Before u guys get too excited abt this cake.. lemme just tell u that i didnt bake this cake.. i wish i cud tho... look at the cake.. doesnt it look like a bark of a tree?? Well thats how it shud be.. they dont call Baumkuchen "Tree Cake" for no reason ey.. its baked on a spit.. u can read all abt it on here.. (theres a recipe too if u wanna try) i did however take these photos hehhe.. i had to ask hb to go and get it for me in Berlin since thats where it all started at Konditorei Rabien in 1878.. had to try the original version of it.. had to just compare with the one that is being sold here - Juchheim...
The verdict?? not the same.. this cake is much more denser than the one here.. not spongy at all and almost like eating lapis cake .. dryer version of lapis cake i must say... hb thinks its nice.. but again he likes any European cakes just like Sacher Torte which to me is a little dry for my liking.. i will someday bake Sacher the indon way and see if it tastes any different..
Anyway enough abt Rabien Baumkuchen .. i know its late but i wanna wish every teacher in the world.. happy teachers day... of cos its especially dedicated to a few of my cousins who have been teaching all their life... i bet this is a special day for ur students cos this is the day where u guys are happy and wont punish ur students hahahah
So ok thats it... i hope i will hv the time to bake something for the family tomorrow and share new recipes with my readers... to Fadzilah.. ty for this order.. she had ordered it bef we left for Spain.. hope Matin n his classmates like these Ben10 cuppies!

Assallamualaikum Rima..
Salam kenal yer if you miss my comment before this one.. Naz 4llow dan link Rima ke blog Naz..
Cantik cuppies dan juga bekas cuppies di atas tu.. Wish I can get one..heheheeee
Salam kenal Naz..
Sorry if i missed it. yes yes.. sure... will visit u soon yah..
welcome home! really miss reading your post late at nite. tapikan, i sekarang tido awal, so, selalu terlepas baca post waktu malam. :D
welcome back m'dear..wah, sudah start baking? hahahaa..u must miss ur oven very much, sudah ilang rindu tu..ekekeke...
wooooooowwwwww!! speechless! cantik bangat itu kek rima..
Salam rima....tak boleh komen dahh...sebab tak reti nak komen....lawaa sangat.
Assalam Rima,
dah selamat pulang ketanahir tercinta ya..
tengok gambar2 mesti seronok pergi holidays nikan..how is sonia doing?..dah ok dah with her ipad went missing?..hope she dah oklah kan..
the tree cake tengok aje dah terasa kat tekak ni mesti sedap ar...eh teacher's day?..
i thought kat spore teacher's day on 1st sept?..
or mungkin kat msia aje kot..confuse ni..
Ty dear.. dah balik and dah resumed duty pun hehe.. but kan lepas hols buat kerja macam senang hati sikit.. kira dah kene recharge hehe
Why tidur awal? tukar jadual ker ahaks
Actually kan tak ler rindu sangat cos kat sana also i get to look at oven hari hari cuma tak bake aje hehe.. semalam bake cos of order if not agaknye belum resume lagi .. macam byk kerja pulak kat rumah haizz
Memang cantik but kan kita lagi suka rasa kek lapis indon.. lagi lemak berkrim and lagi full of flavors.. :o)
Cik Mat
Adehhh anything fm u buat kita tersipu sipu.. dah minum madu belum.. maklum nak keluar radio ahakss.. jgn lupa kan dakuuuuu hehehe
Lahhhh ye tak ye kan.. kat sg memang on the 1st sept kan.. kita macam terconfused pulakkk.. ni dinama kan orang yg tak de anak kat sekolah.. blur like sotong hahaha.. tak pe.. untuk all teachers in the world tak kira lah this month ke .. next month ke.. or sept .. happy teachers day lah hahaha
Sonia dah ok.. nak beli ipad2 tak de stock so she has to wait lah for now.. she will ask for her ipad but not on daily basis lah.. kadang she will ask but will jawab sendiri and tell us her bibik took it away bec bibik wants to play.. kita ye kan lah..
Salam kak rimaaa!!! Aduhhhhh baru ni dpt masuk umah akak! Huh! Akak letak penunggu apa ni??? Wakakaka atau Nk pengeras dulu baru leh masuk?? Ahahaha.... Kita bersiaran langsung kat siam paragon niii ada hajat :D tp tgk kek akak tu lg sedap dr lenotre :D psst Tang cekelat yg akak syg sgt nk Mkn tu bila xpired? Ke akak dah letak pengawet kasi Thn lama? Wakakaka....
Kenapa lah tak pakai pengeras yg akak dah recommend tu hahahha.. ohhh kat paragon ehhhh.. jeles jeles.. baru hari tu i told my hb dah lama tak gi bkk kahkahkah.. tak habis habis nak shopping sakan!.. he said.. why dont u think abt KL first cos next weekend kita will go to KL first.. ade chance nampak gi bkk hehe
Chocolate tu if terexpire nampak gaya i will hv to use that reason lah kannnn muahaha
Halo Rima,
Welcome Back.Nice teacher's day cuppies. So lovely. Your deco is so neat and pretty.
Btw, are you a teacher before you became a sahm?
Aduuusss Rima...tiiiirrrguuudaaaa abiiiisss dgn kek nih....adeeeehh..urut2 dada akak tgk...bila la nak merasa kek Rima nih...hehhee, simply gorgeous and looks yummy... adeeiii
Salam kenal Rima, Maaf selalunya nak masuk mcm ada problem jer. Now dah okey, cuma nak follow Rima jer tak boleh dia sembunyi tak nak keluar.. hahaha. mintak izin nak link blog Rima kat blog kak ct ya.
Cantik sangat tree cake tu rasa terpukau sekejap..
mueheheheh...ketawa dulu..ai pong blur2 kamben bila u ckp happy teachers day...ku ingat teachers day kat sg dah bertukar month..tapi like what u said, wishing the teachers of the worls, tak kisah la what month kan..and ngan pantas tulis disclaimer kat 1st sentence...maklummm peminat2 yu ni selalu jer terlompat2 teruja nak menerai resepi u..sekali beli daaaa...ahaksss.... :)
Looks fab n so tempting
Halo Sally
No lah.. where got .. dulu i work boring punya kerja.. am a secretary ajer.. boring kannn tu sebab lagi mulia jadi sahm.. multi tasking ahaks.. suka tak suka terima aje.. tak leh resign.. kira sign contract sampai habis hehe
Kek tu bukan Rima yg buat hehe.. if only i am able to do it like that.. yg cuma kita boleh try buat tu ah.. si lapis cake ahakss
Salam kenal KCT
Ye ker?? lahhhh apasal pulak dgn kita punya blog ni.. ade ade aje kan.. hopefully they are able to fix the problem soon cos i think there are a few yg ade probs masuk my blog.. haizzz
Memang menang rupe tree cake ni.. agak agak if kek lapis kita buat gini pun boleh kan.. first harus beli itew machine hehehe
Beli punya lah .. tu sebab rupe nye gitew heheh.. if sendiri buat mau bila ku gulung gulung bakar cake ni jadi tak senonoh hahaha
Tahu tak pe.. mati mati ku ingat teachers day tau.. dah tu dua kali lima dgn cik mat putih kat rumah ni.. main yes ajer kalau kita tanya! haishh
innocence of a child....her bibik dah rembat her ipad yet in her mind n eyes bibik wants to play with it. Little kids hold no grudges, make no judgements
Maybe i shud give this tree cake a try when i go Takashimaya 2moro....dont know why ari tu tak pulak teringin nak beli
Halo Rima,
Having same job as you had previously. True, quite boring. But I have done other type of job too, and will say that almost all the jobs are the same. Only few people get a job that they truly love to do. Hope one day I too can be a SAHM. The thought is always running at the back of my mind, but I feel it's a big decision to make.
Best kan jadi budak budak.. tak de hasat dengki.. tak de ferasaan dendam.. kenapa lah kita yg dah tua bangka tak macam gitew.. ish ish.. itew ayat khas untuk kita yg sedang menaip ni hahahha
Go and give it a try ok.. queue jgn tak queue hehe
Yes it is.. once ur a SAHM.. u will be stuck forever muahahha.. no lah.. i joking only.. its totally new experience for me when i became SAHM too.. not as easy and u go thru some roller coaster rides at times with ur feelings.. norm i guess when ur behind 4 walls all day..
Rima nak tumpang tanya, i nak buat yr ccc tapi kat ntuc i only manage to find coffee emulco,can i use tt? Banyak beza tak rasanya? Tks
tumpang tanye..SAHM ? ape mksud? dah lame tertanya2..tp xterluah..hehe
Ur baking almost famous amos chocolate chip?? yes u cant find coffee oil kat ntuc.. u can get it kat bakery store ajer.. use coffee emulco.. taste kureng sikit but can lah dari tak de :o)
SAHM - stay at home mom hehe
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