Hows the long weekend peeps?? its been pretty hectic for us.. we were basically everywhere hehehe.. it started fm thursday night and on friday right after friday prayer.. we went to town.. thats where i managed to take a glimps of Baumkuchen (tree cake).. never seen nor tasted it bef and of cos the moment i saw it I was in awe.. the way it was being done is just amazing and oh how i wish i cud take the rotating spit home with me ahakss

I bought a couple of pieces.. ate it straight away and i loved it!! loved it!! loved it!! the texture is so so soft and i came home thinking abt it non stop... i googled for a couple of recipes but wasnt too sure if it was going to work so am back to square one.. thinking abt all the layers on that cake and at the same time craving for layer cake hahaha.. i just had to do something.. if i cant bake Baumkuchen at home.. i sure can bake lapis legit.. right?? hehhe
So on Saturday afternoon right after we came back home from an unplanned trip to JB.. i bought myself another tray of eggs.. cracked em all up and baked lapis legit keju..

30 egg yolks
450g caster sugar
200g butter
350g margarine - i used Tatura butter (550g)
2 tbsp full cream milk powder - i used condense milk
175g flour
2 tsp bumbu spekoek powder - i used 1tsp of spekoek powder and 1tsp of vanilla powder
50g parmesan/cheddar/edam cheese - I used 150g of shredded white cheddar (next time i will shredded it finely cos i hv difficulties slicing my cake!)
Preheat oven 175C.. greased an 8x8 pan
On a stand mixer.. whisk butter and condense milk till creamy
Lower mixer speed and add spekoek and vanilla powder..
Once mix.. Add sifted flour and continue to whisk at lowest speed till incorporated - set aside
In another bowl.. whisk egg yolks and sugar till light and fluffy (like baulu batter)
Add in butter mixture and continue to whisk it at low speed
Weigh ur batter and divide it by 26 or was it 28 layers? heheh - each layer weighs 68g
Bake using upper heat.. bake it for 7 mins for every layer.. top with cheddar cheese on every 3rd layer
Bake last layer using upper and lower fire for 10 mins on 160C

This layer cake satisfies my cravings to bake layer cake on that day.. started right after magrib prayer and by half past 11pm i was already cleaning my kitchen.. tastewise?? muahahha.. 30 egg yolks cake hv never failed me ahakss.. ty mbak Camelia for sharing bibi Jun's recipe with us.. i loikeeee

Side track... i baked this chiffon bday cake for my BIL right after we got home fm wild wild wet (will load pics tmrw yah) today .. its his bday tmrw and sis Wati had ordered chiffon cake fm me simply cos this is the only cake that my BIL eats.. so happy bday Hamid.. semoga panjang umur and dimurah kan rezki.. take it easy yah cos we all know its not easy to be married to the Kassim girls muahahahha

kak rima, you still can make one what~
kah3.. XD
Hi Rima, I luv your blog. I've bn following u since last year. I'm amazed by how much energy u hv to bake almost everyday! Anyway, I luv baking too. Im inspired by u n some other bloggers to stsrt my own blog too. Coincidentally, my sis bought me that rotating cake lapis today. Does't it taste like baulu?
30 egg yolks??? err pengsan jap hahaha...fobia tul bila dengar egg yolk banyak nih :D
would be nice if u cud leave down ur name.. tks.. yes i saw that clip and was like.. geesshh what the hahaha..
Congrats on ur blog! yes it does actually.. 100x softer baulu.. hb hv been talking to me abt this cake for the longest time and to be able to see it here is just amazing.. will definately try the one in Berlin when hb goes there next week :o)
Bila ur teeth sink into layer cake yg guna 30 egg yolks terus tak akan jadi pengsan one.. heheh
Rima, waaaaa jalan2 dapat makan kek lapis gitu, leh menguatkan semangat baking kek lapis gak eh...nnt akak nak buat gitu gak laa.. Tp kat Malaysia ni x tau nak cari kedai kek lapis yg sedap...huhuuu...Igt kena pi Singapore gak laa..hehe
Heheh itew german/japan kek lapis lain.. tak dapat ku membuatnye kat rumah cos ku tak punya rolling spit so bila dah gian nak buat kek yg berlapis.. last last pi duduk depan oven for close to 4hrs buat kek lapis ni.. haizzz penat but puas hati ku heheh
Kat sini if u wanna buy yg ready made u can always buy it kat bengawan solo..
kek lapis rima sentiasa gojes la.. :)
Hehe ty but kan i notice i much prefer the ones yg plain.. bila potong cantik aje.. jg ade prunes ke.. keju ke.. mango ke.. chocolate chip ke etc etc etc bila potong tak secantik yg plain.. tetapi lapis prune tetap menjadi idaman ku heheh
Rajin tul Rima ni berlayer2 cake...kak cek suka makan cuma seru nak buat layer cake ni slow sangat...tunggu raya nanti kot...he he
K. Rima,
halus betul air tgn dia ni tau hehe.. btw, you baked almost everyday, sape yg makan eh? hi hi
Hi Rima
Layer cake/Kek Lapis...I like very much. This cheese lapis recipe that you've put up looks very nice. Nanti nak try buat lah. Coincidently, I blogged abt the layer cake too last week.
Thanks and take care.
Guess we'll be seeing more macarons this week since you've so many egg whites? ;p
Your layer cake looks gorgeous - I can never get so thin and even layers like yours! What's your secret?!
suka kek lapis you n suka weighing scale tu.
Rima,kaksal really adore the way you bake n decorate the cake gorges n you have will power oh ya I really like the color scale (raspbery) my girl met DTEast.n kek lapis look so nice...
cik cek
heheh semalam waktu bakar macam terasa nak raya pulak.. hahha macam budak kecik :op
Yep i bake almost every day and i will usually gv it out the very same day..
U meant the tree cake?? i like the taste.. light aje.. tak berat rasa dia..
Hehhe i ran out of egg white and thus my need to bake layer cake was materialized hehehe.. no secret... i weigh every single layer of my lapis...
Hehhe that digital weighing scale u can buy it in my store and join the club of raspberry weighing scale owners hehe
So thats ur daughter?? lahhhh apasal KSal tak turun semalam hehehe.. glad u like it.. dah guna kan belum ahakss
Salam Rima,
I luv ur blog too. I luv looking at ur cakes and ur decor!!! Luv it!! luv it!! luv it!!
I have a question though. For lapis rite, especially the last layer; how do you make it brown evenly without bubbles or pimples. U know like those store bought ones. Mine just seem to come up with bubbles on the last layer. :(
Thank you for sharing all the lovely recipes and photos.
Salam fad
Bubbles tu cos of air bubbles.. U hv to pop it bef it becomes big... Spread ur batter evenly but kan bubbles tu memang tak boleh predict .. Sometimes dia gelembung n tu yg buat kita frust lol
Salam Rima
OOO.. Ok... When cake bakes and I saw bubble,I left it as it is.
Ok.. next time i will pop it. Thanks RIma.
Luv your creativity!!! Must teach me how you cream your cakes. Luv the uneven effect. I must try it sometimes... :)
Salam Rima
OOO.. Ok... When cake bakes and I saw bubble,I left it as it is.
Ok.. next time i will pop it. Thanks RIma.
Luv your creativity!!! Must teach me how you cream your cakes. Luv the uneven effect. I must try it sometimes... :)
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