First things first... Bisousatoi is two years old!! yayyyy i had wanted to blog abt it last night but i was too exhausted.. now i understand going on a business trip is no joke kahkahkah.. Thank you everyone for taking the time to come to this humble blog of mine on a daily basis.. for being my followers.. for taking the time to post comments.. oh wow.. something that i thought i wouldnt actually be able to keep up is actually two years old! What would Bisousatoi be without ur support.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you... i am happy to share my knowledge.. my life.. our life... my trail of thoughts never ends... ahakss

Yesterday morning i had the privilege to meet two of my fellow bloggers.. two of whom i wouldnt hv met if it wasnt thru blogging.. Ty Shidah for the face mask.. hopefully my cheek will be as glowy as urs.. poing poing (SK advert hahah).. ty Yani for Mak Jah goodies, i loved it!! hv fun piping macs with ur girls tomorrow ok!!
Ty Aishah for the repeat order of macs and for taking the time to come by during ur lunch hr.. Nice to meet u again dear and ty for keeping in touch where ever u go! hehe

Ty Aidah for meeting me at Empire Mall to get ur macs.. hehe i told ya i need a new PA!! oh by the way to my fellow Singaporean do check out a cafe called Serai... they're in Empire Mall and also Pavillion... we loved the food there.. simply delish!!
Ty Siti for being patient and finally got ur macs in Concorde instead of meeting me in Empire mall.. wink wink... u know .. i know the story heheh
Ty Fay for taking the time to meet me in between ur busy schedule to get ur cake.. ur one super friendly girl!! we shall meet again ok.. nice to meet a stalker like u muahahha
.... And last but not least ty Jun aka Angelina Jolie hehehe .. another fellow blogger.. for coming by today to pick up ur cake.. was nice to finally meet u dear .. the Sicilian lemon cake is delish! ty ladies for the orders.. hope to see everyone again on my next trip!

Anyway bef i go.. last night we got the opportunity to take a peep at the MJ suite at the Concorde.. we felt a little eerie actually but at the same time felt honored to be able to see where he stayed while in Concorde..

happy anniversary
thanks for letting me into ur life n ur superb sweet food
for being my mentor in baking :)
Happy 2nd Birthday!! Alamak! u're so much younger than me, even younger than sonia .. hehe
I kindda regret it that I cant stay longer. Luckily, Concorde to Melawati only took me 10 minutes. Both Iman and Iffah dah berpeluh tunggu mama dia balik from sessi bergossip. The girls love the macs! Thank you so much! :)
ps : beware tau, the mask will make ur face glow in the dark. Senang la dear hubby nak cari and kiss.. muahahaha.. just kidding :D
Happy birthday ! Keep on 'jamu' us the wonderful recipes and your breathtaking photos, kak. Although I don't comment much but I loveeeee reading your blog.
Empire is very near my house ! *excited pulak*
Happy Birthday Bisous A Toi.....congrats Rima dear....and thank you for the delish and superb recipes.
from Kak Nur-Terengganu
happy 2nd anniversary to BISOUSATOI....always luv to watch from another to another recipe k.rima bake....:D....huhuh macam geram tgk macaroon yang colourful2 tu huhuhuh..hehehe ti boleh order la :D..
Happy bloggersary Babe!! bisous a toi rocks!! :)
keep the great bakes & such rolling okay..it's such an inspiration to see the wonderful bakes that you can do...ni vukan adengan kipas ya...honest!!! :)always a pleasure visiting yr blog, babe!!!
Happy Birthday Bisousatoi......
Tak jemu2 jenguk blog ni.....:-))
Happy Happy Birthday Rima...kak cek suka sangat lepak2 kat "rumah" Rima....dan akan terus berkunjung....suka tgk dan teruja ngan hasil baking Rima...dan gambonya....menawan dan menggoda...:-)
Cek Chun
Awwww ty dear... ty for coming by!!
Ty ty.. ye ker?? next time we can hv coffee together gether lah kan hehehe
Ty for the wish and insyallah.. let me know ok..
Ty dear!! likewise.. tak kering gusi bila baca ur blog.. really enjoy reading urs too and am so so glad to hv bump into u in this blogger world... :op
Ty for the wish dear... ty for dropping by :o)
Ty KCek! sila lah lepak lepak, makan makan and minum minum heheh
Muahahha harus nak kena try jugak lah malam ni.. maklum last night kat hotel.. kira syahdu lah tu kahkahkah...
It was nice of u to come by and meet me.. ty dear! i had fun :op
Assalamualaikumwbh kak Rimaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....happy blogersary....ngeeeeee....
I love everything u put in writing and admire the way u put in oven so much....
My doter pergi Empire tadi, dia kata Serai was full of people. Patutlah Serai tu penuh, rupa2nya ada selebriti makan kat sana, auwww..
Tahniah, kejap aje Bisousatoi dah 2 tahun. It's fun being here, tak banyak sikit naik juga semangat I untuk membaking. Thank you.
Sis Rima, u were in KL?? Alaa~ Xdapat jumpa. Haha! Teringin nk rasa your delish mac & cakes tu jugak :DD
Oh yeah, lupa pulak, Happy Anniversary! Adore adore adore this beautiful blog sis! Keep on going yeah! Best wishes and have a magical day ahead :)
Kak Rima,
Wahhh! Happy 2nd year to Biscousatoi! Like everyone else, I love coming here and drooling at your cakes. Have tried quite a few of your recipes and every single one of them turned out great! Thanks for sharing with us :)
Congrats!! You are such an inspiration to me and I'm sure to many others!
Bon Anniversaire Bisous a toi!! Congrats Kak for this fabulous blog of yours.
Personally it's not just the baking & your gorgeous photos that I admire & droolz. I especially love to read & see your family gatherings. That's what is most important in life kan, to celebrate each & every moment with our family.
Keep on going K. Rima..... remember .....
Happy 2nd blog anniversary. We should thank u too for sharing all the good recipes and tips with all of us.
Sonia looking cool with her painted fingernails :)
Kitchen Guardian looking lovely...
Congrats Rima for those wonderful photos and recipes.Hope it will continue for another 20 years. Amacam boleh tak? Btw i still tak dapat yr mail lah.Y Rima? Y? Hehehehe
Happy birthday Bisousatoi! Your blog is a sight for sore eyes. Everytime I masuk sini, memang eye therapy but certainly not diet therepy, hehehehe...
hi rima..ngeh3..thanks for everything too...tersangat2 bz yesterday..n today too tp sempat online kejap ni, hahhaa. hah! bcoz of d short time..i forgot to take any pic of us..n sonia..nway, happy 2nd anniversary to bisousatoi..n finally i can taste d cake lapis n macarons! yeehaaaa...tc u!
Walaikumsakam Ayu and ty dear for trying out some of the recipes.. ur eclair looks cute and sassy hehehe
Ty Cik Som.. cepat kan masa berlalu..
Oh ye ker?? siapa tu??hehe the other day when i went there nasib tak de celebrities or else penuh sesak lah kan.. nak makan si spicy thai fried rice also no chance lah :op
Ah ah .. dah nak balik pong today.. insyallah maybe next time when i go KL.. u boleh lah chop siang siang when ordering macs hehe
Ty and nothing beats the feeling when someone tried and their bakes turned out great.. well done dear!
Ty ty .. am pleased to share what i know ahakss
Ya mbakkk maju maju maju ahahah.. ty for the wish.. am glad that u take the time to come by and leave comment.. hopefully when u balik kampung we can meet up :op
I enjoy reading your blog and thanks for sharing those great recipe. Happy 2nd anniversary! Cheers :)
Ty ty.. am happy to share.. am happy to answer.. KG looks great.. we are on the go ppl hahaha
Ty and sorry.. i hv not been able to answer to all my emails while in KL.. busy bangat jalan jalan makan makan hehe
Ty for the wish.. i boleh terimagine pulak that each time u masuk sini u will quickly scroll down and read and then cabutttt hahaha.. ty for taking the time to come by LG.. much appreciated!
No worries Jun.. i thought we didnt even get to sit down tu sebab i didnt take along my camera.. maklum orang nak gi jemputan hehehe.. ty for the order.. u planning to eat a slice aje ker?? diet diet wink wink
waaaaaah ... Happy 2yrs Bisousatoi!!!!... Kak Rima u da macam santa claus delivering goodies sampai kat KL ... POWER!!! ...
Ty ty.. honestly the first time i saw ur name was in singapore motherhood but that was one and half years ago .. do u still go there to catch up with the girls?
MUahaha where got macam santa claus.. i deliver cos macs are one fragile cookies.. tak leh antar post.. wont be fresh and by the time it gets to the destination.. hancus benda ni hehehe.. ty for the wish Ilah!
KNur Trengganu
Ty kak.. sorry macam mana boleh termis jauh comment mu itew.. hehe..
Happy birthday! Really enjoy your blog, and always daydream I have your goodies in my kitchen!!!
salam sis rima...ad0yaii..da macarons looks sooooo yummy..post mai skotak ke klia ni.bila lah dpt berguru buat makar0n ni..hehehe..azizah->sweetsnonakuazizah.blogspot.take care!
Salam Rima
Happy Birthday to Bisaou A Toi..and congratulation on always keeping up this blog..
Seronok reading your blog, not forgetting drooling over the foods...TQ for sharing with us..
Happy Hatch Day Bisous A Toi!!! No words to describe...but one thing for sure u...yes u!! have woke me up from my lazy comfort zone..muhahahaha!!! Thanks much for the inspirations...n I finally found the right "cake shop" who can cater to my kiddos merepekzzzz birthday cake orders :))))))))
salam..lame xcomment kt cni.rndu rseny..bz..mcm2 bnde jd..kne denggi la..pndh ofis la..for ur info, b4 pndh ofis Ria keje kt Pejabat Daerah Petaling dpn Empire tu..kalu x le jmpe smlm..huhu..melepas2..neway hepi 2nd anniversary..moga come out dgn recipe2 yg best lg..
Happy Birthday Bisous a' Toi and Congratulation Rima!!!!
salam kak Rima..
Happy birtday to Bisousatoi!
tiap2 hari wajib singgah sini..husband pun suka gak tgk blog akak
Kak..Serai mmg tempat makan favourite sy..
sy suka sgt dessert dia..pavlova..emm so yummy!!
Happy Anniversary Bisous A Toi!!! Congrats my dear Sis Rima...u really inspired me to start falling in love in baking! Thanks so much dear. Dulu x heran langsung nak membaking but now seminggu x membaking rasa something is missing in my life! Teruk penangan blog Bisous A Toi!! You're my inspiration la Sis..I wish one day my baking skill will be better with ur tips & guidance. Thru ur blog, we become friends & insyaAllah this
friendship will grow fonder each day.
Anyway, nice meeting you, KG & Shida. Jadi tak ur Mr Clooney tengok Alleycat?
happy belated birthday Bisousatoi.. sori lambat kak, 2 ari xonline.. :D
Happy Birthday Bisous A Toi..Lain kali mai KL..bgtau na.. teringin plak nk rasa Maccaron tu..hehehe.. nk buat sendiri penyakit malas sll dtg..
Tahniah on your second blog anniversary! :))
Happy 2nd Blogversary to Bisous A Toi!!..
semuga teruskan berkongsi recipe2 yang sedap2 dan keep on with the beautiful delicous pictures..
Happy Birthday Bisous A Toi!!!!! This is where I get ideas & inspirations! Keep up the wonderful work, kak!!!
Hi Rima,
Happy Anniversary....
u know wht.... within less then 2 hrs all the macs gone.... unbeliavable betul la... they all really like it, (including me also hehehehe)... they forced me to bake it as colorful as yrs...
insya'Allah this wk end will try it...
Madam Sooyaree
Ty ty ur dream will come thru someday if u keep on baking hehe
I wish this cookies tak fragile sangat.. dont really trust all this post mengepost.. takut sampai tak cantik hehe..
err i wish i can update on daily basis.. kadang tu macam out of idea pun ade.. kadang bila bake benda yg sama tak kan nak blog abt it again.. anyway i will try.. hopefully can tahan lah blog ni ahakss
Rima, keep on blogging. Love to see new recipe from you. Tried your famous amous cookies. I didnt manage to find the coffee oil so i redah je letak nescape powder..still semua kata sedap.
Btw I think..i might have bumped into you masa kat KLCC. You're going down yesterday from escalator tepi Topshop around 4pm. Didnt recognize you but perasan lil Sonia. Nak say Hi but tak terkeluar :-) If it was really you ruginya rasa. Kalau i tau i would place an order for so many things..tengok blog pun dah meleleh huhuhu..
Babe.. ur kids merepekkks gets me going.. ty for ur continuous support.. much appreciated.. lepas ni mama punya bday nak ape pulak hahaha
i am so sorry to hear abt the denggi.. all ok now i hope.. it was my first time in empire.. a little small for my liking but kira ok lah kan.. if tak check it out.. tak tahu hehe
Ty ty.. hopefully it can tahan a few more years :op
ty for the wish and ty to ur hb too heheh.. SERAI i baru discover.. tu pun recommended by Yani.. memang sedap makanan dia.. ayam goreng panas panas heheh.. pavlova i nak try but tak boleh termakan lagi lah... next time i will try their dessert.. their ice mint drink segerrrr hehe
LOL dia yg jadi alleycat malam tu hahahha.. tak pergi pong.. let him angans sepanjang masa ahakss.. ty for the wish dear.. try to bake macs if thats what ur kids suka.. hopefully someday i am able to see ur own mac creation ok :op
No worries.. i shud thank u for the wish.. ty ty ty hehehe
Insyallah.. drop me an email if u do wanna order.. ty for the wish and hopefully ur vitamins R akan kembali hehehe
Ty and hopefully i am able to keep up blogging hehe
Ty dear.. sometimes kita tak perasan that blogging is a full time job lol..
Ty ty.. keep on baking!
LOL it was nice to hv meet u dear.. if ur trying out my macs recipe.. get a thermometer ok.. its good to hv one in handy and good luck!!
Hehehe it was us alright.. we were in KLCC for our late lunch bef driving back home to singapore.. if u ternampak budak yg berambut perang and kerenteng.. itew lah si budak sonia hahahha
U did?? i think there are ways for u to do the sub if u tak de coffee oil.. pakai instant coffee also is a good idea hehehe.. well done!
happy anniv bisouatoi! cant get enuf you rima! nxt time kena cooti!
Happy anniversary Rima.Agree with LG, your blog is very therapeutic.
Congratulations! I'm hooked to Bisous a Toi... and looking forward to reading your writings.. You're superb!
Next time when you pay a visit to KL, do drop by Bangi.. We could have a chit chat over coffee.
Happy turning 2 Bisous A Toi! May there be more happy and delicious years ahead! Keep up the marvelous work Rima!
Rima dear,
damn funny la come to think of it again. cos i was at the same locations as you and yet we did not bumped into each other! lol!
we went to empire on saturday evening and had dinner there except that hb changes his mind on not dining at Serai. yup! its his fav joint esp the pavlova...hhmmmm...heavennnn. instead we went to Ole-Ole Bali. also on sunday we decided to drive to klcc as my dear chacha misses her nemo & friends at the aquaria before heading to harrods for tea...
kalau tidak, bole jumpa & gossipX2 yea tak? and let our girls play hide & seek & our hubs drool on the F1 car & girls at the concourse floor of klcc :P
salam rima, tahniah.. tahniah! dah 2 tahun gak usia blog rima ya.. lebih kurang jer tarikh lahir blog kita.. (k.nor punya 31st March)
from the 1st day k.nor terjah blog ni (tak ingat dari blog sapa) k.nor dah jatuh cinta.. tersangat memukau mata dan hati bila masuk sini.. tq so much sbb dah share mcm2 resipi yg sangat mabeles.. semoga akan berterusan on air dgn pelbagai resipi2 dan gambar yg hebat dan menggiurkan mata yg memandang .. luv all yr pics.. :)
Heheh cuti ok and then can cook for me ahakss.. we will meet again ok and ty for the wish..
Awww ty dear...
Heheh Bangi?? ahhh now theres a reason for me to visit that baking supply store in Bangi too ahakss
Ty ty.. will do it soon!
Ty ty.. i still hv a lot more recipes to try.. the list goes on :op
Hehehe belum jodoh lagi lah.. siapa tahu insyallah kita terbump.. u know its a small world after all.. we were in Empire on friday and went to OU on saturday.. sunday we went to KLCC.. so kira kita dah cover every mall lah hahaha.. oh we were in Pavillion on thursday night and someone saw me there.. told ya its a small world hehe..
Insyallah.. hopefully i will keep on blogging abt my bakes and my family.. besok besar dak sonia senang lah nak membaking if mama dia keep on blogging abt what she bakes hehehe.. ty for the wish :o)
hi rima,
am a silent reader to ur wonderful and yummy blog... wah, tak sangka we start baking in the same year... mine pun dua tahun bulan 7 nie...
congrats and alhamdullilah yer...
btw, i baked the sicilian orange cake.... i buat cupcakes... woohoo.... my doter makan 5 sekali gus hoccay..
Happy Belated Bloggersary Rima!! Hehehe..terlewat aje akak nih...Keep baking, keep blogging, keep sharing and keep smiling...Selalu teruja dengan gambar2 dan ketelitian Rima in presenting your entry....terbeliak mata akak tau...
Delicious cuppies
Ty for leaving footprints.. much appreciated.. dah try ke?? tu memang pujaan hati ramai orang yg telah mencuba hehe..
Ty for the compliments.. akak pong ape kurang nye hehe.. kita same aje.. anyway ty for the wish and hopefully my mojo will always be there.. :o)
Hi Mira
Thank you for still blogging after 2 years. I hv came ax ur blog fr linking from kak Ummi kuantan somehere ard Nov'11. Since then I hv never stop visitg. I have tried some of ur recps and all succesful except RVC. I will try again for sure. Ur photos are all o/standing. s/time staring at thm make me forget sad thg.
Happy belated anniversary.
rima dear,
opps i got the wrong day....my fault then :P
i tot u pegi empire on Sat. oh ya, the Kitchen Shop tu is my fav place, plus Opera, Belanga, Italiannies...gosh i'm listing down all those calories takers ...ok la to be fair - fitness first kat atas tu my fav spot!
Rima..yup finally i buat, macam tak percaya je. Will try to bake one of your cake by this month. My cookies did'nt turn out as gorgeous as yours. You can check out my blog, i wonder how can i make exact copy like the one on your pix. Any extra tips?
Btw, can i make a request? Can u try out pretzel. I cari under pastries recipe takde.
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