... hahahaha... u punye 100 times bertter looking! and yes sonia dah mcm budak besar! and pretty too! susahla ayah dia nak kena upah bodyguard la pasni.. hahahaha
Petang nih baru tau Spain kena earthquake 2x. Hope you n family are fine over there.
rite kak rima... i should be proud of my macs... slalu je end up dlm tong sampah.. pity my macs..
waahhhh, lom abis..hahhaha. eh, what car is that? volkswagen ape tu ek? my doter mmg tgh giler i boleh bg gambar ajelah dulu, hahahhaha.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh hari tu dah komen dah..hilang jugak...hahahhaha...tinggal jejak lg laa kat Rima..bawak balik ole-ole banyak sikit eh..hahaha..Amboiii sakan makan2, jalan2, tdo2 (opps, tdo2 xda eh..hehee) x igt Spore dah la tuuu..hehehhee
biasa lah my hb ni.. tak habis habis with his german cars.. its either audi or volkswagen .. this one is the new passat wagon.. Polo is a baby one.. dulu my kuku sister in law also drive itew kereta
ah ah seh... comments ku semua dah hilang.. dah balik pun.. dah rested.. ni tengah nak cari makan.. tak kuasa nak masak hari ini hahaha
Sonia, I like your hat.
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