I told ya I am expecting a busy March when i was in KL.. true enough.. it started today..

Sis Lyn with her last min order.. cake has to be chocolate with Manchester United logo.. welp.. i wished i had the ManU edible image ready to be used somewhere in my pantry.. thank god while browsing Edi's site.. i saw what she did on her cupcakes.. awesome job Edi and ty for the tips.. mine was far fm perfect! :o(

To my bro in law.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and yes Lyn said she will get u THE sneakers hahaha

Some of the pic taken during our unplanned get together - Awesome!
.......... and in case ur wondering.. yes.. baking is indeed much more fun then ironing eventho this is a last min order fm my sis AND in case ur still wondering.. yes.. i hv once again abandoned my plan to finish up my long overdue ironing.. Yikes!

hi there!
want to know, what's the difference between buttercream and butter icing?
Hi Nazza
I thought they were the same?? no?? err..
lovely pictures looks like you guys enjoyed
ooh i pun tk suka ironing, rela berhempas pulas baking dari ironing tuh but now i dah found my way to finshkan my ironing. i do it early in the morning before everybody wake up... tetiba rasa therapeutic pulak iron baju pepagi hari hikhik..
akak..cantik cup cake tu...
suka mas tengok..
wah cantik.cantik. memang baking tu much much more fun dari ironing. (ops nak tnya, kenapa my red velvet lepas bakar dia jadi kecik ye? any idea apa salah i k.irma?tq)
Its always nice to meet up with siblings :o)
Ye ker Zarin?? lahhh why kan with me.. pagi ke.. petang ke.. malam ke.. perangai ku tetap sama when it comes to ironing.. TAK SUKA hahaha
Alahhh Mas.. tu cupcake bidang terjun nama nye.. main hantam aje.. i dont really like to play with cupcakes lah.. macam lagi byk kerja rasa nye
What do u mean kecik?? dia mengecut ke?? kek memang lazimnye akan mengecut sikit but kan if mengecut byk makna nye bantut tu.. texture nye cam ne??
Far from perfect?Ish kak Rima,dah lawa dah Man U image tu!
Kalau saya yg buat maunya jadi logo Spain ke Portugal ke..
I simply love the Nike and no 34 cupcake design tu!
If pakai edible image lagi cun.. nak draw si logo macam tak confident.. especially if buat benda kalam kabut.. hantam lah labu.. janji ade colour red, black, yellow hehe
Hi aunty, Widya here (Hairi's friend). I started reading your blog after Hairi told me to check out the photos of him modelling your kuih online :)
Anyway. So he told me Sonia's birthday is coming up pretty soon and when I chanced upon this picture I couldn't stop thinking about how cute it'd be for a kid's party. And knowing you obviously have an affinity with baking, I simply had to link this to you
Good idea Widya! Unfortunately our so called Sonia's bbq bday party consists mostly of adults who look forward to every single game that we organize hehehe.. anyway i cant wait for her to go to school so that her future bday parties will mostly consist of kids her own age :o)
Dah agak dah.. mesti tak buleh duk diam nye, kan? Hehe!
The cupcakes look great la! And betul kan, memang seronok bila berkumpul and beramai gitu (tambah dengan makan-makan :D).
I hate ironing.
rima, cantik sgt dah tu... even takde logo pun, sekali tgk mmg tau tu MU set so u achieved your goal dah tu! hihi..
cupcakes mmg remeh nak buat.. tapi asyikkkk gitewww.. :)))
Eh if dah berkumpul ketawa pun tak ingat dunia .. mengilai macam antu hahah
LOL Sue.. tell me abt it!!
I guess if u are use to it tak remeh sangat lah kan.. i ni hardly buat cupcake.. part mengicing rasa macam kena ice so many many cakes haha
Lucky the merah menjadi.. if not that MU colour jadi dark pink weiii hehe
Hi Kak..meriah tgk bila family berkumpul tu kan...cupcakes tu lak nampak cantikla...cute jer..:)
Memang shiok bila semua dapat berkumpul :o)
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