Thank you for all the wishes... much appreciated.. honestly.. u guys are responsible for me to keep on blogging.. even when when my body says.. "nope no baking today".. my mind keeps on saying.. "bake bake bakeeee" hahahah
We got home safely late last night after 6hrs of drive! yes u heard me right.. took us 6hrs to get home fm KL simply bec the traffic was slow.. we usually will drive back right after lunch but yesterday wasnt the case.. we only left KL at abt 6ish simply cos hb had wanted me to go for a massage at the hotel.. he knew i needed it badly.. (well i hardly go for any massage simply cos i will feel sick after that) so long story short.. i am not feeling well right now.. body is aching like crazy and am hoping that it will get better tmrw..
Anyway i thought i'd post pics of sonia while in OU.. enjoy!

A trip to OU would not be complete without going to the craft store.. she decided on a drum and it had to be purpleeee

u pun not well ka?? well...better get that much needed rest ok...
ku rasa besok u KO, tak keje arr...ku verangan nak golek2 jer atas katil...this darnnn cough...giving me a splitting headache!
absolutely lurvvveeee that cheeky pics of Sonia...how adorable!!!..
k...u take care dear..rest well..
If i pi urut sure akan ku jatuh sakit one.. thats why i hate it but kan kadang kadang tu memang harus especially when my body is aching like crazy.. hopefully lepas dah makan pain killer i will get better tmrw.. nak minum coke atat takut.. my hb is watching me like an eagle hahahha
Eh why besok.. wait till thursday.. then friday take off.. long weekend hahahah
Rima...alhamdulillah selamat pulang....kak cek suka masakan Rima...teruja tengok hasil gambo2nya...dan sememangnya luv your blog...:-)
Sonia is so adorable!!
Cik Cek
Alhamdullilah.. we got home safely late last night.. ty for the compliments.. i heart itew pulut serawa durian.. auwwww
Ty ty.. shes adorable at the same time so full of nonsense hehehe
salam rima...huhu tak sehat yeaa..rehat cukup2..CMG doakan rima cepat sembuh yeaa....
Hmm kak rimaaaa... Dh tau badan tak sihat one, still melanguk depan lappy ke. daahh get rest! Lama tu dalam kereta. Penatnyaa masyaallah . I can imagine...
Tibe2 mata i terus ngantuk nampak warne purple merata2. Haha. Soniaaa sonia.. Eh dulu bukan dia suke green ben10 ke
go get some rest kak.. even contractor need rest tau x.. hehe.. sonia loves purple eh nowadays.. ;)
Alhamdulillah, gud dh kat rumah. MM bebaru massage memang sakit sket kak, but then 2 -3 days later, feel fresher...:) and lagi nak bakeeeeeeeeeeeeea:)). Cukup rehat..tidur n extra plain water ya.
Sonia.......mmmmm alahaiiiii she is so adorable! I want to go to bed now, but keep sliding this entry for her...:) I think, I need a baby girl...hik3!!
Rehat banyak-banak babe, jangan nakal-nakal..hikhik. Eh, no more Ben 10?
alhamdulillah.. dah selamat sampai rumah ya.. sama la dgn k.nor.. dah selamat sampai dari KL gak.. hehe... it tooks 7 hrs driving from KL to Ktrg..
get well soon rima.. :)
kak rima..selamat pulang dan banyakkan berehat...
biar segar badan tu.....
sonia.....so sweet..geramm tengok sonia yang comei tu...
lambat sket.. slamat ulang tahun BISOUSATOI yang ke 2 ek.. Moga panjang umur mu untuk membaking lagi dan lagi.
Suddenly makes me wanna sing..."Purple rain...purple rain." wakakakaka. Green ke? Purple ke? Semuanya cute on Sonia.
Welcome back n mudah2an u bangun this morning u'll feel better. Sonia banyak nonsense? Best-lah tu, makes life so much fun layan our kid's nonsense kan? So nak masak apa today? Eh...takpe2 rest ok?
Hehhe like mother like daughter.. always change change one.. lucky only change hb once.. cukup lah tu hahahah.. kadang if rest and baring baring also badan lagi sakit.. might as well do something :op
Ah ah.. nowadays she likes purple.. kadang tu part buat manicure.. she will choose green.. lepas ni sure dia akan choose green for her nail colour :o)
Sonia's a lovely young lady..love her purple nails :)
Ms V
Walaikumsalam.. harus overtime byk byk if nak baby.. if dapat boy ok lah jugak.. if dapat girl macam kita dapat BFF.. we get to do lots with our baby aka BFF
Still masih hot dgn si ben10 tu.. the other day i asked her why u like ben10.. she said.. because i like him hahaha..
Nakal?? heheh ni pun ade plan nak keluar kejap.. konon nak kena pergi baking supply shop :op
U were in KL?? i didnt know that.. usually when se drive back tu kita drive out fm KL after lunch.. will only take us less than 4hrs to get home.. semalam tu traffic very the bad.. slow macam siput.. 6hrs of driving on fast road is not penat.. but if drive on slow traffic.. badan yg kena urut also jadi sakit balik hehehe
Semalam satu hari tak buat ape ape.. tak bake pong.. did laundry and masak dinner.. hari ni byk yg nak kena dikerja kan huhu
Ty for ur doas.. insyallah kita diberi kesihatan.. maklum umur dah meningkat :op
U rocker like me kah?? hahah.. why oh why dulu dulu kita ni minah rocker.. rambut harus ade bunga di jambul hahahah.. those were the daysss..
Like any other kids her age.. pakai colour ape pun cun melecun.. cuba kita yg dah tua.. jari tu macam tak tentu hara if pakai cutex hahaha
Ms V
Hehe she loves it too.. i bet the next time she will choose green
Ty Cik Mat for ur doa.. hopefully today i can start baking.. maklum semalam dah beli telur 60 biji hehehe
Kak Rima..Salam..Welcome Home..take a good rest ye..oo it ok For Sonia tukar color kat nails..itu perlu!! :)..jgn tukar2 kaler rambut sudah ..hehehe.BTW..tak sabar nak tgk u bake apa hari nih?..ahaks
Cantiknye baju Sonia! The little polka dots..very sweet! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well...hope you feel better soon!..btw I nak tanya if it would be possible to order a cake from you for this weekend? :)
Hi Rima,
Hope you feel better soon to get back to your baking!!!
Two years! Congratulations on all you have achieved, and all that is yet to come. xoxo
Take care,
Assalamualaikum Rima, waaaah dah selamat tiba dah eh...mmg penat eh duk travel 6 jam...hadoiii leh kebas montot kan...sian pulak x sihat yea...xpa, have a good rest then only you can dance at your kitchen...hehee...Tp mst sonok spent holidays kat KL eh...nnt share lg byk2 picts di KL eh..Your Sonia...always sweet all the time lah! Geram nak cium pipi mungel dia...
i know purple is your fav color.. now sonia's too? wah.. like mom like daughter! :)
rest well.. pasni ok lah tu i'allah.. :)
Tak perlu tukar colour rambut cos dah blondie pong hahah.. insyallah if sihat sure akan bake something.. if not pun harus ade something to munch for when the hb comes home fm work..
Hehe she tak fav sangat baju tu cos its in pink.. anyway u can email me ur order but this weekend atat full sikit lah.. if only i hv 10 pairs of hand.. eh tu macam alien pulak hahaha.. email me ok.. tks!
Ty ty.. this is what happened when ur having fun.. u lost track of ur time hehe
Badan aje sakit sakit .. nasib tak demam.. dulu dulu lepas urut sure akan demam.. toxic keluar dari badan sure akan demam if tak minum air.. tu sebab dari semalam terpaksa minum air hehe
We are purple ppl heheh.. eh i saw ur cute mute macs.. congrats on getting that little feet hehe
yeay..sudah smpai rumah safely...aiyaaaa, sempat massage? x p...bg cool down sket...rehat dr acara baking membaking..heheh. wehh, these few days i merempit..i think i need massaging too lah, ngeh3.
Haha..eh jgn jadi alien pulak! Btw email sent! :)
Merempit dgn brad pit ke hahaha.. Yes am home.. Tengah merempit jugak ni ahaks.. Sambil minum coffee sambil reply comment.. :op
aiyoh so cute so geram,comfirm kalau dapat jumpa dengan sonia confirm i cubit2 pasal so cuuuute.so very the mentel nya posing.hahahaha
hiii....ive been a silent reader of your blog for quite some time now...always admiring your bakings hehe ! nway, i thought i saw ur husband and daughter at empire shopping gallery,subang..last week...but i didnt see you...nak tegur tapi segan, dunno how to introduce myself pulak! and i couldnt see you..probably busy shopping kot?hahah...nway...ure daughter is super gorgeouss...take care yahh...
- anna-
Hehehe ade harapan akan ku sembunyi kan dak sonia if i jumpa u hahaha
Oh ye ker?? i remember there was a few times where my hb was trying to put sonia to bed but was unsucessful hahaha and me?? busy window shopping kot? next time u tegur aje si george clooney tu hehe :op
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