We all start our baking adventures at some stage....

I wish i had the time to bake for the family and post it on my blog but i cant.. arghhh me and my time management..

Hopefully come saturday i will hv the time to do so..

In the mean time.. pls bare with me cos i need to finish up the orders that are due tmrw and friday..

...my PA will be happy to take your messages! ahakss

Dear Mommy's Wild Child @ PA
Does your mommy pay you well?? :-)
or can I hire myself to be your PA?
hahahaa love your post! i think sonia might follow your foot step :)
SHe's super duper cute!!! ada gaya PA la ;)
she's super cute! :D
helo,i'm alia from malaysia..i've linked ur blog in my blog..akak punya gambar semua best..saya minat baking jugak,adela bisnes sikit2,but urs are awesome,esp ur cake design,just superb! :D
sonia dear.
auntie also need a PA.
meh ler
Hello, hello PA Sonia....helllloooooo ooopppsss takde reception plak :( patutlah tak dgr. Tu lah auntie tinggal dkt mountainuos region ni sbb tu susah nak dpt reception....ish ish :D hehehez.
Btw, sori lah auntie lupa nak wish u happy belated bday cutie pie ;) And to mommy : selamat menjalankan tugas mem'baking'......
hahaha...the caption very apt with the pics la...ku tak leh tahan tgk caption ngan last pic...vukan main lagik cik sonia kita..wahkahkahkah..
Aww...she's such a cutie!
Cantik sungguh nail polish tu ye?Very the Ben 10!!Haha..Boleh join my son main PS Ben 10 nanti ye Sonia?
Wow,nampaknya kuah bakal tumpah ke nasi..give her a few more years and she will be just like mommy..
wow....tengok tangan aje dah mcm pro..sekali..alahai..si kecik rupanya...ada bakat ni
waakakakka ... kenchang ... PAnye ..
so cute la dear Sonia..mmg ade gaya PA..hehe
sonia just great being a PA..
just don't take calls near a pond/watery area okeh.
muahahaha so cute... ha ah the last picture tu memang ada gaya betul sonia jadi PA hahaha :D
haha... sooo cute & lovely la ur PA ;P
superb cute r sonia ;D
Mana lagi kalau kuah tak tumpah ke nasi. Entah-entah DNA sudah terbenam sejak preggi lagi. DNA yg baik, bagus. Keep it up ya PA Sonia.
Puan Rima didik dia betul-betul jadi chef tersohor cam siapa ek..banyak eh chef perempuan. Insya-Allah. Business boleh kencang ni..
Aku geram tengok gambar PA Princess Sonia yg akhir tu. Anak Ai lelaki umur 11 tahun pun berkenan tengok dia..bakal menantu boleh ke? Ish...ish.. belajar sampai habis dulu ye.
LOL..cute nyer Sonia!!!
lolz, entertaining post.
Salam everyone! you guys make me smile and laugh lah.. Sonia is so full of character.. ye larrr mak and pak dia ni kan over sikit.. very super friendly one and the best part she loves to play baking game on her iPad and also loves to pretend shes baking something in her kitchen.. mudah mudahan she will be good in baking too.. boleh bake kan mama dia cake on her 60th bday ahaksss
PA yg cutee...
happy belated birthday Sonia!
last pic bukan macam PA tapi gaya macam Boss tengah talking bisnes.. :D Had a great laugh luking at her candid pics n yr captions.
Wah..ada gaya you hehe.
Nampaknye mcm xsempat nk mandi nih sejak jadi PA..pasni nk tlg bake lg…mmg bz memanjang hehehe:)
Sonia dear, please be a good PA and post me some eclair ya...
hi rima,
your PA tengah close business deal ke tu..
businesswoman in the making..
Sonia the PA...memang pandai macam ibu dia:)
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