I am not in my best mood today... somebody makes me feel yukie... so best way out is to bake and bake... not just any cake.. it has to be cheesy.. it has to be a full on chocolate...
This cake has a texture of brownie like cake.... rich in flavor and definitely very very chocolaty.. what do u say if a cake tastes super über chocolate... cake nya mantop?? hahaha.. anyway do gv this recipe a try cos this cake makes my day a little cheery today.. ty to both Mbak for this wonderful recipe!

I enjoy baking so much... i adore it.. its like a secret back door for me to run to whenever i feel all stressed.. cant wait for the weekend to come.. better still.. cant wait to go to KL again next week.. time to chill... time to hang loose... :o)

Chocolate Cake
150g Butter - whisk till fluffy
125g 70% dark cooking chocolate - melt (I used cocoa berry 64% and 70%) - melted
3 egg yolks
60g Flour
20g Cocoa Powder - I used Valrhona
3 egg whites
65g Sugar
1. Prepare pan 22X22X3 cm - i used 20x20 pan
2. Mix melted chocolate into butter and whisk till well combined.
3. Add egg yolks one by one while whisking till creamy / soft.
4. Sift flour and cocoa powder, add into the butter mixture and stir well.
5. In another bowl, whisk egg whites and sugar until stiff / soft peak.
6. Add 1/3 egg white mixture into butter mixture.. pour back butter mixture into egg white mixture and fold in gently.. mix evenly.
7. Pour batter into the pan, bake in preheated oven of 165 for 25-30mins.
Cream Cheese Cake
75g Butter
60g Cream Cheese, leave at room temperature
2 egg yolks
30g Flour
10g Milk Powder
2 egg whites
35g Sugar
1. Prepare pan 10X22X3 cm - i used 20x20.
2. Beat butter and cream cheese until smooth.
3. Add egg yolks one by one while whisking creamy / soft.
4. Sift flour and milk powder, add into the butter mixture and stir well.
5. In another bowl.. whisk egg whites and sugar until stiff / soft peak.
6. Take 1/3 egg white batter and mix into butter mixture.. stir well. Pour butter mixture into egg white mixture and fold in gently.. mix evenly.
7. Pour the batter into the pan, bake on preheated oven of 165C for 15mins.

300g dark cooking chocolate - I used valrhona 64%
150g Whipping Cream - i used double cream
50g Butter, unsalted
Heat whipping cream till warm - not to boiling, pour into DCC and stir until melted. Add butter and continue to stir well.. Let it stand in refrigerator for a while, until slightly hardened. Beat until fluffy / creamy. Set aside.
Coffee Syrup
1 tsp Instant Coffee
200 cc warm water
3 tsp Sugar
(Rhum if liked)
Stir until sugar dissolves, set aside - i used espresso coffee double shots! hehe
1. Slice chocolate cake horizontally into two.. Take a piece of Chocolate Cake.. place it on ur cake board.. Sprinkle/brush surface with coffee syrup.
2. Take a big dollop of ganache and spread it on ur cake.. it has to be abt 1/2 cm thick.. place cream cheese cake on ganache. Overlap with Cream Cheese Cake.
3. Take another big dollop of ganache and spread it on ur cake.. stack last layer of chocolate cake... sprinkle with coffee syrup and spread the rest of ur ganache on ur cake..
4. Pipe ganache on it and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Refrigerate for an hr or so bef serving it with vanilla ice cream..

Oh bef i hit the sack.. i wanna thank Hana for this order.. hope u like it dear!
I tak kecik hati wpun you selalu buat I 'nangis' belakang pintu, huhu ..
Have a nice weekend and I gonna have cuti2 Msia. Bak sket kek tu, boleh? I nak bawak bekal kot d'plane takde sediakan snack, hehe.
Cik Som
Nak gi mana tu?? nak ikuttttt!!! i am in need of some R&R lah.. ape kata u take me along and i gv u all the 3 blocks of chocolate cakes that i got in my fridge?? hehehe
Nampak nye ku tak de chance nak berhugging dgn cik som next week.. hu hu
argh!! u goda i lagi mlm2 buta ni with cake yg nampak jelita dan menggoda tu! i finally baked red velvet cake.. tapi kan, i tak sure how it's supposed to taste like. a bit masam?
U dont know ke that is my full time job.. to mengoda jiwa dan raga orang orang yg sedang berdiet ahaksss
Hmmm actually tak rasa masam pong.. maybe the vinegar that u use tak?
Any more left for me? bikin ngiler aje :)
whenever i feel stressed out i always want to bake something too hehee...
babe, bagus lah you, you feeling yukie pun boleh bake lagi, kalau i, duduk bawah selimut, tak mau buat apa-apa..hehe.
cream cheese cake + Choc cake + ganache = nangesss...tak yah macam cs blakang pintu...depan screen ai dah leh bergenang arrr tgk this kinda cake..like ai said b4 sebijik arr cam kat Swiss Bakery tu...hari2 ai lalu tawww tgk cake dia orang..muehehhe..ai tgk resepi dia cam nak wat jer..cam lebih senang sket (sket jer...) dari opera eh?? takper ku sabauuu, ku jadikan buat opera cake my lifetime ambition...satu hari buat jugak..but meantime mungkin buat ni dulu kot???habisss resepi u wat sumer ai nak try... :) errr...except yg pakai berpuluh2 yolks tu jer..sebab ai memang dah takut dikejar mak hayam lagik kalo tak menjadi!!
Hi Kak Rima i'm always on ur website and i simply just love the recipes you have on here. i've tried a few and they've turned out simply delightful and my hubby & kids enjoyed them. Well tomorrow's my hub's birthday and i was browsing around for some recipes for a chocolate cheesecake and i guess i'm in luck when i stumbled upon this! i've got some questions that im hoping u can help me with:
1) what type of flour do u use for this?
2) do u need to use caster sugar or will normal sugar do?
3) can i use hot choc cocoa powder, the cadbury ones?
uhh..lagi-lagi tersentap masuk sini..wish that i can taste it! huhu..
Oooh how sinful this must be. Mesti nak try.
I hope you feel better today K. Rima. Betul kata SurayaCoghlan, I pun tarek selimut, peluk bantal kalau I feel yucky. Like my hb says....maju tak gentar mbak. ^_*
wahhhh.. looks soo yummy!!
Just stumbled upon your blog recently, and I must say that I've been wowed by your cakes! All of them look so lovely :D
ok! my cake tak rasa masam. i thought it's supposed to rasa masam.. hehe. phew! lega i.. kalau mcm tu, red velvet tu rasa lebih kurang mcm marble cake yg i buat cuma a bit chocolatey je. erm.. i wonder, why the craze everywhere?
oh! am so gonna try this for my she who must be obeyed boss who asked me to fix desserts for her bady nxt week! tqs much rima....saya bz banget tak sempat nak try recipe lately syukur ada you!
Felt yukie pun, kek cantik malatops. Kalau mama felt yukie, jawabnya... semua hancus!
dearest rima,
syukur alhamdulillah... the blueberry cheese tarts are simply superb! and so pweety too... everyone loves it, especially me lah since i'm a cheese freak.. wakaka! the triple decker cake is too awesome. u r right, so very chocolatey. thank you so much for your kindness, am so glad to have met you. may Allah bless you and your family...
Haveee i still hv not bagi bagi kan lagi.. u know lah weekend.. usually i dont really bake so this cake kira my standby cake for the weekend but if u want u can always take it fm me.. no probs hehehe
Bliss Anne
Hehhe kira kita serupa.. work well under pressure ahakss
Tak tahu nak cakap apa dah Rima. Bersyukur sangat2 jumpa blog u ni.
Me too, just like u, if i feel yukie, i can only bake or cook but not prolike U.Nak nyorok dalam bilik, bilik ai ada satu je. Cam ne???
U are gifted.
U know me lah.. i work well under pressure aka stress.. sure nak bake one..tarik selimut also shiok but kan badan penat penat lepas tu..
bagus nya kalau stress boleh baking..kalau saya semua tak jadi...baik tido je..haha..eh bukannya boleh tido seharian pun kan.hehehe
sangat sangat cantik kek nyer tu.ni dapat sepotong pun dah cukup
come to think of it.. yg pakai byk telur tu lah yg sure menjadi one.. if u do calculation same aje.. telur one tray baru $5+.. valrhona chocolate tu 200g dah close to $12.. maybe $13.. then u usually satu kalu buat ganache pun tak boleh cukup one if u only buy 200g.. nangissss
Try buat ah.. worth it.. not as moist as ur typical cake .. as i said it has a texture of brownie/cake.. maybe if u add more coffee syrup it will be lagi moist tak?? shrugg neverthelss what can go wrong if u hv the combination of cheese+chocolate+ganache hehehe
Ty dear.. good to know that u hv tried some of the recipes in my blog.. anyway regarding ur question
1) i used ur typical flour.. tepung gandum/all purpose flour
2) i used caster sugar in my bakes.. even when i cook i use caster sugar hahaha
3) No i wud advise u to at least use hershey for the cocoa powder if u hv no time to go out and get a better quality cocoa powder like valrhona and cocoa berry.
Gd Luck and happy baking!
I pun suka bake kalau stress, tp lagi stress kalau nak bake time stress, tapi ingredients tak cukup plak kat pantry.. jeles ng ur pantry yg macam bakery store tuh hehe
cantiknya kek tu akak...
stress pun menjadi jer masakan akak ni.....he..he...
Kesian nye.. if u near i will force u to come and take a slice ..
Mauahaha maju tak akan gentar mbak.. tu statement yg paling bernas kahkahkah.. me feeling better .. not so yucky anymore.. its weekend n i dont wanna feel yucky on weekends..
If i stress my hb still untung tau.. perut kenyang.. siap dgn dessert.. i bake but i dont feel like having dessert bila stress..
tergoda nengok kek tu...ada coklat..cheese nampak so yummny.tengok PA Rima tu dah jadi tukang cuci..habis licin tu coklat tu..hi..hi...
Tun telani
ahuh.. why not try and bake it.. not that complicated actually..
Ty ty... hope u r able to try some of the recipes in my blog..
Happy baking!
I wouldnt say it has no character in it.. after all u are using buttermilk and also vinegar.. it taste somewhat like devil chocolate cake yg pakai cream cheese tu.. cara dia pun akan akan cuma bezanye vinegar aje.. and tak ketinggal the super uber red colour hehehe
memang menggugat diet!ouchh..
ur little girl so cute!comot2 pun cam model je..hehe
mmg menawan tertawan laa nengok kek nih..
Salam Kak Rima, when I 1st saw the pict, I was like "OMG!!!" Terngah-ngah mulut I. I am so gonna do this. Best eh, walaupun stress, menjadi kek akak. If me, I rather not risk it. When I bake, I MUST have happy & clear thoughts. Alhamdullilah, all your recipes that I've tried, menjadi 100% (walaupun tak secantik akaknya). :D
Kak Rima, I forgot to ask, can we don't use coffee? Can we use chocolate instead? Maklumlah, me & hubby not coffee people.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....speechless sss ssss sss ssss...terus penggsannn >___< 2 kali >___< hahaah
First time stumbled upon your blog, i fell in love rightaway. All your food pics menggoda jiwa betullah!!! Mintak izin to follow you and link your blog to my bloglist ye...
You busy making money siang and malam tu sebab tak sempat nak try new recipe hehehe... cuba lah .. i am pretty she will like it... when is she coming home?
If i feel yukie kadang mood nak bake for something sinful tu memanggil manggil .. dah tu bila dah bake.. i will put in my fridge.. slice em and give it away.. nak makan also no mood.. but kan dalam diam diam ku dah ngap satu slice ahakss
Muahahah cheese freak tak pe.. jgn lain sua hehehe.. I am so so glad that everyone enjoyed it... berapa ketul you dah ngap itew tarts?? ahakss
If i feel jucky actually i can go to so many rooms in my house.. pernah sekali i felt yucky and i ran to my rooftop only to go back down to my kitchen within 10mins.. boring bangat.. if got oven kat rooftop sure tak boring agaknye hahaha
Memang pong.. baru nak selubung dgn selimut budak budak dah sibuk cari kita.. baru nak lelap mata tunjuk boring.. budak budak dah stunt kat atas katil so macam mana nak tido satu hari hehehe
Ribbon clown
Heheh macam mana tak macam bakery store.. dulu i used to feel so so frustrated bila ape yg i nak bake ade aje barang tak de..but eversince we moved here i make it a point to go to bakery store to stock up my baking stuff weekly so i tak frust giler bila barang tak de.. eh cik rimamelati if frust buruk tauuu hehe
Funny kan.. tengah stress boleh menjadi.. tengah relax and that frust .. a simple kek macam kek lemon tu boleh bantut 3 kali sekali gus hehe
Sonia is addicted to chocolate but not just ordinary chocolate.. cerewet budak tu.. shes into dark chocolate.. u gv her those outside chocolate macam cadbury ke ape dia tak suka.. think pasal its milk chocolate.. my baking chocolate jugak yg dia suka.. tu sebab each time i do ganache.. habis licin dia kerja kan :op
Diet?? esok also can start.. today u be a good girl and start baking ok hehehe
Tu model tak yah kena bayar one.. whenever i take photo dia sibuk nak kita ambik gambar dia dgn cake :op
So beautiful k.Rima.. I've never made this type of cake.. Will definitely try this one. I'm in love with your cake!
Cuba tutup mulut mu itew.. dah malam ni hahaha.. regarding ur question.. if u tak nak pakai coffee syrup.. u use sugar syrup ok.. recipe very the simple.. 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of warm water.. u stir and can use already..
The reason why most chocolate cake uses coffee syrup tu pasal ur cake akan taste much more richer dng adenye caffeine itew hehehe
Insyallah.. if jemput harus datang tau walaupun mu jauh hehehe
Hahah cik mat.. u buat i susah lah cik mat.. if pengsan dua kali.. nak kena tolong revive cik mat dua kali.. :op
nice name!! sure u may link it.. hope u will try some of the recipes here yah
Happy baking!
U shud.. its not that complicated.. follow the steps and insyallah ur caka sure akan menjadi one
Good luck and happy baking!
This looks soooooo yummy.. and the deco.. wow!
Pernah cuba tiru yr cake deco, tapi punyalah tak sabar nak deco, kek tak sejuk lagi dah deco dgn ganache and choc balls tu.. the choc balls cair jadi semi-hemisphere.. anak2 I pakat gelak.. hahaha.. bawak pi ofis I cakap mmg it should be semi-hemisphere lah..
hi rima,
do you know how hard i try to avoid your blog.. tak tahan weiii. godaan demi godaan...
timbang kati i belum tunjuk angka yg cun mcm Puan Serai kita itew... belum tercapai lagi piawaian pinggang kerengge..
all i can say is cobaan...cobaan... :D
Rima dear,
long time tak jenguk ur blog. tauX2 jer ada kek baru. lorrr, u pun minat Nining punya baking jugak rupanyer. I dah lama marked few of her recipes, tapi tak try lagi...too swamped with opis work...haiiiishhhh...oven i tu i rasa sudah merajuk kot, sebab dah lama tak di heated kan...
hv a lovely weekend ok dear.
Heheh semi hemisphere is better than a full on hemisphere.. deco is all abt practice.. u will get it right soon! dont worry
Its not as bad when u bake it lol.. ur lucky the cake is not staring at u in ur kitchen hehehe
Woahh where hv u been? busy travelling eh? i hv tried lots of her recipes.. works well with me...
Oven tu if u cakap cakap dgn dia baik baik sure dia tak akan merajuk one.. hehe
Heheh... jangan ditanya dah berapa cheese tarts ku dah ngap. buat tak tau sua... memang tak ingat diet punya lolz...
this cake is so yummy ... i miss to bake this again
nice photos, Rima
Woahhhh ty for dropping by mbak Rachman.. ty for the resep.. enak banget deh!
oh kak rima... im planning to bake something for office gathering. dont know yet what to bake. this one serves for how many people ye?
it depend on how u slice em.. its a rich cake so if u serve it.. u slice it thin.. think u can get lots.. i cant gv u any numbers cos hari tu i belah empat and bagi bagi..
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