Yep.. after a week .. we went there again and this time we took the whole clan hahaha.. good stuff.. we had fun!
My first impression of USS.. small but its better than nothing... the whole Sentosa seems to have become surreal - nevertheless i think they did a good job... of cos nothing compared to the real USS in the US.. arghhh.. its been years!!
We loveeee this photo of Sonia... my girl made a stop at every single car she saw..
Ah huh.. u better get ur cash ready for all the good photos cos it aint the same like when u buy it off fm them hehehe (but its twice as fun when you make your own candid the two bros
Oh we love how she can really pose whenever we say.. cheeseeeeee Soniaaaaaaa
Sonia and Shiela aka my niece aka Sonia's babysitter...
"Jadi kau tak sudi menerima ku?" muahahahha cuba teka dialog siapa tu?? kahkahkah
Meet the actors and actresses of Universal Studio S'pore hahaha (again the bros were too free....)
This is how u end the night.. watch super uber fireworks while forcing ur kid to massage ur leg muahahaha.. poor sis Wati... u need to go out with us more often to get used to walking hehehe
cute little sonia...pandai betul dia pose kan! chomel ;-)
How I wish I can take a break and go to USS. Tapikan, semalam, hubby's friend from Sabah came for lunch and suggested that we go to Borneo Rainforest Resort somewhere in Lahad Datu, where Julia Robert, Martha Stewart and few more have stayed before.
I need a break.. If only SAHM ada annual leave..
Morning Rima....mat gebu palinnnggggggggggggggggg suka pic Sonia di kereta antik tuu....klasik, misteri, xclusif...
wow..nice pics...tapi mana sis rima nya?
Hi Rima,
we went to USS last december..nampak je USS kecik but seriously rasa nak tercabut kaki gak ..hehehhe...
Sonia is super cute!!! Tak tau mana satu yg lebih pandai pose....the brothers ke, Sonia eh. But for sure I think now USS = Untuk Shiok Sendiri. LOL. Hope you had a good rest K. Rima so we can get to enjoy your baking.
Lovely Sonia.
Dia tu bukan ape.. gaya! hehehe
SAHM no cuti wokey.. if nak annual leave harus bersuara hehe.. Borneo rainforest is nice.. relaxing but kan both hb and i tak reti duduk diam when on hols.. our hols is all abt out and abt.. tak tahu apasal.. we get bored easily if our hols is all abt chilling...
Morning Cik Mat... i also loike.. mystery gitew kan hehe
Adeeee.. tak tahu why i look macam preggie pulak.. penat berjalan agaknye.. baju yg di tuck in terlebih terkeluar hahaha
Its ok lah.. am used to walking cos my hb always "seksa" i suruh jalan kaki all the time.. yg tak tahan my second sis tu.. asyik cari tempat duduk aje ahahaha
Ahhh tahu tak pe! theres a lot more to see there then the ones here.. but its better than nothing.. at least now theres is something to look at in Sentosa :op
She is isnt she.. :op
Gambar yg no. 3 tu..bak kata Abg Mat Gebur..klasik, misteri, exclusive. She is indeed comel. Ish..ish..buat menantu boleh tak?
Yg romantic tu yg berpura-pura cium tu.Tapi sang isteri tak nampak. Ketawa beso ai tengok. Sesekali satu family have fun. Best kan?
All these pictures are amazing!! Especially the 3rd and 5th :) Looks like a primadona!
sapa itu smooch2 di tepi pintu..ahaksss
I tak tahu pun bila masa dia sembunyi sembunyi smooching hahah.. both bros tak de kerja lain.. i wasnt there pong
La Petite Cherie
Heheh i like it too!
cek chun
siapa lagi if not my super uber duper hb .. dia ferasan lah hehehe
Salam Kak rima..whoaa bila lah I nak sampai USS S'pore ..padahal seberang tambak jerk..urm..
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