..... Mama went ga ga .. instead of taking pic.. mama took video of papa, Sonia and of cos mama's pujaan hati muahhahaha - pic was taken using my iPhone..
Anyway since i am still wide awake and still smiling fm ear to ear.. i will do the summary on my KL trip.. was a good one for me... very very relaxing.. am fully recharged.. am so so ready for the month of March as i am expecting a busy month ahead.. Sonia got to do what she normally wud do in KL.. she got to play with her "bf" of 2yrs hahaha.. (well they hv known each other in Concorde since she was still crawling around the Premier breakfast area).. Papa on the other hand was a little busy but thats ok.. Sonia still got to hang out with papa at night .. overall, all of us had a good one here.. oh and guess what.. earlier today i went and checked out Pastry Pro.. i got to know abt this place thru Aishah .. she was talking abt it the other day when she came by to pick up her order.. so i thought i shud check it out bef our trip back home tmrw.. that place was alright.. not that big.. err well as big as KC and SL.. they carry mainly Wilton stuff and that place reminds me of Chong Trading :o~ to Reen.. it was nice to meet u too.. i hope u are feeling much better now after a few days of "resting" at home and munching on macarons.. ahaksss :op

Meet Sonia's bf ... i was in shock to see him tdy.. that boy has curls! lol.. his mom said they decided to perm his hair.. i told them that their son now looks like a Korean rock star hehehe

Playing together.. hanging out....

Sonia in her comfort zone... she loves it there...(Get Crafty at 1Utama)

"I like it today Mama" ... Sonia's fav sentence nowadays hahaha

OK! See u back in Singapore yah.. happy Sunday Aunties & Uncles!

Hi Rima...I thought ur supposed to check in at ur home sweet home today...anyway, nice meeting you & ur lovely Sonia on Thursday...as tho dah kenal lama kan..I enjoyed it very much. Hope to meet again with you when you're in KL.
Where did u meet MZ? Mcm adik beradik je dgn mr hb you..
wow! maher zain in person?? I would go gaga too if I were to have the chance to meet him personally. he's so handsome.. alamak! rasa mcm ahjuma prouncing on a cub la pulak.. hehe.. sorry.. excited tgk maher zain :D
Sonia's bf looks so cute! mcm boys over flower actor, Lee Min Ho :D
Hehe.. macam sama? satu kudut.. satu berisi :o).. yes we were supposed to check out today but hb decided to stay one more night so that he can chill with us.. (bukan ape.. if balik besok dia punya turn to kemas rumah.. this way boleh terlepas lah dari segala tugas hujung minggu ahahah)
LOL Shidah.. siapa tak gaga over him ahakss... sampai cik Rima boleh terclick on video instead of ambik gambar.. buat malu aje.. tapi tak pe.. he was laughing over my clumsiness hehe
hehe that was what i thought too.. that boy pemalu tau.. si sonia macam boragas.. no segan silu hahaha
Rimaaaaa ...
I was supposed to go to OU semalam with my sista n doter but I kensel last menet. Aaargh... *macamlah boleh jumpa you but who knows kan??*. Niway, no jodoh yet.
MZ was performing in KL for 2 days. Katne you bumped into him Rimaaaa? *ada bait2 cemburu disitu, har3*
Sabau sabau cik som.. cuba tarik nafas sikit.. my heartbeat masih fast tau hahaha.. tadi hb decided to hv dinner kat concorde aje.. it was still early but we decided to just go aje.. then tiba tiba ku ferasan ade makluk makluk yg sedang memandang ke arah ku.. tiba tibaaaaa.. jeng jeng jeng.. ku cool kan diri .. then bila dia bangun aje.. dgn cepat ku suruh suami ku yg tercinta ahakss.. pakal aje kahkahkah... to ask permission if can take pics.. suami ku beri salam terus dia super friendly sehhhh hehehe.. haizz.. tiba tiba lepas incident terambil video instead of pic tu we suddenly boleh terbual bual pulak.. concert dia in shah alam kan.. hes staying in concorde.. on the 18 of june he will be in singapore.... I WILL WATCH HIM FOR SURE hehehe
Semalam we sampai OU dah petang dah.. my hb balik lambat fm meeting.. we were there till 10.30pm.. if cik som nampak kita agak nye i hv to wait for u to sapa i lah.. maklum i dont know how u look like :o(
Wah .. Kepoh kepoh ni bila tengok tajuk maher zain
Mencik mencik kak rim jumpa dia ek..hahaha lucky la tu cam langkah kanan kan tup tup jumpa pojaan hati.
Pss ni tajuk kena tukar okay.. Bukan sonia.. Tapi when rima met mz.. Hahaha
Eh tak cun melecun lah if tittle when Rima met MZ.. konon if put Sonia's name kira macam cik Rima ni tak excited lah terjumpa pojaan hati.. padahal tuhan aje yg tahu betapa jantung ku berderau haha.. lepas tu boleh terlapar pulak and terus makan buffet ber round round haha
Waa... Maher Zain! Mesti malu tersipu-sipu kan masa salah amik video, hihihi.. cute!
Sesungguhnye malu tersipu sipu tiada di kamus ku.. ter mengilai macam hantu tu ade lah hahaha
my fren keje dgn pastry pro =D
what a trip, terjumpa MZ ek??hehehe..so mama pun terlompat kijang kesukaan tak??
nyways, glad that uolls had a great time..errr..ai tgk 'camera' Sonia pegang tu cam teringin plak nak beli..ahaksss..
Oh eh.. i was there for a total of 15mins aje... bought a couple of stuff and they gave me a bag of jams for free...
Dah dapat tu ape lagi.. pi beli ah.. boleh jadi mamarazzi hehe
Lompat kijang tu masih sopan lagi tu.. mama dia no sopan one.. super excited sampai terlompat macam beruk hahaha..
hye kak rima,
your macarons, well as gorgeous as they look, they are super yummy as well!! yup, it was wonderful finally meeting you..the best part was when kita bersembang mcm old friends sdgkan br jer jumpa kan.. (^_^)
thanx for your wishes but i 'checked in' the hospital late that nite..masih terperap kat cni lagi..but feeling all better now n am hoping that the dcotor would discharge me 2day..
Ya Rabbi... i hope they will discharge u today and let u rest a few more days at home.. u take care ok and am so glad that u enjoyed the macarons.. hope to sembang again the next time i am in town.. take care ok..
Pleaseee...nak tengok video u terklik tu....Mana tau boleh dengar suara u mengilai skali....kikiki
Salam Rima....waaaah still in KL ke...sonok eh dapat jumpa itu pujaaan hati akak jugak..hahahaa..Tengok muka ur hb and Maher Zain mcm adik beradik pulak...hehehee
alamak mana u kidnap itu maher zain???..ai banyak kali pergi sana tak pernah jumpa lak!! belum ade rezki..haaiiisssh..melepas!!!
err sonia... boleh pinjam kan auntie camera tak?? nak beli yg betul masih belum lulus 'budget' lagik!!
wuarghhhhhhhhhhhhh syoknyeeeeeeee maherzain.jelesnye k.rimaaaaa..adess org kl pun xdpt2 tgk maher zain kekekekeke ...syok2..heheheeh ;)
so rima,bila tidur mimpi sapa? george clooney wearing apron atau maher zain? hehehe
sabaria :]
Jealous beribu ribu jealousssssssssssss.......!!! Akan ku tunggu MZ in singapore....amacam babe..jom we go concert together gether......muhahahaha
Salam Rima
When you said Pastry Pro reminds you of chong trading tu... the first thing cross my mind mesti harga barangan nyer pun super duper mahal eh? Ingatkan nak singgah when I gi KL this march hols.... bila ingat chong trading macam terbantut lak... hahaha
I put it up on my fb and everyone said i ketawa macam macam.. ahakss.. sudah lah.. tak yah nak upload kat sini.. that video is for the eyes of my family only :op
Shhhhh my hb dah ditimpa ferasaan cos dah afew yg kata muka dia sepasang macam pujaan hati ku.. tak sama lah.. where got... and u know what.. since balik KL dia tak habis habis melaram dgn topi macam si Maher zain pakai kahkahkah
How i wish i can kidnap dia.. boleh i share share dgn all my dearies hahaha.. satu hari untuk kau.. satu hari untuk aku.. satu hari untuk kau.. satu hari untuk aku haha
My mom siap tanya.. 'eh apasal laki kau pulak bergambar dgn si Maher.. patut kau lah ambik gambar dgn dia' hahaha - mami jealous tu hehe
Ku setia... sudah tentu si George Clooney pakai apron.. tu tak de bandingannye ouwwwww haha
Harus jeles wokey hahaha.. i will definately go and watch him if i am in town... ticket dia sold out weii kat sana.. i even know he stays on the 10th floor kat concorde.. ahaksss
When i said macam chong trading thats cos chong trading also byk jual barang wilton.. mahal i tak ferasan pulak.. i only got a few non important thing kat sana.. bukan ape.. dah gi sana might as well beli a few stuff ah..
Salam sis Rima..
Ohh how I envy you!
You got the chance to see MZ face-to-face!Hensem tak dia?
I love his music too!
Very calming and therapeutic..
Harus kan kamu bertanya if hes hensem or not?? hehehe.. sesungguhnye ku terkedu bila melihat wajah dia yg berseri seri itew.. auwwwwww haha
Rima...waaaah betul ke...ur hb dah terkena tempias fesyen bertopi ala Maher Zain eh..xpa bagus la tu...bkn yang pelik2 sangat pun kan..hehe.. Btw, Rima akak dah cilok resepi steamed soft banana cake tuh..izin akak share resepi tu nnt eh...x update lgk..hehe, thanks dear, muaaahhh!
Actually kan he shud as MZ to bukak topi bila bergambar cos rambut meka meka ni sama hehehe
Sila lah .. ty for trying it out yah... :o)
hi....salam :)
waaa u kat OU. suka ye went there. btw, dekat sesgt tu dgn umah i. my sis suka sgt baking guna ur recipe.
Yep..everytime we in KL sure kita singgah OU.. pls let ur sis know that am glad shes into baking.. :o)
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