I am feeling extremely sleepy right now.. hb is still wide awake.. munching on bangket eventho this little gem is a little sweet for me..

Very milky.. very rich and feels so delicate.. u hv got to be careful while placing it on ur baking tray.. removing it and also while putting it in ur cookie jar.. u even hv to be very careful when u are abt to put it in ur mouth hahaha

So whats new today.. not much really.. i ran out of eggs to be honest and hence these cookies.. while preparing it i remembered how my ex neighbour used to gv us a full milk can of home baked bangket during Eid without fail.. hb wud munch and munch and munch on it like there is no tomorrow.. so since he ran out of cookies in his office i thought these little gems wud be perfect for him and his boys (and espresso).. err as long as they dont get their shirts dirty while munching on this super fragile bangket hehe

500g tapioca flour
100g margarine - i used 150g tatura butter
150g icing sugar - i will definately reduce it to 100g to 120g
75g sweetened condensed milk
Toast tapioca flour with strips of pandan leaves, cook until the leaves appear to be crisp and dry. This is the indication that your flour is losing its moisture and this is what we want. Leave the flour to cool.
Preheat the oven to 140C.
Mix all the ingredients in one big bowl. Make sure everything is mixed well. The mixture will be very, very, very crumbly, but as it is pressed into a mould, it'll be intact. Spoon the mixture into the moulds you have. I used jelly mould which is quite deep and its small size is just right for a bite sized sweet. Use your thumb to press the mixture in the mould until they hold together. Turn your mould upside-down, and gently press your thumbs on the mould to release the shaped biscuits on the lined baking tray. If you use the wooden mould, then you will need to knock it on the tray as gently as you can, so you won't damage the shape and make the biscuit back to crumbs.
Bake for 20 minutes. The biscuits have to appear as white as creamy white. Don't be tempted to transfer the biscuits from the tray as soon as they are removed from the oven, otherwise you won't get a jar full! These little sweets are very delicate, so be gentle.

Now tell me something.. hv u guys heard of bangket durian?? i found a recipe and wud love to gv it a try someday.. wonder if its gonna be as tasty as bangket susu... hmmm
Source: Nadrah Shahab and KBB

Update: U can use all sort of jelly mould i guess.. or any kinda chocolate transfer mould.. praline mould.. i used this plastic rose jelly mould that i got fm one of the supermarket here..

Chosun Rima
I baru habis jawab komen kat my blog. Mata I dah juling2 air and I yawn like there's no tomorrow. Gue ngantok bangat Buk Rima. Jom tidor??
P/S: never heard of bangkit durian. Harus sedap dan disukai oleh durian lovers. Ehhh, mana pegi selimut I tadi? You ambik ehh? :-)
I lovekuih bangkit. Dulu kalau my mom pegi kedai biskut kat Melawati ni, without fail, kuih bangkit mesti ada.
CS, lewatnya tido! :D
i love ths kueh bangkit..slalu order je frm my aunt's fren :-)
bangkit durian?? emm never heard of it but i wud like to try it one day coz dunno lah now ni i teringin nk makan all those kueh yg ada durian n one of it is kek lapis durian hahaha cakap aje tp tk buat lagi
wahhhh...cantiknya biskut2 tu...
comei2 jerk...
Bangkit durian? 1st time dengar ni...okeh i tunggu Pn Rima punya buah tangan...jamu mata pun jadilah walaupun tak leh hidu bau...hik! Burp!!
kek, Kek, Kek Kuih bangket..siapa bergerak kena CUBIT!!!
Macam too cute n soo delicate. Takut nak makan. Nanti kalau I rajin buat, I'll make sure I'll use less sugar. Bangket durian?? Cabut lari......bau dia peningkan kepala. kekekeke.
Mmmmmm... bangket my fav.. masa kecik2 neighbor sekampung buat bisnes bangket kelapa.. makan satu, dua, tiga.. selagi tak habes tak bangket2 dari kerusi..
cantiknye macam tak nak dimakan aje
Hehhe selimut itew saya yg punya! memang mengantuk bangat semalam.. lepas update terus tutup lappy and went straight to heaven :op
Kena cuba resepi ini. Bangkit durian belum pernah dengar tapi pagi tadi semangkuk kuah durian dan 2 keping roti sebagai breakfast. Yummy..
Sekarang musim durian dr Perak & Pahang.Last Sunday,on the way back from home town to USJ, there are a lot of lorries transporting durian to the city from Perak. Free smell..definitely..
You try and test, later you tell us. Sure yummy.
Memang pun.. dulu my mom also suka beli.. benda ni kan melt in ur mouth and boleh buat kita lari cari air lepas makan hahah.. bangket susu ni rasa dia lagi lemak berkrim maklum kan pakai condense milk..
kak rima..dah sihat ke?
oowwhh sangat cantikkk.. tapi kalau ganas2 nih sure bersepah makan biskut ni kan.wonder cemana rasa dia...hmmm
My mom suka lapis durian.. waktu raya she will ask me to bake for her lapis durian.. she can duduk diam diam and habis kan benda tu.. cuba buat lah.. memang wangi and sedap.. super moist cos of the durian in it..
Ingat nak pakai acuan kuih bangket but asal ketuk aje dia keluar bersepah.. then i use chocolate praline acuan but tak deep enough.. last last pakai acuan jelly.. baru senang.. tekan.. terbalik kan.. press sikit terus keluar cantik..
Tak sangka ramai juga yg tak leh bau durian ni.. i antu durian.. my hb too.. sonia try once and she gave me that look hahaha
Now tengah musim durian but belum full on lah.. masih mahal sikit.. nak kena tunggu yg $1 satu baru shiok eventho my hb tak suka yg murah murah.. when he eats it he will pay $30+ each.. he said makan yg $1 makan berbiji biji pun tak puas.. yg $30 makan dua ulas rasa dah puas.. ye lerrrr hahahah
Eh try buat ok.. pakai acuan jelly ajer.. lebih cepat and senang
Teringat waktu gi melaka.. kita beli bangket and bila i took a bite rupe nye bangket kelapa.. tak fav sangat yg ade kelapa.. yg macam orang cina punya kuih bangket i like.. yg susu also i like cos dia lemak berkrim..
Hehhe cute cute pun my hb makan tak renti renti.. satu botol kecik habis dibaham oleh dia
WHAT??!! jeles jeles.. nanti akan ku buat serawa durian makan with pulut.. lucky kat freezer ade 2 kotak durian pemberian mami ku ahakss
Jadi kira kira Izah jenis ganas or lembut.. if ganas.. auwwww hahahha.. benda ni delicate aje.. senang rapuh especially baru keluar oven.. jng disentuh dulu.. dah betul betul sejuk senang aje nak move it.. rasa dia lemak berkrim cos of butter and susu pekat.. cuba lah but harus kurang kan gula nye ok.. to me yg kuat manis also think its a little manis..
Lagi satu.. recipe calls for 100g butter.. if tak leh bentuk kan u add 25g more.. if tak leh jugak .. u add another 25g of butter.. u cannot add more than 50g of extra butter cos nanti biskut nye tak jadi white in colour..
Sis me nk sikit.mcm sedap gitu.me nw dah da pemukul Kueh Tapi tk da oven..hiint hint nxt present k-Sweety
LMAO adakah ini adik ku?? kahkahkah... kira dah boleh post comment eh?? lol ok ok come by and take it.. half gone to gilbert's office liao..
Kak Rimaaaaaaaa...cam ner kaki tu? J makan gak yer...amik buah so that full of vit C...;)..mmm sonia tgok kaki takut tak?...wonder..
Owh running out of egg ya....mmm !! Takpe3...stil outstading baking with those bangkit......tsgt2lah cantik...mengguda itew bangkit....no wonder your Mr Hb eats like there's no tomorrow....heh3!!!
akak guna mould cam ner eik? Selalu ayu gune cutter jer...memang dasaaaaaaat giler la nak kene jaga sbb fragile bagai.....sob3!!
Ayuu.. kaki ku dah beransur pulih.. macam gatal sikit cos dah mula kering lah tu.. kalau ikut hati ku nak ku garu garu hahah.. sonia knew what happened and i told her not to go to kitchen cos its dangerous.. so far dia dgr jugak cakap kita..
Donut mu menjadi pun.. good good.. glad u like it..
Mould ku guna jelly mould.. senang nak keluar kan benda ni.. turn and gv a little push..
Rima...kuih bangkit...lain dari yang lain...cantik menawan...tergoda dah...boleh kak cek tau guna acuan camana ya...comel sgt bentuknya...
Dulu masa i kecik, i remember went to this rumah kampung and tuan rumah tu penjual kuih bangket. So dpt la i merasa kuih bangket yg baru diangkat dari kayu api. Aduh....heaven on earth!!
Cik cek
I dah update the pic of the acuan yg i guna kan.. its actually acuan untuk buat jelly..
Woahhhh tu yg ori tu.. sure lagi sedap kan.. orang sekarang semua guna oven aje.. mana nak bakar kayu api kat rumah batu ni ahaks
Assalam Rima,
waduh rajinnya mengukis..kat rumah i, kalau yang ini orang tua ajelah makan budak2 tu asal colour lain dari coklat tak main..hehe..i pun suka bangkit this one is it the same with bangkit sagu?...thanks dear for the wishes for me tu ya..
terharu you datang berkunjung..huhu
I also terharu when ppl datang my rumah.. tanpa u all .. siapa lah daku ahakss
I think so too lah.. bangket sagu tu pakai tapioca flour kan.. yg ni ade condense milk tu sebab lemak berkrim.. jgn lupa kurang kan gula cos ur parents tu tak boleh take in too much sugar hehe
my dudans kalo makan this bangkit..if ada hidang atas piring, dia orang nganga mulut 5cm dari piring, palai tolak bangkit tu trus ke mulut..dia org tak reti angkat pakai jari to masuk mulut...dah anak aku ganas..tak reti angkat kuih fragile elok2..confirm pecah..so itu yg wajib mulut 5cm dari piring :)..harap maklum..hehe
Hi, Adunan ni boleh dapat berapa keping?
Hahaha babe.. u funny lah.. 5cm tu kira terselamat.. if i kan i can nganga 2cm aje.. maklum mulut ku comel kahkahkah.. when makan bangket harus ade air ye kalau tidak mulut melekat and terus tak leh cakap ape ape :op
Hi.. can u pls leave down ur name so its easier for me to adrs u?? thank you :o)
I didnt count.. definately more than 50pcs
wow looks great. those rose moulds are so pretty.
I bought it like a year ago.. only used it now.. it turned out pwetty ey.. :o)
So cute la your kuih bangket k rima.. I love this but never thought it can be made in oven. Shall give a try..
great cookies - thks for the recipe
glad u're ok now - been following the knife tragedy, gosh! u're a superwoman, Rima! :)
U shud cos the orang putih in hbs office semua suka bangat hehehe
Hehe u r welcome.. do gv this recipe a try ok and no lah.. i am not a superwoman.. just dont know how to sit still :o)
Lovely... I'm speechless Rima.. Hahaha.
Please, do try the bangkit durian. I'll be waiting for the recipe... but, I'll try this one first.
Hi Rima,
I dah buat biskut nie ptg tadi... Memang sedap dan it's melt in ur mouth....kepada yang belum cuba, sila-silakanlah mencuba resepi bangket susu...rasanya sangatlah sedap cuma payah betul I nak atur dalam bekas bila dah masak...maksudnya teruskan jer masuk kedalam mulut.....ahaks..
hehehe.. i will someday.. keep a look out ok and happy baking!
Muahahhaha betul betul.. paling senang terus masuk mulut.. tak yah susah payah nak basuh itew tupperware..
My sister loved it too.. she finished up the whole box within an hr lol
hi kak,
saya dah cuba dah resepi ni tuk buat kuih raya... mak ayh saya sume dok kate sedap... buat 2 adun aritu... ada cadang nk tmbah lg 3 adun... tp bab menahan sabar bila kuar kn dr jelly mould dia tak kuar cantik... mengucap byk juga.. tp later bila dah dapat rhythm nk bg dia cntik tu dah ok dah... thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe... =>
Alhamdullilah.. good to hear that.. i was planning to do this bangket this year but opted for bangket kacang.. both .. i loikeee hehe
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