
3rd Giveaway - The Result

Hi All!

Ok ok.... Took awhile :) suspense.... sorry peeps! the real reason... we were out and only got home half an hr ago..

Now there were a lot of different answers... Some correct, some wrong, some very wrong, some funny, some crazy hehehe..

So what I did was I took all the correct answers, removed the duplicates and made a note of them listing them from 1-60. Yes... There were 60 correct answers out of 200 odd entries.. thank you once again guys... am overwhelmed.. :o)

So what was the correct answer? it was: SALTED CARAMEL FILLING (I also accepted fleur the sel caramel filling).

So in the end, picked winner nbr....21. So who is the winner? Scroll down to find out!


The winner is.......................EDIiiiiiiii (aka adorablecupcake)!!!!!

Congrats edi! Please send me an email through contact link above with your address, contact and colour you wish for your digital scale.

As for those who did not win.... There is always next time :op

In the meantime I have also added more products to my shop and as a start I have a 25% discount code for any shopper which will give you a 25% discount off all items on there. The voucher code (to be entered during checkout) is: 25%OFF

So ok i am gonna end this entry with a few pics taken during hb's D&D.. enjoy!

They performed YMCA and their group name was "Ang Mo Zia Lat" hahahha.. they were hillarious! hehehe

Yep thats us alright... he never fails to make me laugh ahakss


Fazlinil Irma said...

congrats to the winner. kak edina. =)

Anonymous said...

salam rima,

walaupun tak menang congrats to the winner ;o)

have a great day!

Yoa Ngadenin said...

Kak rima, cant see u anywhere in da pics??

Rima said...

LOL tu yg last pic kan gambar akak mu hahaha..

Anonymous said...

Apakhabar? Bapak and emak baik? Tak turun ang mo kio lagi?

Rima said...

Wud be nice to let me know who u really are actually.. my parents are good.. tks for asking..

anakcikbob said...

to winner: Congrats..
to kak rima: where's the red indian lady?? i only see housewife there. :p

Anonymous said...

Yayy!! Dah de pemenang. Congrats Edina!
Now u can bake in styleee.. Heee.

Best lah k.rima itu mastrad barang2.
Colourful & u bagi discount lagi.
I baru kenal ur blog sejak masok contest.. Ni blh bangkitkan the spirit of baking tt i've never had.

Sizuka said...

Congrats Edina on winning!

Lol.. Sakit perut I tgk ur hubby's expression. Didn't know that he's that funny. Masa jumpa lat Concorde nampak serious je :)

Ria said...

congratz to tokey cupcake..kak edi..lom my luck lg nk menang your GA..huhu..jwpn pn xbpe nk kne sasaran..hoho..k la..nk p skodeng your store lak..

Nur68 said...

Assalamualaikum Rima,

Pagi2 dah masuk sini nak tau sapa winner, congrats to the winner....definitely will try my luck again next time..hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winner....and congrats to you also Rima bcos your Followers makin ramai...have a great day ahead :-)


lina said...

salam rima - congrats to the winner

Edi said...

wuhuuuuu!! yay!!! yay!! got the news from irma (fazlinil irma yg komen atas tu!) thru FB.. then i kalut cek betul ke...

THANKS rima! wah, i cant believe my luck! and thks all for the nice wishes. i guess i'm disqualified la after this nak menang brg2 lain yg best2 pulak! :)

rima, i'll email u shortly!


Edi said...

shoot! i dont know which color to choose!!! semuanya cantik! red or purple.. red or purple.. hmmm...............

Rima said...

LOL Edi.. red purple.. red purple... i love purple but red looks pwetty too hahahha.. komfom konfus one hahaha... CONGRATS once again..

Nuqman Harris Sharmizi said...

congrats to the winner aka Kak Edina ok..walaupun xmenang(GA pun i x join,LOL)im ok jer..xsempat nk join cos so busy last weekend(didn't hv time to go online) and now mas sedang berkursus ni selama 2 hari..

Ummi said...

Hahahhaaha...x mengena la pancing akak! Xpa, nnt Rima wat lgk eh....hehehhehee... Anyway, congrats to Adorablecupcake....Camni nak balik dulu la Rima, sedih ni tau...sub, sub....

Rima said...

Eh not just like any housewife but its more like as "desperate housewife".. pakai dress kembang lagi hahahha.. hb only got the time to go to costume shop on the very same day and took with him this costume for his performance.. when he showed it to me i told him that i shud hv gone in as Pocahontas hahahha

Ummi said...

Eh lupa nak comment lg satu...i loooiiiiikkkeee that last funny, 'm sure ur hb had so much fun during that D&D...

Unknown said...

hahaha.. i got it wrong eventually.. btw, congratulations edi!! its your lucky day :)

Rima said...

When hes with his family theres no serious.. always abt fun fun fun.. hes a funny guy at the same time a pain too hehhee

Rima said...

Ty.. memang susah nak ambil gambar serious dgn yg satu ni.. baru konon nak take good pics ade aje yg dia nak cakap buat orang ketawa aje hehehe

K.Nor said...

huhu... melepas lagi.. rasanya jawapan dah dekat kan.. tak ada rejeki la ni. apapun thanks rima buat GA ni.. seronok! jgn lupa buat lagi dan lagi ya.. hihihi

congrat to the winner :)

Emma said...

congrats edi!

yaaiyy my answer tu betul..happy pulak even x dapat apa apa tak sabar tunggu store Rima buka nak view gud stuff!

MANISAH said...

Aisayman Rima heheh dua-dua answers tu gua post kan... Last week in Spore, went hunting for Onan Road currypuffs! Congratss to the winner Edi.

mariah said...

Alahai.. ingatkan U datang macam Cowgirl ke.. Sheriff ke.. with a smoking gun lagik..

Congrats to the winner. Aku melepas lagiiiii...

Rima said...

Cowgirl?? ahakss.. maybe if i am 21 probably i ferasan jambu and lantas pakai itew cowgirl costume hahaha..

Ribbon and Circus said...

isk isk..melepas lagi.. I nak kena mandi bunga pas ni hehe.. ;p

Congrats to lucky winner.. :D

Anonymous said...

nasib baik tak menang.nanti bilang kelong pulak hehehehe-sweety

Ummi said...

Rima, kalau xnak ayam goreng, makan serdak kelapa goreng Kalasan je eh Rima? Akak jenis diet jek, jek..hancuss...huhuuu

Rima said...

Tak diet ah.. if diet sure dah slim melim badan kita hahaha.. hardly goreng goreng kat dapur Rima.. baik ikan or ayam.. ikan masak lauk.. ayam also masak lauk.. tu pun if masak yg heavy heavy cuma seminggu sekali aje waktu si Hairi balik dari camp.. if not kita makan ringgan ringgan aje.. pasta ke.. baked rice ke.. sandwiches ke.. tapi kan akan ku cuba buat si ayam goreng KUmmi.. nampak delish gitew :o)

yus said...


last pic-mcm aiswayra rai la! tu bukn abishek bachan kan kt sebelah akak tu hihi :)

About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..