
Thursday already??


All done with my baking..

Cant sleep...

I've packed our bags...

See u girls in KL ... Insyallah..


CTZee said...

Belum..sini masih lagi Wednesday lol.

What's on your mind sampai tak boleh tido? Takpe nanti kat KL hv lots of good food, good fun, good rest & all the good things. U're making me jealous tau dapat gi R&R hehehehe. I see you when I see you ... here. Bon Voyage et à bientôt esp lil Sonia!!!

Yat Maria said...

Have fun babe! Safe journey..

Bibu said...

selamat bertolak n sampai.byeee...bye...

Rima said...

Hehe ty.. Usually if i am too tired cam gitu lah.. Whole day yesterday on my feet.. Penat buk!

Rima said...

Ty babe.. Leaving now.. I visit u when i reach kl ok.. Hv fun at work ahaks

Rima said...

Ty anie.. Will do..

K.Nor said...

happy jalan2 cari makan ya.. hehe

Yan said...

Have a safe trip Rima!

The Brownie Babe said...

lot..naper x ckp nk dtg KL..kalau x ble reen order macarons lagi..neway, have fun!!

zarin said...

owh ada di kl ye kak?
i pulak esok nk ke kuantan n terus ke kerteh..err b4 sampai kerteh tu kena stop kat rumah mentua kat kemaman kejap hahaha :D
anyway, enjoy your hols ;-)

nizaineese said...

sure seronok kan kak.... nanti you pergilah empire gallery at subang..very nice...

Anonymous said...

Yes, Thursday already. Tomorrow Friday and its weekend. Chill...

Itu princess pakai rantai baru ke. Ish..bergaya. Suka no nengok dia.

Have a safe journey to and fro.

KG said...

see ya...can smell the valrhona already woot!

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Have fun.

Sizuka said...


if u're seeing k.yani of KG, ajak I sama ye :)

that pretty girl's suitcase is supercute. aunty shidah nak kidnap la :D

blu4sky said...

hello budak comel..nak gi mana tu.. cantik bag.. :D

Art lover, cinnamonworldofcolours said...

Hi Rima. It's nice to know you're coming to K.L. How nice if I could meet you and share some cooking tips with you hehe. But time wont permit me so! Nyway, have a nice Rest in K.L.

Rima said...

Kita sampai terus pi beli majalah Jelita hahaha.. yes JJCM memang harus bila gi M'sia.. shiok sampai tak ingat ape itew diet ahaks

Rima said...

Tks Yan! we got in safely.. alhamdullilah

Rima said...

I did mentioned in my blog that i am going to kl.. tak per.. my next trip i will inform u ok.. tks sis and hugs to ur little girl!

Rima said...

Kemaman in trengganu kan.. i remember long long time ago my parents used to take us there to visit some family friends.. dah tua tua ni jarang pulak gi trengganu.. the last time we were there was like 2yrs ago tu pun cos hb feel like driving to trengganu..

Rima said...

Dah lama dgr abt that new kid on the block but belum tersampai lagi niat ku nak check it out.. i told hb that maybe we shud check it out and his reply.. err if we hv the time ok.. hmmm

Rima said...

my weekend starts early ehehe.. i loikeeee.. after a hard day in the kitchen its time to chill..

Rantai tu dia yg pilih sendiri.. she just bought 3 more gelang..

Rima said...

LOL u can use it in ur macs nanti.. boleh i jadi juru gambar waktu u ade kan class?? heheh

Rima said...

Ty Sue!

Rima said...

Eh mai lah.. join the party hehehe.. i dont know when shes coming to get her stuff fm me.. maybe u can discuss with her?

Rima said...

That bag has been to everywhere with Sonia.. she can sit on it and we can pull the tali.. she loves it!

Rima said...

Ty Art lover.. am so looking forward to the next few days.. watching malay drama fm one channel to another hahaha

Anonymous said...

Macam cabin crew nak pegi flt.hehehe

Rima said...

Hehe kids crew lah

Jun said...

hahahhaha....angelina jolie was here! ahakks!

[siti] said...

Hi Rima..

Finally jumpa jugak u. Phew... nnt la next time u come here we ave lunch and long chat together. :)


Rima said...

Lupa nak mintak autograph hahah

Phewwww heheh .. next time we chat long long ok :o)

About Me

My photo
Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..