Thank you all for the birthday wishes...(will do my rounding when i am back home ok..) i told Sonia and she was like.. "Aunties sing Sonia happy bday to youuuu" hehehe
Here are the pics taken earlier today.. am kaput and i am going straight to bed now.. so enjoy the pics dearies!

Took Sonia to Siam Ocean World.. was alright.. better than the one in Sentosa lol.. downside.. we had to pay an entrance fee for Sonia based on her height and not age.. yikes! not cheap either.. 700 baht for child.

I took lots of pics but love this one the most!

Sonia loves it there.. they even hv an indoor playground in there..

We later took her to the cafe that i mentioned earlier on.. Lenotre at Siam Paragon

We celebrated her bday there and this was the cake that she chose... well done my dear.. was the best among all hehe

First thing she did.. ate the chocolate...

Papa choose Opera cake..

Mama choose Emeraude

After all the excitement.. we took Sonia back to the hotel for her afternoon nap.. I on the other hand managed to do my last min shopping.. after dinner, we had our typical coffee at Mr Bean and as soon as we went up to our room.. we gave her the present that Ijah gave her yesterday... u shud see the look in her eyes Ijah, she was ecstatic!!

Ahuh.. there u go... I told her who the gift was fm and she immediately said.. "thank you auntie.. Sonia Ben10 girl" kahkahkah
Lenotre Thailand
G floor, Siam Paragon Shopping Centre,
Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok
10330, Thailand

Happy Birthday Ben 10 Girl ;) That Emeraude cake tu rasa ape eh? hehe
she's so so so sooooooo adorable!!!
pagi tadi tengok ben 10, memang teringat kat sonia.. hehe..
wanna wish u once again, Happy Birthday Sonia!
wahhh! sure sonia ni tinggi lah kot ye! i mean if compare with kids yg same age ngan dia.
and hihi masih setia lagi dengan ben 10 ye sonia ;-)
so cute la ini budak..wt geram je..nk2 bile die tunjuk thumb up tu..dala pndai pilih kek yg berviolin..geram2..sodap2 ye kak kek kt situ..bwk blik sepotong ye..yg mne2 pn xpe..haha
Morning kak! lupa nk bgtau akak kat siam ocean world tiket mmg mahal tp mmg best sbb sejuk wakakakaka i've been there once, ONCE lol .... i shud call sonia Ben TENia lol. tgk kek tuuu mg HARUS take away lorrr since my hb tak suke g sana huh! btw, till we met again! have a safe flight bck home kak n tk cr!! pssst>> leh jd biz part. dgn ceo MR BEAN since hb akak mr bean jugak kan? ahahahaha....
happy birthday sonia....be a good girl ok!
Happy birthday Sonia, may you grow up to be a pretty girl and as generous as your mummy.
(My birthday is coming too - on 9th March and you know what, I got a yellow Kitchen Aid from hubby and my 2 girls. They're inspring me to bake more often haha...)
Kak Rima.. Your princess Sonia is so adorable and so so so.. cute! My belated birthday wish for Sonia.. :) My daughter Hannah (she's 7) pun loves Ben 10 hehehe
Banyak-banyak hadiah, Ben 10 jugak favourite dia ek.
Salam Sonia....hepi Ben10day to you...dear.
auntie siti.
Dear Sonia...happy belated birthday ya sayang..semoga menjadi anak yg soleh & a good doter to mama & papa..Aunty will see you again when you come to KL ok dear.....what did you get from mama & papa? iPad 2??? Ok take good care ya..& enjoy ur holiday..
Sonia, ask mama to look for Emeraude recipe ok...looks delicious!! ~ Aunty aishah
Happy Belated birthday Sonia!!
*i also wonder Emeraude cake tu rasa apa ek?
happy happy birthday sweet girl! may you be successful and happy always! muahhh from aunty edi ♥
Ribbon Clown
Ty dear.. the taste.. hmmm cam mana eh nak describe.. masam manis gitew heheh
I think fm now on sesiapa bila tengok ben10 sure teringat anak dara i ni hehe.. ty for the wish!
Dia masih setia but kan dia tak tengok pun cartoon tu.. shes into backyardigan .. u shud see the way she dance hahahha
shes a dessert girl.. dah jadi kebiasaan makan cake and such tu sebab dia pandai pilih hehe
Muahahah boleh jugak tu.. kena benar dgn my hb.. shhhhh no one has to know hahaha.. itew ocean siam mahal sikit lah Ijah.. but what to do kan.. we had wanted to take her to safari but they said take seshiok so tak jadi.. yg dekat cuma ade si siam ocean ni.. so mahal pun what to do janji ade aircon nyg sejuk bangat ahaks
Ty for the wish dear!
Happy bday to u and ty for the wish!! woahhhh dapat mr Aid lagi.. sure lepas ni terajin nak membaking ahakss.. congrats on that yellow submarine... arent we lucky??! hehe
Lahhh dak Hannah pun fav si ben10 ke?? u know when i ask her if ben10 handsome.. she said.. YES! Muakahkahkah
Ahhh tahu tak pe heheh
Auntie Siti
Ty ty fm ben10 girl! :o)
Auntie Aishah
Ty auntie and hopefully Sonia can meet auntie again in KL.. dont know what they got me.. definately not iPad2 hehe
Ty for the wish.. i think i will try to look for the recipe lah and the only way for u to know is to bake it and try or maybe when u go bkk u can go to that cafe.. rasa cakenye refreshing gitu..
Auntie Edi
Ty for the wish.. mama said.. sorry cos mama always kacau auntie waktu kerja hehe
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